Minggu, 03 Februari 2013


 Pleased to learn the purpose of the holy book, but what's the Arabic language is adopted. Be free to read when not understand its meaning. Although there is the doctrine read or listen to the Qur'an alone is doing permuatan charity. And conduct calculated by God? if we listen completely deeper will allow the dokma?. Some idea what we shouted to serve the deaf over more if deaf to not see him crying lips. Similarly, if we learn the holy book but we do not understand what we learned. Reading with intonation and rhythm that's true but do not understand its meaning. Is not that the same with a singer who appreciate the song but did not understand what he admire the more understandable because if the song is slow, which means sad tone and if pitched fast means easy. Better still if the person is still out for help to the teacher alone (KYAI or cleric), but the question is what the cleric Kyai and understand? as most of them understand according to their previous teacher, since it is learned Arabic Quraish. More over sometimes taught using analogies or parables contain meanings which can mean all sorts. Not just the obvious learning Arabic is definitely not the daily language, learn the language family (Madura, Java, minang, KARO, etc.) just sometimes difficult to form a specific form of our day or day wear official language is Bahasa Indonesia is still not necessarily be able to use the language Indonesia is good and true. The evidence is starting kindergarten to university level just still there indonesia language lessons.

Based on the above we try to give meaning and understanding of the Qur'an, the more we study and translation of the Qur'an as issued by the Department of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with the Publisher CV Jaya Sakti - Surabaya. At this time the discussion about the disbelievers and hypocrites on the letter Al Baqarah verse 6 s / d 20.

The Kafir
6. Verily, those who disbelieve, for them just the same, warn or not warn, they will not believe.
7. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, [20], and their eyes closed [21]. And for a great torment.

8. In some people who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day [22]," in case they were certainly not those who believe.
9. They seek to deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves when they do not understand.
10. In their hearts is disease [23] and added God illness, and for them a painful punishment because they lie.
11. And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth [24]." They said: "We are the people who the reformer."
12. Remember, they are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive not.
13. When it is said to them: "Believe as other people believe." They say: "Shall we believe as the fools believe?" Are not they indeed the foolish people, but they do not know.
14. And when they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe." And when they returned to their devils [25], they say: "We are really with you, we just fool around."
15. Allah will (reply) parodies them and let them vacillate in their error.
16. These are they who buy error for guidance, it is not their business prosper and not guided.
17. Their example is like one who kindled a fire [26], then when it lighted all around him, Allah took away the light (that shines), and left them in darkness, unable to see.
18. They are deaf, dumb and blind [27], then they will not return (to the path),
19. Or, like (those) a cloudburst from the sky with darkness, thunder and lightning, they stuffed his ears with his fingers, so (loud) lightning, for fear of death [28]. And Allah encompasses the unbelievers [29].
20. The lightning almost snatches away their sight. Every time it flashes for them, they walk under the light, and when dark fell on them, they stop. If Allah willed, He could take away their hearing and vision. Surely Allah has power over all things.

From reading the letter Al Baqarah 6 to 20 above appears bee much explanation about hypocrites than an unbeliever.Let's discuss one of the Gentiles and of hypocrisy. Surat Al Baqarah like the above do not mention a specific class or religion. The letter explains more on attitude and behavior. So the above verse applies to all people (all men) do not see the class, caste or religion. Here's our explanation.

The Gentiles.
Disbelief is the person who has his eyes closed. They are people who do not want to listen to good advice from everyone. They are people who have a high ego, so that became the priority is their own ego itself. Until any other people are saying they do not listen, but just a word people say they respect and sungkani, but if it is not in line with their ego they will ignore it.
-7 verse says that Allah has set a seal upon their hearts, hearing and seeing:
7. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, [20], and their eyes closed [21]. And for a great torment.
[20]. Namely, the person is not able to receive instructions, and all sorts nasehatpun will not trace it.
[21]. Meaning: they are not able to see and understand the verses of the Quran that they hear and can not take a lesson from God's signs they see on the horizon, on the surface of the earth and in their own souls.

According unfortunately we should be about the Gentiles should be more much to the jabarkan. Although the text is clear but its still generally not as an explanation of a hypocrite in the next verse. Little in regard to footnotes on points [21] according to the Department of Religion RI Gentiles also include those who learn the Qur'an but not able to see and understand the verses of the Qur'an.

Surat Al Baqarah verse - 6 and 7 and specialized in verse -7 shows that those who learn the Qur'an scripture including when they can not pay attention and understand it is the Gentiles. And the punishment is a great torment. So if only read or listen to the verses of the Qur'an but do not pay attention and understand what I read or hear then they are of the Gentiles.

In the third verse - our 7 Underline that the Gentiles have been ordained by God for the 7th verse says that God has sealed - their hearts and hearing and sight of the Gentiles. Here are the role and God has "lock - out" those who belong to the heathen. Indirect role and that there is God who has "locked - dead" heart, ears and eyes of those who disbelieve.That's why people are not unbelievers can hear and see the greatness of God's proofs and advice advice minds. In other words Surat Al Baqarah verse 7 that there is and God's role in connection with the disbelievers. Indirectly letter Al Cancer verse - 7 is blaming God who has "locked - dead" heart, ears and eyes of man, that they are among those who reject Faith.

The hypocrisy
if we heed associated with the hypocrites are those who do not have a stand. They are people who do not have a firm attitude. His attitude adjust its environment, while its surroundings are the people believe they say that they believe in their environment such as faith, while he was in a different environment again she said as her new environment.

Against the action of God the hypocrite? the action of God for the people hypocrites are as stated in Al Baqarah verse 10 and 15 and 17 as follows:
10. In their hearts is disease [23] and added God illness, and for them a painful punishment because they lie.
15. Allah will (reply) parodies them and let them vacillate in their error.
17. Their example is like one who kindled a fire [26], then when it lighted all around him, Allah took away the light (that shines), and left them in darkness, unable to see.

According to our contradictory verse 17 here is the role of the Hypocrites God is Allah took away their light (that shines on them) so people hypocrites regular life in darkness. If any other questions raised no effect blame God because God has removed the light (that shines on them) so they can not see the light when there is light around.

Actually verses of the letter Al Baqarah 6 s / d 20 a "matching phrase" with the Bible as it is written in Matthew 5: 24 and the Book of Luke 16: 13.

Matthew 6
: 24 No man can serve two masters. Because if so, it will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and ignore the other. You can not serve God and to mamon. "

Luke 16
: 13 A servant can not serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and ignore the other. You can not serve God and to mamon. "
By learning the verse even match but still distinct templates

Al Qur'an
Al Qur'an if the translate has the effect that the presence of the Gentiles and the hypocrites because of human action and also acts of God is the "lock - dead" heart, ears and eyes of those who disbelieved, and Allah will shine the light hypocrites.

sentence in the book of Matthew 6: 24 and Luke 16: 13 is more focused on the people, and not a trace of blame God.Hopefully beneficial for everyone.


Dwi  Hartoyo, SP

1. Al Quran and Translation - Republic of Indonesia Department of Religion, publisher Cv Jaya Sakti-Surabaya
2. Bible - The Bible Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya - Jakarta

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