Selasa, 23 April 2013

"Magic" Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is so Fuels

web.mst.eduPyrococcus furious

Carbon dioxide it can be used to produce fuel and other products berbanfaat, it is like that done by a team of researchers from the University of Georgia who has developed a way to harness the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air / atmosphere into fuel and other useful products .

According to Michael Adams of Bioenergy Systems Research Institute University of Georgia. said that they had created microorganisms that can transform and absorb carbon dioxide and produce something of value, which is similar to the process of absorption of carbon dioxide by plants. As we all know that plants have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide in the air into glucose with bentuan and catalyst from sunlight and water. Glucose resulting plants can be processed into ethanol through fermentation. The fermentation process is necessary because the process directly is difficult because glucose is still hidden in the vegetation.

According to Adams in accordance with the results of his research have been published in Proccedings of the National Academies of Sciences pad Monday, March 25, 2013 days ago saying that the discovery of this latest attempt to eliminate the plant as a third party in the process of absorption of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Adams explained that by utilizing microorganisms that can take direct carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and convert it into other products such as fuels and chemicals without going through the process in plants and without carbon dioxide extraction of biomass such as in plants.

Team researchers utilize and manipulate the genetic material of microorganisms such as Pyrococus furious eating carbohydrates which are found in the deep sea.Micro-organism is located close to hydrothermal vents. Through genetic engineering the microbes can consume carbon dioxide in the environment with a much lower temperature.

After the research team succeeded in creating new strains of bacteria Pyrococus furious, they use hydrogen gas to produce chemical reactions in the body microorganisms that combine hydrogen with carbon dioxide to acid 3 - hydroxypropionic are often used in the chemical industry in making acrylic and other products.

By doing genetic engineering on a new strain apparently furious Pyrococus the researchers were able to create a new version of the microorganisms that can utilize carbon dioxide into other industrial products such as fuel (Fuel).

This study is very useful for the survival and preservation of nature as it can reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are free, and can develop methods of production of more fuel efficient environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

Adams once again said in Physorg, Tuesday (03/26/2013) that his team was "Going forward, we will develop the process and begin to try it on a larger scale."


http:// physorg/

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