Rabu, 17 April 2013

Quick Facial Wrinkles? Maybe Most Sugar

One tablespoon of sugar can actually make the coffee sweet. But it turns out, sugar is also a reason why the face look older than their actual age, according to a new study. considered blood sugar levels associated with a person's outward appearance. According to a study published in the journal Age, 1 milimole per liter increase in blood sugar levels make a person look older face five months.

In addition, another study in the British Journal of Dermatology held in 2007 also proves the same thing. Collagen and proteins which keep your skin moist and supple seem to be damaged by glycation process. How could this happen ? Glycation is a process when levels of blood sugar attached to proteins and form unwanted proteins. So, what does all this research? Well, if we want to maintain the appearance of youth, limit consumption of sugar. Although sugar does not mean really to be avoided, eat in moderate amounts. By limiting consumption of sugar and other sweet foods, you not only control blood sugar levels which can lead to diabetes, but also make your face look young always.


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