From the description above, we therefore know that the heart is so important role in our body. we can not imagine, if we have a serious heart. Until the blood circulation would be disturbed by the serious problem. For that reason, this time health tips will highlight a very useful articles related to your heart. Here are its pluses heart disease prevention:
"Characteristics of heart disease can we detect it carefully. Whenever you experience pain in the chest (like a punctured chest), then feel palpitations, often experience shortness of breath, kesemuatan in some parts of the body accompanied dried out cold on the body. Affairs This is an indication of your heart problem symptoms ".
In addition to the above symptoms, we also know that his name failure of coronary heart disease and heart attack. Symptoms when we are exposed to patients with heart failure that is usually hit hard insomnia or sleep at night, swelling of feet, you'll get tired though with mild activity and symptoms such as shortness of breath on you. For that is the occurrence of symptoms of coronary heart blockage of blood vessels especially the arteries of the heart due to harden. Until menyuplai circulation of blood to the heart experiencing serious problems.
There was such an effort that we can do to prevent all of the above and make your heart healthier and work optimally for your body. Here are some how:
- Very well-balanced diet helps keep your heart health. In this case we should be familiar with the vagaries of consuming a variety of foods that have nutritional content of a wide-ranging. Vegetables such as spinach and avocado fruit and nuts are very good for your heart health. Spinach is an excellent vegetable to our heart. This is because a lot of spinach vegetables containing potassium in very high and very low sodium good for keeping your heart health. For the avocado, the fruit is very good for keeping your heart ksesehatan. This is because, avocado fruit contains a lot of potassium 7 types of fiber and contain vitamins that are very good for your heart, that of vitamin E. For nuts, There are two types namely cashew nuts and almone. Two types of food contain lots of omega 3 which is very good for your heart health.
- Importance of keeping an ideal weight. Ideal body weight is also very in need to take care of your heart health. To find out what your ideal weight, you can calculate it easily. Transforms your high Yaiut minus 100 then multiply 90 percent, then you will have an ideal weight should be. Examples of the high body 173 (173-100) * 90% = 66.7 kg.
Heart as a very vital organ of the man. When the heart has stopped beating, we can be sure our lives are separate from our sport. Non-occurrence of blood circulation throughout the body until the body organ to organ cells can not function and die. For most men would want his heart always healthy. By doing various efforts to nourish the heart. Keep the heart in order to stay healthy is a duty of every individual. Then how to keep the heart in order to stay healthy. and function optimally? as we explained above, and the following are tips on keeping the heart stay healthy by:
Here are Tips to keep the heart in order to stay healthy:
- For those of you who have a smoking habit. So from now rested from the norm is not healthful. You need to know, smokers have a very big chance of having a heart attack compared to those who do not have a smoking habit altogether.
- Try to reduce excessive salt consumption. Because it can lead to high blood pressure. So as to increase coronary heart attack.
- Hardworking and increase workout intensity regularly every morning. In this case, can be relaxed to walk or run for half an hour or more.
- Various problems that turn your mind may affect your heart health. Try to spend time watching tv shows are filled with comedy. So you can last laugh and calm your mind.
- You can also likely to have vacation or jaunt to a place of fun. so can refresh your mind also very good impact on your heart health.
- You should not reduce or even a drink that contains alcohol. This is because alcohol can afford mutilate your heart muscle.
- Eat fruits and vegetables that contain a variety of vitamins needed your heart like spinach, avocado fruit and nuts as well as reducing cholesterol foods that have a very high rate.
cardiac function which is the organ blower pump blood throughout the body and blood of this blood that carries nutrients and oxygen will distribute throughout the body. Can not be imagined, when the heart is not working anymore or not healthy.
Actually there are some early signs that your heart is in a condition not healthy anymore. This is known from a variety of early symptoms that can be shown by some parts of the body. As a result of that, health tips this time will highlight an article about the signs of heart in unfair conditions. Here are 7 signs of heart healthy:
- Erectile dysfunction is a sign of your heart is not healthy condition. So when you experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction, this is a sign that your heart may be suffering with heart disease.
- Early signs of heart the second you're not healthy that is when you snore while asleep. So when you snore while sleeping at night, this is an indication of the condition of your heart is not healthy.
- Following signs is if you experience pain in your gums, swollen gums or gums that bleed. So gejal-symptoms are signs that your heart is not in a healthy condition.
- Four signs is if if feet, ankles, wrists, or fingers feel swollen. This is a sign that your heart is not healthy condition.
- Fifth signs ie your heart rate irregular. So if your heart rate irregular is an indication that your heart is not healthy condition.
- Early symptoms of the condition of your heart, behold, the next unfair pain in the chest and shoulders. So when you feel pain in the chest and shoulders, this is a strong indication that your heart is not healthy condition.
- Early signs of the condition of your heart is not healthy is if you have shortness of breath. So the symptoms of breathlessness is a signal that your heart is not healthy condition.
SIGNS SIGNS narrowing of the arteries
Did you know, our heart beats 70 times permenit, 4200 times the hourly, 100 080 times perhari, 3.024 million perbulan time. Without ever stop and continue beating without our prior order of death befalls someone. Coronary artery is a blood vessel in the heart surface with a branch to infiltrate some of the muscles of the heart.This coronary artery function that is delivered food needed heart to heart muscle can continue to work. Then, do the signs if there is a narrowing of the coronary arteries of heart.
A variety of causes can lead to narrowing of coronary arteries of the heart we like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking habits, obesity, or obesity, lack of exercise activity, the increased level of stress, hereditary factors, as well as the increasing age. Narrowing of the coronary arteries can be visualized with a water hose in which there was dirt or sediment the water holes in the hose will narrow / narrow up the flow of running water flowing under pressure and heavy / loud.So take a higher pressure so that water can flow.
Various signs we can find if there is a narrowing of the coronary arteries, heart health Tips times will highlight an article about the various signs of coronary artery narrowing in your heart. Here are 7 signs of coronary artery constriction on the heart organ you:
- The existence of pain in the chest when you do physical activity and pain will be reduced as you reduce the physical activity.
- Location of pain is usually located in the middle of your chest slightly to the left.
- Sometimes the pain is creeping into the buttock area, neck or left arm and your molars.
- When the pain is getting worse it will be accompanied by cold sweat on your body.
There are three things that cause people pain is a burden that is the first thought, the second is diet and lifestyle, and the third is environmental conditions. From the three issues that can empower the people so that always healthy is to reduce the burden of organizing thoughts and diet and lifestyle that can support your body's health. Caring for heart health to be one thing you can not ignore in your life. This is because, so vitalnya cardiac function became one of the members of your body.Although heart disease is one of the difficult penyakt detected its existence. However, a variety of things we can do to minimize the jatung penyakti. One was to avoid various foods that cause the heart disease. Then, food, whatever the cause of heart disease.
Heart disease we can actually avoid by adopting healthy life patterns in your day-to-day life. You may not be aware that there are types of food you eat every day could potentially cause your heart is. Health tips this time will mengetenghakan meals that cause pain in your heart is an organ. Health tips, here are six foods cause your heart:
- The first food that is many processed foods do you eat every day such as multiple-processed chips. There is no harm in consuming a variety of processed food if you eat the proper amount and not excessive. Because if excessive can potentially lead to heart disease risk.
- Eggs become one of the potential causes of food heart disease especially egg yolks. But do not make you allergic to eat the eggs. Because eating eggs in adequate amounts will not harm your heart is or openings in other words do not consume excess in the egg. This dkiarenakan eat eggs in excessive amounts can increase the amount of cholesterol that can increase the risk of heart disease.
- The next food that is potentially causing heart disease that is salt. In this case a possible salty meals we consume every day without us ever knowing it can cause heart disease, such as snacks and vegetable packaging too salty.
- Various foods containing saturated fat can also potentially be one of the causes of heart disease if the excess consumption. Various foods containing saturated fats among other red meat, various dairy products, coconut and palm oil. The meals can cause the arteries of the heart can be hardened and narrowed.
- Sweet food can also have the potential to be one of the causes of heart disease if the excessive consumption. This is because, sugary foods can lead to diabetes, which is a risk factor of heart disease in the organ you.
- A variety of baked goods or fast food could also potentially cause a heart attack if consumed in excess. This is because the food contains a lot of fat is bad for your heart organ.
A variety of very very dense activity reflects poorly on the quality of your body's health. It's frequently also cause your stress levels naturally rise was accompanied by a lack of exercise activity and eating habits that are not healthy for your body. A variety of things over very contributed to increase your heart rate. Various foods can actually help stabilize your heart rate. Then, any type of food that can stabilize the heartbeat and nourish your heart is ..
With a stable heart rate or abnormal, then a small chance we could have a heart attack and stroke can be fatal course. For this reason, good food factor for heart has an important role in our heart health. Health tips this time will highlight a variety of articles on food for your heart health. Health tips, these 5 foods for your heart health:
- Policies that fueled meals milk is very good for our heart health. A variety of other foods such as cheese, you know, broccoli and cabbage. This is because, many foods are rich in calcium content that can play a role to stabilize your heart rate.
- A variety of foods such as wheat, dates and green leafy vegetables are also very good for your heart health. This is because, many foods are rich in magnesium that contribute to stabilize your heart rate too.
- To keep your heart health, heart even need a lot of food intake contains omega-3 fatty acids. Different types of fish such as tuna, sardines and oysters are a source of omega -3 fatty acids. Content of omega-3 fatty acids can also we have obtained in the form of foods like nuts nuts nuts.
- Stable heart rate also requires a lot of food intake containing potassium. Assorted food have potassium that is assorted fruits such as bananas, oranges, tomatoes and avocado. Other foods that contain a lot of potassium that is coconut water, soy beans and salmon.
- Did you know, multiple-fiber foods are also very good for your heart health. Multiple-fiber foods can we find in a variety of fruit around us seperi grapes, dates, papaya apel.serta.
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