Jumat, 19 April 2013




Many people want a long life with his youthful appearance and has a resistance to disease, and many are saying that if you want to like the above then that person should consume Bee Pollen in bee products. ancient world will prove important properties and efficacy of Bee Pollen. Proven since the days of ancient Egypt until today have often  when we talk about the wonders and benefits of Bee Pollen. Bee Pollen is one of the bee products other than honey and royal jelly are amazing.

Definition of Bee Pollen
bee pollen Before understanding the first advance our understanding of Pollen. Pollen is the male reproductive element in plants whose golden yellow that looks generally like dust. Or in other words is the flower pollen. Pollen is generally found on the stamen of the flower. In one pollen grain contains about 100,000 to  turns 5 million pollen spores. The pollen spores when meeting with the stigma can form a seed.

Bee Pollen or better known as "bee bread" is a source of food and nutrition for the larvae of bees and bee larvae. Bee Pollen contains content of honey and pollen (pollen) from flowers as the worker bees collect pollen extract. And through these worker bees pollination flowers often occur. Whether intentional or not by the worker bees sucking nectar, bees have worker bees collect pollen in a way erode / break pollen from flower stamens. Process sometimes using jaw and sometimes also use the front foot. At the time of pollen have been stuck on the back foot and then with the help of the honey bee saliva contains enzymes which cause the rear leg is filled with bee pollen but first establish comb pollen and pollen shape resembles.

Given Bee Pollen is also a food for bees to honey beekeepers have prepared a trap that Bee Pollen is collected and carried away by the worker bees carried inside.Is called Pollen Trap trap placed at the entrance to the bee box, which is a hole exactly the size of the hole so that the bees when worker bees carry the honey that makes only alone but Bee Pollen will fall and not be carried inside.


History and Development of the Use of Bee Pollen

  • Beauty secrets and young from Queen Cleopatra apparently is with a soak in the tub / pool rich honey Bee Pollen.
  • Habit of Force Roman wars always bring cookies made from bee pollen and honey accompanied with grain was found to increase endurance and stamina of the soldiers on the battlefield.
  • Cicero (106-43SM): almost all the houses in the Roman storing honey and bee pollen as a protective her health.
  • Facts show that the average Russian population of more than 100 years, it was always eating Bee Pollen secret.
  • And currently Bee Pollen has been widely used to increase stamina and professional athletes with eating Bee Pollen was also able to increase the strength of the body. And in some it also has healing therapy utilizing Bee Pollen as a cure.

Content of Bee Pollen
Bee Pollen contains 18 amino acids, 8 of them essential, 12 vitamins, 28 minerals, enzymes, coenzymes, 14 essential fatty acids, 11 carbohydrates, and 25% - 30% protein. With a full spectrum of vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and E, as well as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, C, and vitamin D by a significant amount. A number of important minerals, including calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, aluminum, magnesium, and copper. Containing anti-oxidants, enzymes and co-enzymes that are important to human, as well as trigger the hormone that stimulates the production of hormones and anti-aging. Pollen is very easy to digest and rich in nutrients for humans.

Some other important nutrients in bee pollen include:

  • Iron, prevent disease anemic.
  • Nokleat acid, a substance important for youth.
  • Cellulose, prevent the trouble defecating (constipation)
  • Antibiotic, inhibits bacterial activity.
  • Hormones, for growth.


What are the Benefits of Bee Pollen

  • Can improve stamina and increase body energy
  • Provide additional nutrients to the body
  • High levels of anti-oxidants on Bee Pollen can fight free radicals
  • Shown to increase the number of red blood cells
  • Sharpen and improve concentration and performance capabilities as well as brain 
  • Immune system boost / immunity in young children so that the children do not easily fall sick
  • Inhibit and prevent the growth of cancer cells
  • Reduce and slow the aging process


There have been many studies conducted by medical experts to prove the usefulness of Bee Pollen. Here is the opinion of the experts:

  1. The American Apitherapy Society to prove: "Bee pollen can provide extra energy to the Olympic athletes. Even they do not feel tired the next dikeesokan ".
  2. Steve Schecter, doctors Naturopathy - America, stated: "Bee pollen may reduce the uncomfortable effects for cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy at the time".
  3. Robert Dellperee of The Royal Society of Naturalist of Belgium and France, in a paper titled The Secrets of the Life of Bees, stating: "That the bee pollen contains all the components that is essential for life. Levels of nutritional content provides a refreshing and rejuvenating properties of the cell is higher than the yeast and wheat germ. Bee pollen repair the damage caused due to deficiency or imbalance of nutrients ".
  4. R. Chauvin in his paper On the Physiological and Theraupetic Effects of Various Pollen Extract, concluded: "If the bee collected pollen is rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, including vitamin B complex, and folic acid. Bee pollen is beneficial for intestinal / digestive system, improve blood hemoglobin levels, and increase the strength of those who are in the stage of healing and the aged ".
  5. Allain Callais, Ph.D., of the Academy of Agriculture, Paris, France said: "Bee Pollen is a complete food and a lot of its content is not owned by the products of animal origin. With the same weight, Bee Pollen contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese. Bee pollen is a concentrate of all the elements necessary for life ".
  6. Dr.. Paavo Airola, famous American nutritionist and is expert in biological medicine and holistic health, stating: "That pollen is the food of the most complete and richest in nature. Pollen increase the body's resistance to stress and disease, accelerate the healing process in most conditions of ill, and has rejuvenating properties and slow the aging process ".
  7. Mme. Aschenasy Leru, head of the French National Scientific Research Center compared the amino acids of the Bee Pollen derived from animals, then concludes: "That Bee Pollen is superior in every way. Bee pollen contains 40% - 80% free glutamic acid that can protect against blood clots in the brain, successfully aspire alcoholism, increasing IQ (including the retarded children), increase overall brain energy, and improve concentration and learning ability ".
  8. Prof. Nicolai Vasilleivich Tsitsin, Chairman of the institute of Biology and Botany Russia: "When researching Russian citizens over 100 years old. It turns out more than 200 respondents surveyed all beekeeping. And they eat the residue of honey as a main meal rich in Bee Pollen ".
  9. In 1963, Lee Foundation for Nutritional research in Milwaukke, United States, reported that: "Bee Pollen has a perfect balance so that it can stand alone as a complete food nutrition and nutritional content, plus it comes with Bee Pollen perfect fluid material".
  10. Dr.GJbinding, in Brown, stating: "The powder bees are eating the best, almost perfect. Bee Pollen not only build strength and energy in the body, but also increase the robustness of the infection.

Time use Bee Pollen is a good 15 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach, once daily at a dose of 20 g. Provision can also be divided into two times a day, half of the dose given before dinner. Treatment process with Bee Pollen must diligently and regularly. The treatment process takes over a month, and it is recommended in order to survive for a year so we get a real effect.




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