Senin, 01 April 2013

March 22 every year is celebrated as World Water Day. Unfortunately, in Indonesia matters of sanitation and clean water remains a major problem. From the data released by the United Nations, 2.5 billion people in the world still live with poor sanitation. 

Of the 10 countries with the highest number of people who do not get proper sanitation, Indonesia and even ranked second. 

"22 States reached more than 80 per cent of bowel movements (BAB) at random in the world," said Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General, as reported by the Daily Mail. 

CHAPTER indiscriminate practice was actually decreased by 271 million since 1990. But still practiced by 1.1 billion people or 15 percent of the population in the world. 

UN declares Chapter carelessly is one of the major causes of diarrhea, which caused the deaths of more than 750,000 children under the age of five every year. 

State of the world's worst sanitation contributors include Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo, Niger, Sudan and South Sudan. 

According to UN reports, the following 10 countries with the highest number of people living without proper sanitation: 

1. India: 626 million people live without adequate sanitation, 60 percent of people still CHAPTER haphazardly around the world. 
2. Indonesia: 63 million people do not have toilets 
3. Pakistan: 40 million people still defecate carelessly 
4. Ethiopia: 38 million people without toilets 
5. Nigeria: 34 million people without adequate sanitation 
6. Sudan: 19 million people still defecate carelessly 
7. Nepal: 15 million people without sanitation 
8. China: 14 million people still defecate carelessly 
9. Nigeria: 12 million people without adequate sanitation 
10. Burkina Faso: 9.7 million people without adequate sanitation. 

Problem in Indonesia. 
Indonesia's population nearly 250 million people, 100 million of them who do not have access to improved sanitation. Even updating the global data in 2010 revealed that 63 million people in Indonesia still defecate (BAB) carelessly in the river, time, lake, sea or on land. 

The majority of Chapter indiscriminate practice in the village. Only 38.4 percent of the rural population has access to proper sanitation. According to data from WSP (World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program), access to rural sanitation has not increased significantly over the last 30 years. 

Every year there were approximately 121,100 cases of diarrhea which claimed more than 50,000 lives due to poor sanitation. No wonder if the health costs per year due to poor sanitation at Rp 139,000 per person or $ 31 trillion nationally. 

Therefore, the targets of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goal-MGD) for the sanitation needs special attention from the government. With only two years left until 2015, have found methods that are faster, cheaper and sustainable way to increase access to improved sanitation in Indonesia. 

Why is sanitation important? 
Note that 1 gram of feces contains 10 million viruses and one million bacteria.You can imagine what happens to bodies of water and rivers when 63 residents of Indonesia CHAPTER carelessly every day. 

Untreated waste water produced 6 million tons of human waste are disposed of per year and to contribute to the pollution of water bodies, so the cost of water treatment more expensive. 

Any additional pollution concentrations BOD (biochemical oxygen demand / biological oxygen demand which is a water quality parameter) of 1 mg / liter in the river, increasing the cost of production of drinking water around USD 9.17 / cubic meter. That is causing an increase in production costs taps about 25% of the average national tariff. 

"Indonesia lost Rp 56 trillion (U.S. $ 6.3 billion) per year due to poor sanitation and hygiene," said Yosa Yuliarsa, East Asia Communications Specialist, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) World Bank. 

Well, how important have awareness about sanitation. Not only beneficial to health, but also for the progress of this nation. 


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