Jumat, 12 April 2013

FOODS TO lowering cholesterol

Cholesterol may have not said no stranger in our ears. Did you know that cholesterol is one of the body fat or more popularly known as lipids. As body fat, cholesterol appears to have different functions in our body. Cholesterol as a function of body fat that is the compiler structure of cell membranes, protect skin from toxins and skin dryness on the body and the formation of vitamin D (along with UV rays). 

Friends, health tips. Cholesterol does have several important functions in our body, if the cholesterol levels in your body to normal. But if your blood cholesterol or high rise experience. So this can make serious problems for the health of your body. Various health disorders in the body such as erectile disorders, kidney failure, and heart is the result of increases cholesterol levels in your body. As a result of that, health tips this time will highlight an article that may be useful to readers.Friends, health tips, here are 7 foods that can lower cholesterol levels in your body:

Cholesterol lowering food first rate that is tomato. Despite belonging to the fruit, tomato turns helps lower bad cholesterol levels in your body. You can make the tomato into a juicy tomato juice and drink two glasses of tomato juice a day is one of the best ways to lower cholesterol levels in the body.

The second food that is pomegranate. The pomegranate was evidently very good for lowering cholesterol levels in your body. Pomegranate own benefit, which is to reduce the buildup of cholesterol plaque and can increase the production of nitric oxide, which helps in reducing plaque in the arteries.

The next food that is avocado. Avocado fruit is one of the fruits that can increase the good cholesterol in your body. Because there are two types of cholesterol in our body that is bad cholesterol or LDL and good cholesterol or HDL.

The next food that is wine. The grapes are also very good appears to increase the good cholesterol in our body. Drink two glasses of grapefruit juice each day is highly recommended to keep the cholesterol levels in your body.

The fifth food that is garlic. Despite the fall of spices or spice kitchen, but garlic appears also very good for come down bad cholesterol levels in the body. Try to consume a clove of garlic one day to reduce bad cholesterol in your body.

The next food that is different from refined foods such as soybean and soybean know. Second the food is also very good for lowering bad cholesterol in your body.Other benefits that we can get the food that is both rich in protein that is also.

Namely seventh food nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds. The beans turned out very good for lowering bad cholesterol in your body. This is because a lot of the nuts contain omega-3 fats and antioxidants.


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