Minggu, 14 April 2013


Water is the best beverage and healthy for your body. But in fact, many of us who prefer drinks that taste sweet that many in the market. Perhaps many of us who do not know that the benefits of water for your health. What benefits will we get from drinking water for our bodies.!! 80% of our body consists of water and the fact that 20% of the oxygen we need and the process of breathing 80% oxygen that we need comes from the water. Water is so beneficial to your health. Okay, so you no longer curious about the benefits of water for your health. Here are the benefits of water for your health:

  1. Water will increase your energy when experiencing fatigue on exertion whatsoever. So water is the drinks were cheap and healthy for your body.
  2. Water will help get rid of the toxins present in your body through the urine that you spend. For itulaha, drink 2-3 liters of water per day is highly recommended for your body.
  3. Water is also beneficial to maintain your weight. This is because water is able to hold your appetite excessive. So for those of you who are experiencing weight problems, drinking water may be the best solution.
  4. Water is also able to make our skin look fresher and fitter every day. So it looks always looks youthful and avoid dull skin.
  5. Water is also very good for the health of our bones. This is because, water helps cells to make us a new bone.
  6. Water also helps in digesting the food we eat goes well. So it is advisable to drink enough water for our bodies.
  7. Water is also very helpful in preventing constipation which is often experienced by any person in relation to defecation. Drink water so that the problem you are experiencing constipation will not again.


The human body is in dire need of adequate amounts of fluid, the fluid serves to assist the work of the cell, - cells, organs and tissues in the human body. For this reason, we encourage you to consume water in sufficient quantities. In this case, 8 glasses of water a day is sufficient quantity for the needs of fluids in your body. So that all organs work more optimally. Then, if the danger is drinking water excessively or most for your body.! Excessive something definitely is not good for health, as well as drinking water. It seems when we drink water is highly recommended, but if excessive drinking water was also not good for health. If someone said, drink plenty of water to nourish our bodies is a wrong assumption ini.Anda Hopefully after reading this article will know that most of the drinking water may be detrimental to our bodies. Therefore, health tips will menngetengahkan a useful article for all readers. Companions, health tips, According to the Times of India Here are 5 Dangers of drinking water if the most:

  1. If we receive the body of excess fluid intake will disturb the blood viscosity levels in your body.
  2. If the levels of blood keketalah we disturbed it will impact the disruption of the circulatory system in our bodies.
  3. It turns out the blood viscosity will reduce sodium in the body. Thereby causing cell swelling in your body.
  4. The worst risk of swelling of the cells that you will experience fainting, seizures and even cause you have the name coma.
  5. Palling bad result of swelling of brain cells, especially in cells that can cause death to humans.


Eating and drinking are two things that are very important for human survival. Without these two things, impossible man to survive until now. Especially drinking water needs is something that must be fulfilled in addition to nutritious and vitamin-rich foods. As we know, the water content in the human body reaches 60 percent.So drink 6-8 glasses of water a day is a must for every human body needs. Then, the danger is if people lack drinking water for health ..!

The human body needs fluids or water in an amount corresponding to his body. Functions of water in the human body is to maintain the freshness of the body, helps the digestive system to make it more smooth, remove toxins in the body through sweat and urine. Water also serves to solvents, catalysts, lubricants, to regulate body temperature as well as a provider of electrolytes and minerals that are needed by the body. Companions, health tips. Here are 5 dangers of lack of drinking water for health:

  1. Water is very good for our brain cells. Function of the water so that the brain can think more quickly, not easily forgotten or senile and can concentrate on any activity in the run. due to shortage of water, especially if water will cause the fluid in the brain decreases, proper intake of oxygen flow to the brain also reduced. Thereby causing cells - brain cells become inactive and do not develop as expected.
  2. Danger of lack of drinking water following the thirsty, parched throat, body temperature gets hot, the symptoms of headache, dark urine will be colored, which feels fast pulse, symptoms of hallucinations and death is also fatal.
  3. Danger of lack of drinking water which will cause subsequent bladder infection. Symptoms of bladder infection is a slightly increased body temperature, pain during urination and sometimes even blood in the urine are issued.
  4. Danger of lack of drinking water which then is the skin becomes dull or not showing skin radiant and youthful due to capillary blood flow in the skin on the body is not maximal.
  5. Danger of lack of drinking water can interfere with the fifth of kidney function in your body. This is because water is very important to prevent kidney stones.Function of water in the kidneys will make the components forming kidney stones become easier shed with urination that we spend every day.

water (plain water - Oxygenated Water - Water Hexagonal) .......... click here



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