Selasa, 23 April 2013


Wild Fishing or more known as fishing in the wild at this time has been so attractive to many people, much more has been widely broadcast TV show Wild Fishing phenomenon. In the opinion of many fishing enthusiasts who say that the fishing in the wild more challenges and more fun because in addition to the beautiful scenery of nature is also nothing if not get a load of fish. And if lucky get a fish then there is pride, especially if it could strike with a frequency that often. This is different from fishing in the pond in the atmosphere and in the fishing Galatama daily. Higher saturation level if fishing in the pond, due to the limitations of the pool and if at the fishing pond full of fish it can always fish it is considered less challenging.

Another reason is the fishing in the wild (Wild Fishing) all the knowledge and skills must be reliable, a good introduction to the bait, fish targets, tools used and the preparation of mental preparation that must always be maintained, it takes more patience when fishing in the wild because we only treated by approximate estimates and assumptions. Side of the economy turns out fishing with Wild Fishing fewer ways to spend money (cheaper) that if the distance to the location where you live not too far away, that according to our experience actually costs more in the wild. With a record of the location of where you live far away, and if you have to rent a boat at least Rp 300.000, - to Rp 900,000, - issued to rent a boat. And even then sometimes left empty-handed if not season the fish.

Many choice of location if you want to choose to Wild Fishing is almost in every puddle of water can be used as an alternative; may in rivers, lakes, sea, lake, setu, dams, artificial lakes, and others. The first to be studied is whether there are fish in the location or not? namely by asking people around. By doing the initial research so we can determine what type of bait because of the public information about what we can know the fish are there at the site. Target species of fish to target prey in the wild fishing activities can vary depending on region / location of where each of us fishing. Most often found in this type of fishing wild fish: Fish toman, hampala, cork, Sepat, catfish, wader to fish cere with different sizes of course.

Below are some tips on fishing Wild Fishing.

1. Feed 
Determine what bait we use is the main thing in fishing activities, because the selection of the right type of bait is one of the determinants of success you get targeted fish. Fishing for Wild events usually kind of bait should always be provided is Crickets, worms, bread, pellets, algae (freshwater ponds and moss), shrimp (live or dead), cassava leaves, and other foliage leaves. At least if you do the Wild Fishing lures that you have already prepared because usually no one location that sells bait, but you can get on the market. For that type of bait preparation color should you bring on fishing in the wild. Another additional type of bait you can use artificial lures (artificial bait / lure) as a variation.

2. Fishing line 
hook type selection is also a determinant of our success, hook selection should be tailored to the type of fish we will target fishing. If the type of fish with a small mouth then hook should also be small, and vice versa. It required experience and skills in fishing in the wild.

3. String 
Specifies the type and size of the strings is also an important option in the Wild Fishing fishing. In the wild fish to grow without control of humans, sometimes the fish is a fish monster in locations with a large size, and sometimes just a small fish. We select only the strings according to the size of a small but powerful force has / is not easily broken. Since it is very unfortunate if we are tired of tired of fighting with the fish, the fish turned off because the strings are not able to resist the power of the fish.

4. Buoys 
Selection using float or not require any skill and each angler is different in determining the choice of using a float or using the basic techniques (without a float). But if you want to know the feedback we eat or do not use a float better because it's easier to control. If using a float we simply observe the rise and fall of a float. Float also serves to keep the movement of bait fish remain in the position, so the position in accordance with the bait fish trajectories, which gives us greater opportunities bait eaten by fish. Float right choice should also not be too heavy ballast so buoys  drowning.

5. Ballast 
use of lead ballast is intended that the bait can quickly get into the water. Choose a thin folding tin or tin leaf, use a little so that the buoy was not drowning.


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