Senin, 22 April 2013

Benefits of Coconut Water and Coconut

 Coconut fruit

Who are those who are not familiar with coconut, coconut is known as all the parts of plants that can be utilized by humans. Starting from the root to the leaves can be used and exploited by humans. Because the benefits of coconut tree is used as a symbol of Scouting (Praja Muda Karana), Who does not like coconuts, ranging from the fruit to the refreshing coconut water has become the most favorite food and people. Coconut meat can be processed for a variety of processed foods and coconut water used for a variety of refreshing drinks. In this post we will focus on coconut water. It turns out the coconut water has many health kasiat field. Here are some benefits of coconut water that we review again from antaranews:

  1. Coconut water can be in lieu of lost body fluids. Content of coconut water that resembles fluid in the human body, the coconut water can be used as a substitute for lost body fluids. If an emergency then we can use the oil as a replacement fluid infusion.
  2. Coconut fruits can increase body resistance (immunity). It turns out the fruit and coconut water can kill harmful bacteria in the body such as fungi, viruses and other harmful parasites, so if you are eating and drinking coconut water can reduce the risk of infection in the human body.
  3. Coconut fruit can enhance the body's energy quickly. Coconuts can increase the amount of energy in an instant without having to add / increase the number of calories in the body. The energy generated from consuming coconut was not stored as fat, so by eating coconuts do not make the body fat.
  4. Coconut water can eliminate fatigue. Fatigue due to lack of body fluids can be immediately restored by drinking coconut water.
  5. Helps the absorption of calcium. By eating coconuts with water on a regular basis could help role in the body's absorption of calcium. As we all know that calcium functions as straing bones and teeth.

What do you think, is there any change in your understanding after reading the benefits of fruit and coconut water above. Maybe before you do not like fruit and coconut water, then after knowing the benefits we hope you like to eat fruit and drink coconut water every time. Remember that health is more valuable than anything. If a healthy body you can do whatever you want.



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