Reading: Matthew 4: 18 to 22
Jesus called Peter and Andrew
A question that is rarely revealed is why Jesus needs students? Has this question in his mind!.
Said the disciples in the Bible, Bible Board-translated from Indonesia, said Limmud, the Hebrew language, and said Mathetes, Matheteuo, - Greek, meaning a student, making the others become disciples, Mat 27:57, 28:19; Discipulus, language Latin, which means that pupils or students, those who want to learn the full discipline.
general features of the Old Testament shows teacher-student relationship in the past or the people who teach and are taught, for example, in 1 Chron 25:8; Yes 8: 16, 50:4, 54:13. The same is done by the Greek philosopher and rabbi of the Jews, they raise a number of students - who were always together or around it, to listen to the teachings. In certain circumstances, one or a few of the students are guided in particular - dikader - as the heir teacher
A disciple is not greater than his master, or a servant of the lord. (Matthew 10: 24) even in Matthew 10: 25, stressing that "Enough for a student if it was made like his teacher and for a servant if it be the same as his master." That's why Jesus' disciples also authorized as stated in Matthew 10:1. "Jesus called the twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to eliminate all disease and our weaknesses."
The New Testament also indicates that traditional teacher-student relationship, as in the Old Testament - still going on. In the New Testament, the disciple means a person who receives the teachings of others, for example:
- teachings of John the Baptist, Mat 9:14; Jn 1:35
- teachings of the Pharisees, Mk 2:18; Luke 5:33
- teachings of Moses, John 9:28, etc.
Wording pupils, usually in the general sense, for example, Mat 10:42; Lk 6:17; Jn 6:66. Specifically used to denote followers of pupils -12 Lord Jesus, Mat 10:1, 11:1 - who left everything to follow Him.
In Acts, said students used to call the believers, who accepted Jesus as the Messiah, The story 6:1, 2, 7, 9:36, 11:26.1.Students also described as his mother and brother brothers (Matthew 12: 49). Before the Lord Jesus continue working and His ministry. It selects some of them who always follow Him, to be a "helper" specifically his, or often called 12 disciples, Mat 10:1-4; Mk 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16.
they are specifically called, should join Jesus where it all It goes, Mk 3:14. According to Matt. 19:27-30, wages become disciples of the Lord Jesus, is to get back 100 times all that was left, and eternal life.
Role pupil - pupil of Jesus is
- Pupils are living witnesses of the perspective and knowledge from the teacher. Figure because students always follow wherever the teachers are.
- Students is the length of the hand from the teacher in the delivery of mail messages and word of God.
- Pupils saw the power of God within the teacher.
- Pupils have a duty to spread the teachings of the guru. As in Matthew 28: 19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," and Acts 6: 7 Word of God continued to spread, and the number of students in Jerusalem more they multiplied ; also a large number of priests surrender and believe.
What can we quote from the description above is the soul of students used to study and learn. Teacher figure does not mean he is clever in all cases but the teacher also can be referred to as students. Similarly, Jesus is also a student as stated in John 8:28 '
And Jesus said: "When you have exalted Son of Man, then you know that I am He, and that I did not do anything of my own self, but I talk about things as the Father taught me . ' .
Verse John 8: 28 as the above clearly says that Jesus was also a student learn and deliver what has been taught the Father of Jesus. So it can be concluded that the true teacher is God the Father. Is the source of all perfection.
There are other questions related to Jesus' disciples so easy that is why Jesus called his disciples disciples? and why the disciples immediately left aktivitasnnya and follow Him? In reading the New Perjajanjian reading the candidate mentions that Jesus' disciples just met in a face-to-face with Jesus and they would follow Him and leave everything. Maybe some of you will answer for the grace of the Holy Spirit that moves the disciples to follow Jesus and be ready to be disciples of Jesus in a face-to-face time. Or it could be the first viewing of the authority and charisma of Jesus to the disciples, ready to follow Jesus.
Because if thought thought how maybe only in a direct meeting times to be stuck like pellets? The Bible also explains that Jesus' disciples recognize Jesus as the selected (Messiah) as written When Philip said to Bartolomeus, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the Torah and the prophets, which is Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth", John 1: 45, and Andreas bring his brother Simon Peter, the Lord Jesus. "Andreas first met Simon, his brother, and he said to him," We have found the Messiah, that is to say Christ ". He brought him to Jesus, John 1:41 "Here there is an introduction that Jesus' disciples knew Jesus at first glance that Jesus is the Messiah. Pengenalin is also a mystery, and pre theologians have argued that the short introduction is the beginning of a deeper identification with Jesus to be his disciples. And of course the last of the work of the Holy Spirit.
12 The Pupil Jesus
CHILD JESUS consists of 12 Peter (who according to some denomination is the "Head of the pupil"), Andrew, James the Great, Small James, John, Philip, Bartolomeus, Matthew, Thomas, Thaddeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot .. After the death of Judas, Matthias became one of the Twelve pupils. In the synoptic Gospels-Gospel, Mark detailing the names of the Twelfth Student, Matthew follow list Mark, and Luke change Mark list Thaddeus in with Jude.
And he recorded John Twelve students without detailing all their names, he adds Nathanael, and uses the term "Dear Student" (presumably to mention John). Chose twelve closest disciples of Jesus may well have bearing upon the Twelve Tribes of Israel. In the synoptic Gospels-Gospel, Jesus choose Peter, James, and John to be the eye witness, when He changed around and to accompany him in the garden of Gethsemane when And he escaped from punishment cross and flee from the pursuit of the roman army to be crucified. .
In the four Gospels, Jesus' disciples is narrated Twelfth intelligent and key witness in a variety of important life events And he, unlike Paul who is not a key witness in any critical events in life And he, so the description of Paul's understanding of the teachings And he much there is deviation. Acts of the Apostles record-lunge football irrelevance Paul and Paul with the 12th disciple strife And he in the years after Jesus ascended to heaven. And he among the 12 disciples, the most incessant hostility towards irrelevance Paul and the roman occupation of Israel was Judas Iscariot, Paul is the only person who says Judas was a lunatic and die suicide. none of the 12 And he that telling students about Judas aberration but actually Paul himself an enemy of Jesus Christ and the 12th Student
Students of Jesus according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, & Acts of the Apostles
The twelve are:
- Simon, called Peter
- Andrew, Peter's brother
- James, son of Zebedee,
- John, son of Zebedee,
- Philip
- Bartolomeus
- Tomas
- Matthew, the former tax collector
- James, son Alfeus
- Thaddeus
- Simon, The Zelot
- Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus
After Pentecost, or the descent of the Holy Spirit, the disciples greeted as a messenger or Apostolos; apostello or sent with a specific purpose, are sent. The term is pointing at all the messengers and sent as a reporter assigned to the Gospel and have other specific responsibilities, Acts 14:4, 14, Romans 16:7, 2 Corinthians 8:23, 2:25 FLP
The revelation of the Holy Spirit
Conditions to be students of Jesus:
Matthew 16:24. and Mark 8: 34 "And Jesus said to His disciples:" Every person who would come after me, he must deny himself and take up salibnya and follow me. '
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP![]()
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