Minggu, 21 April 2013

Fish Coalecanth Help Solve Puzzle Land Animal Evolution.

There is an ancient fish once found in the waters of Indonesia precisely in the waters of the Sulawesi Coelacanth fish. From the results of a recent study apparently shows us that this Coalecanth fish species have evolved the ability of a very slow, because this is the nature of it can help scientists to describe the process of evolution in land animals.

A growing assumption among scientists who believe that evolution in terrestrial animals is believed to come from the sea. A belief among Evolog that the development of limbs in land animals is an adaptation of marine animals gradually in a long time where marine animals migrate landward. This evolution results produce animals that are named tetrapods. Where tetrapods have four legs tools or tools to move.

As published by the journal Nature on Thursday, 18 April 2013 who then mentioned that the success of solving or reading the coelacanth fish genes consisting of three billion "message" of the DNA code. This is the code code code size in humans. Jessica Alfoeldi, scientists from the Broad Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as quoted by AFP on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 stated that in general the researchers found Cealacanth fish genes have evolved more slowly than all kinds of fish and vertebrates on land. The slow evolution of the coelacanth fish habitat due to the animal that has not changed in millions of years, it is as conveyed by the National Geographic on Thursday, April 18, 2013.

Coelacanth fish living at a depth of approximately 700 meters below sea level, these animals can have a body size that can reach 2 meters. Scientists had previously thought that these animals have become extinct in 65-70 million years ago until in 1938 these fish are found in Africa and was rediscovered in the 2000s in Indonesia.And the search results, it has now been found scattered in some areas, and the data shows there have been about 300 coelacanth fish in the world.

The draw of fin fish Coelancanth is shaped lobes. There is an assumption and speculation stating that the coelacanth fish is one of the types of fish that have locomotor short and stout; This tool can help future marine animals migrate landward. Recent studies show that close relatives of the fish are freshwater fish Coelancanth "Lungfish" found in Australia and Africa. While on the other side of the Coelacanth fossils ever found successful in identifying been aged 375 million years ago.

The researchers concluded that fish coelacanth has helped people in solving the mystery of the evolution of land animals. From the reading of the genetic code of Coelancanth can be seen (discovered) and the extinct gene that appears in the evolution of land animals. Changes in the evolution of land animals to sea animals is not easy, takes time and complicated process. Changes such as changes in immunity and can in detecting molecules in the air is needed. This of course requires substantial time and is still a mystery.



http://afp, national geographic /


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