An interesting phenomenon in the debate that is about Heaven. Where each person whose name certainly admire Heaven. It's just that we're a little stray about heaven according to the Scripture that in Heaven is a sensual orgasm pleasure in the world or even more blessings in heaven? so true! This to our attention. Is it true that in Heaven full of lust then why Islamic lust for human beings to organize fast to stop air Temptation. Do what we observe in the world anyway later in Heaven tops passion lust lust? or perhaps the meaning of Islam is "let man arrested fasting in order to find his desire to go to heaven if man can wreak all sensual desires on hold for the world!. filthy filthy .... ....... why no writing because we can not imagine how much damage to Heaven if so. world is already damaged by acts of human actions due to their lust lust, and what heaven would be broken is not there anymore! remember that Al Qur'an and Hadist say that in Heaven is pelampiasan all desires and passions that tertuda transmission in the world.
Qur'an explain this length it is not wrong if many people chasing and hunting paradise in Heaven all hasyarat because they could come to pass. Here are the verses of the Qur'an and Hadist of Heaven:
Al Baqarah 25.
And give glad tidings to those who believe and do good, that for those prepared Gardens under which rivers flow, therein. Whenever they are given sustenance of fruit in the Gardens, they say: "This is what we were fed with before."They were given a fruit similar to those in it are good wives and they will abide therein [32].
Footnotes: [32]. Pleasure in paradise is a self-contained pleasure, good physical as well as spiritual.
At Taubah 72.
Allah has promised to believers, men and women, (will have) a underneath which rivers flow, to abide therein, and (get) good places in the Garden of Eden. And the pleasure of God is greater: that is the supreme triumph.
Ath Thuur 23.
Therein they fight over each other trophies (cups) that text does not (raise) the words that are not helpful and did not sin.
Ath Thuur 17.
Surely the righteous are in heaven and pleasure,
Al Criterion 10.
Glory to (Allah) that if He wills, He made thee better than that, (namely) Gardens under which rivers flow beneath, and He (also) for you-castle castle [1055].
Footnotes [1055]. Meaning: If Allah willed, He has to Muhammad saw the Gardens and palaces as obtained in the next future. But God does not want that so that mankind will bow and believe in God is not as affected by things, but based on the evidence and manifest evidences.
Al Hajj 23.
Verily Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into the Gardens beneath which rivers flow. In therein will they be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their dress is silk. Al A'raf 40. Verily those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, never be opened for them gates of heaven, [540] and not (yet) they enter the Garden until the camel goeth through the needle [541]. Thus do We reward those who do evil. Footnotes: [540]. This means: prayer and charity they are not accepted by God. [541]. That is: they are not likely to go to heaven as it is not possible inclusion camel needle. Al Kahf 31. they are (the ones that is) for them gardens of perpetuity, with rivers flowing beneath; therein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and they are reclining on couches beautiful. That's the best reward, and beautiful resting place;
According to Muhammad Arifin, Specialist Hall Study Centre of the Qur'an: "Man in the Garden has a desire (in the sense of a desire to have fun and berlezat-delicious), good appetite, drinking, or other lusts. In QS Fushshilat (41): 31 mentioned as follows: We are protectors in this life and the Hereafter therein (Paradise), you get what you want and get whatever you ask. "What do you want" in this verse means very broad, including the desire to love, making out with his partner, and so on. Whereas jealousy, no. Jealousy in heaven already disconnected from the man.'s we understand the words of Allah. In Surah al-Hijr (15 ): 47: And We shall remove all rancor in their hearts, they feel brothers, sat facing each other on thrones of dignity. In heaven there is no hostility, no envy, envy, jealousy, and bad traits other.
And with them are not Angels wild eyes and lovely eyes (Surah 37:48). And with them (there) creation is not wild view of equal age. (Surah 38:52). they recline on couches lined and we KAWINkan them with beautiful maidens of eyes jelly. (Surah 52:50). Therein are maidens of polite gaze, never touched before them (the residents of heaven who became her husband), nor Jinn. (QS55: 56)
(QS: 56:12) "Being in heaven Kenik'matan" fondness for the intended course covers all forms of human yearning will jenis2 pleasures include "Wanita2, Food, Palaces, Luxury, Drinks, castles and of course the vehicle as well as clothing and jewelry
(Surah 56:15) "they are well-bertahtahkan on thrones of gold and jewels" of this form of pride in the palace gardens duduk2 bertahtahkan dipannya gold and jewels
(Surah 56:17-19), they are surrounded by young anak2 indwelling young to carry glasses, kettle and drinks containing self-shot taken from a spring running therefore they are not dizzy nor drunk ". That pleasure always minum2 heaven yg young waitress carrying a non-intoxicating drinks and did not even drink freely lightheadedness whence
(QS: 20 -21) "and the fruits of what they select and the flesh of fowls that they desire". Subsequent enjoyment simply because all kinds of fruit that could not previously enjoyed in the world are here and of course it tastes sweeter and more tender meat, so the same kind of food they want to have a chicken yg yg meat delicious and liked by all the people of Paradise. This burung2 penghni heaven that speaks to them aldalah most delicious food heaven and after humans eat tulang2 burung2 back into burung2 birds flying, so of course the population is not reduced even eaten by the population continues to heaven, because of course there was no bird breeders there or self-deal with him, God is self-manage everything and to God the things that cinch
(QS 22-23) "And in the heaven will be fair ones with wide-eyed jelly, like a well-hidden pearl. This sprite sprite course for clocked (consummated) by Laki2 Heaven
(QS 56 24) "In return for what they have done". So for all the good A world Laki2 he had done, after which is determined from the record book in which he sediktpun not persecuted then if he enters heaven he will get pleasure with what has been described God.
(QS; 83: 25-28) They are given to drink of a pure wine under seal (place), laknya is musk to self so let the race the race, and the pure wine mixture is Tasnim, that springs from her drinker orang2 well-nigh to God.
Then God called out to them (QS: 77: 43) Eat and drink pleasantly for what has been your deeds! "
And there are many more similar verses in the Qur'an. Lord forgive them for they do not know. we so think twice and creeps learn the above verses. And imagine how Heaven is corrupt. This world has been corrupted by the passions of human desire, but some of them are fasting resist his desires. And can not imagine how corrupt in heaven if all retained sensual desires in the world all come to pass in heaven.
No comments yet for how sad our hearts studied. Heaven, male mated with the angel " Angels are not wild eyes and lovely eyes (QS 37:48) - (Surah 38:52) . But frankly who the hell are not tempted boy?'s why Muslims hunting paradise.
Really a distraction from the Koran ........ Forgive them Lord for they do not know.
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
1. Al Qur'an and translation - Republic of Indonesia Department of Religion, publisher Cv. Jaya Sakti.
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