Jumat, 12 April 2013


Loktak lake in Manipur province, India, unlike other lakes. In it there is a tiny group of islands shaped ring. These islands change shape according to season, and moving in any direction depending on the wind.

There is something unique from Loktak Lake, the largest lake in northeast India. Nearly two-thirds of the surface of the lake is filled with tiny islands round. Indian society called Phumdi, who became home to various species of animals. Phumdi not like there is a tiny island in the other lakes. These islands may be called nomadic, because it can move in all directions on this lake. The size is also changed according to the season! When viewed from above, looks like a ring Phumdi. The middle of this lake has a surface deeper than the edges. 


During the dry season and receding lake water, plant roots to reach base in Phumdi danauu ntuk absorb nutrients. During the rainy season and the water overflowed, the roots were cut off so Phumdi back float. Although the nomadic nature, it does not mean Phumdi no human habitation. His name Khangpoks, Phumdi largest Loktak Lake is inhabited by about 4,000 people. There are lodges themselves like tiny settlement on Lake Titicaca, Peru.

As quoted from the site CN Traveler, Phumdi in Loktak Lake is the only floating national park in the world. Existence Phumdi also beneficial for the conservation of rare species of deer (Sangai locals call it) is just living around the lake. 


Unfortunately, this time also including endangered Phumdi. Loktak Lake hydroelectric project in raising the lake water level. The roots of the plant could not reach the bottom of the lake. The edge of Phumdi was dwindling every year. Therefore, tourists who visit Loktak Lake should protect the environment and ecosystems in the area. 


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