Minggu, 21 April 2013


Now a days people been so addicted to technology. Have you ever imagined this when you are not holding you do not have the HP or HP, for those of you who are familiar with HP and then lose or even HP does not hold then you can imagine how stress your self  just because now you do not have or do not hold HP. So the conclusion is the modern man is so dependent on technology, especially mobile phones (HP). Have you ever thought that the phone number that you never use or wear a number that now you have an interesting history in your life?

How the actual history of the telephone? At first it takes a telephone operator, because basically you can not contact directly to the destination phone number. All you have to do is call in advance to ask the operator to connect to a destination number.

With such an ancient technology that is still in the early development of the phone there is a compelling story of Almond B Strowger in Kansas City who have businesses that are increasingly degenerate despite the various ways he did. Investigate a investigate phone turned all his efforts were directed at apparently diverted to competitors by telephone operators at this time. And it turns out the naughty phone operator is the wife of a competitor Strowger. By utilizing the operator turns his move to the consumer and customer Strowger telephone nomoer competitors. Since then Strowger was determined that people do not need to call the operator to connect to the destination phone. Then in 1888 Stroeger has perfected phone discovery with rotary dial system. Since the discovery of the system so customers can directly call the destination simply by dialing the receiver dial.

To contact someone, callers should play 4 times (4 digit number). The main rule is no number beginning with 1 or 0, because 0 is used to contact the operator and one for the internal switch. So you can not reach 0291, because once you press 0 you will be directly connected to the operator. 

1922 has been introduced as a kind of substitute Telephone Exchange Name usual phone number so easy to remember. The format is the first two digits are replaced by letters and then attached to a name, for example KL 5 = 555, you try to look at your cell phone, where the letters K and L in the 5. Usually the two alphabets when combined with other alphabets into a name, example Klondike 234, meaning his number is 555-234, you can ignore the letter "ondike". That is why you will often see a number of letters and names. in the U.S.

History of Area Code 

In 1950 introduced the area code, the second number is 1 or 0, why is the area code? Because without the area code then the number of resources will be quickly depleted while demand for telephone numbers increasing. With the number of areas the same number can be used by different people with different area code numbers as well. In addition to the code of the area is not too much to memorize phone numbers.

Rules at the beginning of the area code is like this: 

  1. If the first digit is 0 then connected to the operator
  2. If the second digit is not 0 then it is considered as a local call
  3. If the second digit is 0 then go to the third digit, and is considered a long distance call
  4. If the third digit is 0 then it is considered a special number
  5. If the second digit is 1 then go to the third digit 
  6. If the third digit is 1 or 0 then go to a special number 
  7. If the third digit other than 1 or 0 then it is considered a long distance call.
  8. Example: 911 (emergency call)

Why only 1 and 0 keys that do not have an alphabet? Most likely there is no alphabet in the numbers 1 and 0 are used to an age of 1 and 0 is forbidden except for special purposes, and therefore the beginning of the alphabet on the telephone keypad 2.



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