Who does not know honey? Honey has been known with a sweet taste and rich in nutrients. Therapy is the use of bee products bee products such as bee pollen, propolis, royak jelly and honey for medical purposes. Since 5,000 years ago, bee products have been used by humans as a source of their food, to medicine and to maintain the overall health of their bodies. Drink honey everyday is useful to prevent the body from disease. Honey is also widely used as a culinary ingredient supplement. Honey has been recorded in the book of scriptures such as the Vedas, the Tripitaka, the Bible and the Qur'an. And proved also the historical heritage of the countries China, Greece, Rome and Russia noted the usefulness of food contained in the honeycomb. So what are the benefits and efficacy of honey that is useful to the body? The following are the benefits of honey are quoted from the second.
1. Increase the beneficial bacteria growth and inhibit harmful bacteria.
Honey can enhance the growth of bifidobacteria, which is a bacteria that is essential for maintaining digestive health. Honey also inhibits harmful bacteria such as Helicobakter pylori that causes ulcers in the stomach.
2. Improve and protect the digestive system
was effective at treating diarrhea Honey, by helping the absorption of electrolytes and water, as well as to inhibit the E. coli bacteria that cause diarrhea. Honey also helps facilitate defecation, so as to help overcome constipation / constipation
Several studies have also proved that honey can help overcome ulcers (wounds) in the stomach and helps protect from the risk of gastric irritation caused due to consumption of alcohol and certain drugs. Recent studies have found that honey was found to increase in the intestinal microflora. Microflora is what will contribute to improving the digestive system in the body.
3. Helps the absorption of Calcium
Gluconate Honey also contains asasm that can help increase the absorption of calcium
4. As an antioxidant
nutrient content in honey such as vitamin C, organic acids, enzymes, beneficial phenolic acids and flavonoids as antioxidants high.
5. As a good source of energy
consists of Honey fructose and glucose into energy easily by the body diubab
6. Safe for people with Diabetes
Honey can be used as a substitute for sugar, and is safe for diabetics.
7. Treating cough at night
study conducted by Dr. Herman Avner Cohen proved that honey is useful for treating coughs at night. So sleep even more soundly. Researchers followed 300 infants who had trouble coughing at night.
8. Prevent heart disease and cancer
Honey contains a substance called polyphenols. Which is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage. So the effect on heart health and prevent cancer.
9. Treating wounds
Honey has a high hygroscopic (readily absorbs water), when applied to open wounds, honey menerik water content of the wound, thus making the wound dry cepet, thus helping accelerate wound healing.
Honey can also help reduce swelling of the wound so that the wound can heal faster. Anti-microbe properties of honey may help inhibit the growth of bacteria and cause infection in the wound dry in the sun.
Hydrogen peroxide contained in the honey was able to overcome skin diseases, skin burns and sores on the skin. The way is by slathering honey on the affected skin disease or injury.
10. Treating acne
Based on research, the type of Manuka and Kanuka honey proved to be effective for treating acne vulgaris. That is a skin condition caused by inflammation and infection of the follicles of the face, back and chest.
11. Preventing mosquito bites
Honey contains anti-inflammatory properties (anti-inflammatory) which serves to reduce itching and irritation due to mosquito bites.
But keep in mind that all the essential nutrients found in bee products may not provide benefits when your body can not absorb it.
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