Rabu, 17 April 2013

Good way to Treat Bonsai -

On bonsai cultivation around where the article was described on stage as well bonsai cultivation techniques in cultivation. Having finished bonsai, special care is needed of course remember bonsai is a high value crop farming is the form of mini-plants with large size. Other bonsai plant care requires specialized technique also requires patience and perseverance that earned the most out and of course the selling point will even increase.Membership in the making and treat your bonsai can develop into a business opportunity bonsai  cultivation is still sought after by the people of Indonesia and abroad, because not everyone has a membership.

To get started with bonsai cultivation comercial to  individual or later it will not be easy. It's best to visit the nearest bonsai cultivation to really know the true techniques of bonsai care. If you are a person who loves to treat plants, how to care for bonsai as narrated above would be a compelling activities in addition to many other benefits. Bye now we can for you pal for the reader, may be beneficial.

Tips and treat crop planting bonsai  
plants bonsai is a living art because it took effort and thought to make a beautiful and perfect bonsai. The following are few tips on treating and planting bonsai:

The levels of bonsai cultivation:
Prepare planting or potting area, the pot should have holes used in essentially the watering can to water waste leak out, so do not get carried away ground water then the hole should be closed with wire netting or gravel. then will it be pot filled with fertile soil.

Transferring plants into pots, to move into the plant pot should be done carefully and quickly, first sower soil around the plants with water so that when lifted crop land remains attached to the roots, then take care that the soil remains attached to the plant root crops   taken throw some soil attached to the roots but not to mutilate root crops. pieces and throw away old dead roots then put the plant into the new pot set up to position absolutely perfect.

Preservation of bonsai, bonsai plants after planting into a bonsai pot should be protected from sun rain and wind, soil moisture in the pot should also be taken care not to dry soil in the pot. Giving sun made approximately two weeks after the crop is planted, at first giving 1-3 hours of sunlight enough just then gradually be extended. 

Pruning, is the way bonsai plants do ION form with cut branches that are less good. Pruning is done at the base of the branch to prevent drying in the left arm. Pruning is also done for controlling the growth of branches too fast.

Of control, the way this is done to change the direction of growth of normal stem or branch that has not been done on the old trunk because they are simple in design. first implementation wire tied to the base of the trunk and then wire around the trunk circle upwards to resemble spirals, stems or branches can be in the form as needed.

Pruning, leaf growth that is too heavy will also devastate the composition and beauty of the bonsai plants pruning should be done by putting some leaves do not fit with the desired composition.


Treating Tips Bonsai

bonsai So you have can grow well, please heed several sub-points important bonsai care following:

  1. Clean bonsai from the rest of the fallen leaves regularly with a small comb.
  2. Note the lighting by placing the appropriate position with the desired model.
  3. Give liquid fertilizer that bonsai is much easier to absorb. For bonsai under the age of six months after planting, you do not need too often adopt him.
  4. Give bonsai wire to form the desired model after six months since the old bonsai cultivation.
  5. Perform replacement bonsai pot at least once a year to drive the growth of new roots.
  6. Bonsai Water regularly, do not get too wet because it will trigger the growth of fungus.
  7. Use the special tool to cut the branches of bonsai, avoid to use scissors. Rigor in bonsai care will make you more attractive.



A. Watering
During the dry season bonsai should be watered every day, in the morning and afternoon. Water for watering should be crystal clear waters, clean, odorless, and free of salt. Watering is done in two ways. First, pour the water directly to the planting media. Second, media to tree dip into the pot of water to absorb water and wet planting media is true.

should be done with the right dose. Nurturing the recommended frequency is once a month with the use of NPK fertilizer and urea. Leaf manure can also be given three times a month.

C. Weeding and hairdressing
Clearing is done every day. Especially if you see the availability of weed (wild crop) in the planting media. To avoid weeds is recommended to give the moss on the surface of the planting media. Green moss thus serves as an indicator of moisture. Pruning the trunk, branches, twigs, and leaves to form a bonsai bonsai done liking.Or customizable according to the condition of bonsai itself. If the growth of the plants quickly bonsai, pruning is done once a month. If the slow growth of bonsai plants, pruning is not done enough once 2-3

Can be done after wire appears to sink or into the trunk, branches, or twigs bonsai. Done carefully follow the directions girth and should not be undertaken until no cause cuts.


E. Repotting 
a. substitute planting media and root pruning

should be done if the roots have grown compact. Usually when a bonsai berumus six months or a year since production.  Bonsai released from potnya, then half of the planting media on rooting  eten partially removed and fixed left stick.

b. substitute and change the layout of the bonsai pot
Done when planting media replacement. Same with replacement planting media, if bonsai is growing and its roots meet pot. Ideally twice replacement planting media.

pests that often attack and diminish the beauty of bonsai plants are brown and worm BPH. How to handle by spraying insecticides. Animal care such as dog, cat, or chicken can also be pests for bonsai plants, bonsai that is stepped on or scratched up damaged.

Treating bonsai trees require a lot of work and dedication. Bonsai must continually pruned and cared for.

Here are some tips treat bonsai tree:

1. Bonsai are usually grown in pots. Pot should be replaced at least once a year. 
replacement pot intended to encourage new root growth. Choose a larger pot to accommodate growth bonsai.Pot should have holes that allow excess water to flow out of the pot, so the roots are not waterlogged bonsai.

2. Bonsai should be watered regularly. 
bonsai Do not flush too much because it would result in growing mushrooms or rootten. But on the other hand, bonsai can not dryness. One method to check the moisture level is to thrust a toothpick into the ground. Soil texture should not be too wet or dry.

3. Bonsai need sunlight! 
But be careful, because too much exposure to the sun can ruin even bonsai. This is  reason, the bonsai should get the right balance between watering, sunlight exposure, and bonsai pruning to stay healthy.

4. Remember that there are many types of bonsai trees. Each bonsai should be observed individually according to their type. 
This is especially related to the amount of sunlight needed. So, it is important to know each type of bonsai tree to find the best ways to treat them.

5. Do not cut with scissors bonsai branches! 
There are many tools available specifically designed to trim bonsai. Each tool serves a different purpose, such as tree shaping, cutting the leaves, or bend the branches, etc..

Planted bonsai is an art form. So much attention, and expertise needed for your bonsai grows mesmerizing. This is why so special bonsai and have Diabetes, High price

Preserving bonsai is one interesting hobby for doing. The reason appears beautiful bonsai and do not require a lot of greenery place. Bonsai plant itself is an art form that originated in China in the 3rd century. Bond on bonsai means tray, while sai is a plant . Bonsai can  many in a tray or pot, inside and outside the home. Flowering plants such as pomegranates, plums, and apricots can also be a bonsai. Listen tips to treat bonsai plants as reported by the India Times (14/06) following.

  1. Bonsai forms depending on how the owners treat. You should always clean bonsai with a small comb. In addition, do not leave residues on the ground falling leaves bonsai plants.
  2. Decide if you will be keeping a bonsai inside or outside the house to consider the amount of light, humidity, and temperature for your bonsai.
  3. Do not forget to examine the roots of bonsai before put it in a tray or pot. You can trim bonsai root not needed.
  4. You do not need too relentless bonsai fertilizer in the first six months after delight. Give a bonsai fertilizer in liquid form that is easily absorbed by the roots.
  5. After six months, you can give the wire to form a pattern of growing bonsai as you wish.
  6. Before deciding to plant bonsai, you should already know the type of bonsai you would like to foster a better understanding of the treatment process dwarf plants.





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