On the posting this time we want to give meaning to the brother of the divine theology and theology trader. In broad outline the divine theology emphasizes that salvation only comes from the gift of God and not just the result of human effort, and safety which God is free; while trade theology is "REWARD" as security exchange. People would be able to get wages "REWARD" to do good good. And at its peak will be in scale between good and evil.
Theology divine
Divine theology / theology of God states that security comes only from God. Theology of God more emphasis on security that comes from God himself. Security is not a human effort to achieve it, but security is a gift from God himself.
When man fell into sin and then thrown to the ground since then there is the gap between God and man. Glory to God that when man sinned. Up for the love of God to mankind, God will be present and provide assistance to people through the medium that is the Prophets. Namely people chosen by God himself as the length of the hand of God. Pinnacle security from God is when God himself who write and help people. Until God become a man willing to humble themselves as stated in John 1: 1-5 "So.
1. In the beginning was the Word: the Word together with God and the Word was God.
2 It was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by Him and without Him not a thing that has been so from all that has been made.
4 In Him was life and the life was the light of men.
: 5. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not mastered it.
Safety according to the divine theology is the gift of God as is written in Ephesians 2: 8-10 " The reason for the grace you have been saved through faith;'s not labors, but the gift of God, is not from your work: let no one can boast . "
Here asserted that security is not the result of human effort, but the gift of God. In other words, the divine theology says that as many benefits and rewards that you can not guarantee his safety, because safety is the gift of God. And safety which God is the true and free safety.
John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
I John 4:9 "In this the love of God revealed in the midst of us, namely, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, so we live by Him."
Because God has provided salvation in Jesus Christ by free so too should we love our neighbor also free
I John 4:16 We have known and have believed in the love of God to us. God is love, and whoever remains in love, it remains in God and God in him.
"For the Son of Man (Jesus) also came ... to give His life a ransom for many people to be." (Gospel of God, Mark 10:45) "He (Jesus) who had no sin to be made sin for us, so that in Him we are justified by God." (The gospel of God, Letter II Corinthians 5:21) "It own (Jesus) bore our sins in his body on the cross, that we might die to sins and live for righteousness .... "(Gospel of God, Letter I Peter 2:24).
Traders Theology
Theology greater emphasis on security can in perjual bought. With the exchange rate that is "REWARD". Here God is acting as trade (Seller) and humans as a buyer. What God sell? namely safety and enjoyment .. Tool change is "REWARD" to people who use theology pedangang will chase and find a "REWARD" by many. "REWARD" as a medium of exchange such as money at the moment, with money so we could buy anything from God. More and more "REWARD" (Money) the easier to get what is wanted. And at the very end God will be doing weights - weigh between "good REWARD" and act disadvantages. And if more good then will go to heaven and which otherwise would go to hell.As stated in the Qur'an:
Al Anbiya '47. "We will install the exact weight on the Day of Judgment, there is no injustice be done to someone for a while. And if (the practice) only seed and sawipun sure we bring (evil). And Sufficient are We to making calculations."
According to the Old Testament (the Torah, the Psalms), God has standart people including confidential true choice for people on the run. Even the prophets could not fully run. That's because basically man is weak, so if you can be honest is no man that is 100% pure and throughout the course of human life more reprehensible act (not according to the will of God) is compared to act according to the will of God.
To cover up the shortcomings of their own merchants Theology method of salvation as a middle path ie Hajj. Where the hajj is the most important acts of worship, following the devotees theological pilgrimage traders can proclaim that is deletion of sin sins.
Theology traders expect to do 5 reward in the hope God can give 100 even more reward. is as stated in the Qur'an as follows:
Al An'aam 160. "Whoever brings a good deed, his (good) deed tenfold, and whoever brings evil, he can not be recompensed but balanced with evil, and they are not in the least persecuted (harmed)."
Al Maa'idah 9. "Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds, (that) for them forgiveness and a great reward."
An Nisaa '40. Surely Allah wrongs not even the least degree, and if any of charity deed He will multiply manifold and gives from Him a great reward [298]. Description: [298]. Meaning: God will not reduce the wage of those who do charity even the least degree, even if he does good reward will be doubled by God.
An Nahl 97. "Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female and is a believer, verily to him will We give a good life [839] and verily We should reward them with a better reward than what has been they do. "
Description: [839]. Emphasized in this verse that men and women in Islam the same reward and that good deeds should be accompanied by faith .
Al Qashash 84. Whoever came up with (bring) good, he (reward) better than goodness: and those that came with the (lead) evil, it shall be recompensed unto those who did evil, unless (balanced) with what they did.
Even in theology traders described in the course of borrowing. Where God borrow something from human and He will give you the best of what he borrowed as in the following revelation :
Al Hadiid 11 . Who would lend to Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply (reply) loan for him, and he will get a lot of reward.
And in several verses in the Qur'an also recognizes that help is only from Allah, the Right. Perhaps the meaning of help and safety diss according to traders theology. Verse as written in the Qur'an as follows:
Al Kahf 44. "There is protection only from Allah, the Right. He is the Best to reward, and the Best of return."
Back again that no one in this world is 100% perfect before God. Because the Torah Psalms or conditions that explain human conditions perfect before God. Even the prophets still have weaknesses and shortcomings. This is a God-given standart Because God is very high so people can not even be able to make up to 100% perfection before God that is holy life before God.
Nobody human can live holy and true perfect before God. But humans find a way on their own through charity, kindness, and acts to be justified before God, and return to the son of God. When you feel yourself a good man, if you can say you have never sinned? God is holy and sacred, and no one man sin resistant stand in front of and in the government worthy of Heaven.
Understanding things like the above then teaching theology as a neutralizer merchants provide a solution that no one sempurnda human and holy life before God that is pilgrimage. The Haj is one of the most important acts of worship, based on the hadith of the Prophet alaihi Shalallaahu Greetings: "Abu Huraira Radhiallaahu it anhu said: The Prophet alaihi Shalallaahu Greetings asked:" what good deeds are the best? ' He said: "Belief in Allah and His Messenger." Said (to him): 'Then what?' He said: 'Jihad in the way of Allah. "Said (to him):' Then what? ' He said: 'Pilgrimage Mabrur.' "(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, Saheeh at-Targhiib see wat Tarhiib by al-Albanian 3/3 hadith No. 1093.)
From Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu, he said,
"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asked," Practice what most afdhol? "He sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said," Belief in Allah and His Messenger. "Some ask again, "Then what?" He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Jihad in the path of Allah." Some ask again, "Then what?" "Haji Mabrur", replied the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 1,519)
Pilgrimage as a sin, based on the hadith of the Prophet alaihi Shalallaahu Greetings:
"Whoever performed the hajj and he is not doing Jima ', nor commit sin, he will return from his sins as on the day when he was born his mother." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasa-i, Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi)
Pilgrims will eliminate an error and sin
From Abu Hurairah, he said that he heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Who berhaji to the Ka'bah and did not speak wickedness fun and he did not return home as when born to his mother. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 1,521).
Consideration of the pilgrimage Mabrur is Heaven , based on the Prophet alaihi Shalallaahu Greetings:
"Umrah (the first) to the next umrah as kaffarat (peng-un) for (sins) committed in between them, and pilgrims Mabrur no consideration for it, but Heaven. " (Narrated by Malik, al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasa-i and Ibn Majah). See Saheeh at-Targhiib No. 1096. )
And Jabir bin 'Abdillah from Shalallaahu Prophet alaihi Greetings, he said: "Haji Mabrur no reward except Paradise. Said (to him):" What kind of devotion in the pilgrimage?' He had said: "Providing food and good talk. '" (Narrated by Ahmad, ath-Thabrani, Ibn Khuzaimah, al-Baihaqi and al-Hakim. Al-Albanian said: "Saheeh lighairihi, see Saheeh at-Targhiib" no. 1104))
Back again to the sales and purchase of the hajj, the pilgrimage to remember only provided for those who can afford? so how did the theology adherents traders who can not afford?. If explored more in the selling process that is happening just the rich man and the rich are spared. No matter how evil and sins extent he did. For example, just because he is rich and can perform the hajj every year so we can be sure the person is in heaven. No matter piling works in prices, which hurt each other, and do not just extort for his life every day even if he shed the blood of his brother (kill other human) then according to this merchant theology he would go to heaven if the person can perform the pilgrimage. Here is not just for those who can not afford and his deprivation. Even that we think does not understand is the pilgrimage Please give my kind to pay any money to the person performing the pilgrimage and take photos of the people in Please give my kind then that person also has to follow the same pilgrimage.
Because of the above reasons we personally prefer the divine theology from theology traders. Because according to our merchants theology is theology and invent ridiculous there.
The only way that we could be allowed to go to heaven and is allowed by God through faith and sacrifice of Jesus, who is God incarnate human being born of the virgin Mary. As for our transgressions, He was killed and crucified even though he never sinned, but on the third day He rose and triumphed over death so that he is able to grant salvation and resurrection of every person who believes in him. Praise the Lord!
"Because God so loved the world that It gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life", so the word of God from John 3:16
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP![]()
1. http://muslim.or.id/fiqh-dan-muamalah/keutamaan-ibadah-haji.html
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