Reading: Matthew 5: 1-12 and Luke 6: 20-23
Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) to give the title of chapter 5-7 as the Sermon on the Mount. And we focus in this post is about the Beatitudes. But first we would like to inform the chapter of chapters 5-7 of the book of Matthew is Jesus Christ, the longest speech in a meeting mement. And Jesus' Sermon on the hill is also a phenomenal sermon, because many of the sayings of Jesus are actually criticizing the behavior of the Jewish people at that time. The Sermon on the Mount is also the fact that Jesus was filled with wisdom as evidenced by amazement at the crowds who listened to the teachings of Jesus Christ on the hill as it is written in Matthew 7: 28-29.
Related to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount about the happy greeting that will be discussed at this time there are two books which record is Matthew 5: 1-12 and Luke 6: 20-23. In contextual There are several different ways of writing but we think it's fair because it's two books were written by different people with different backgrounds: but if we examine further still having a similar purpose.
native Matthew was a Jew and he is also a one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, so that the information directly from the resource person of Jesus himself.
while Luke as the author of the Book of Luke, Luke was a Greek convert, the only Gentile who wrote a book in the Bible. Luke was not a disciple of Jesus (not 12 people Disciple). Holy Spirit prompted him to write to Theophilus (meaning, "one who loves God ') to meet the needs of the congregation of the Gentiles will complete the story of the beginning of Christianity. From the letters of Paul, we know that Luke was a brother "... a beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14), and a fellow worker of Paul's faithful (2 Timothy 4:11; File 1:24; bd. Passage- passage "we" in the book of Acts, see "Introduction ACTS" 08 177). From the writing of Luke alone we know that he is a highly educated, skilled writer, a meticulous historian and theologian who inspired. When he wrote his gospel, the church seems to have the gospel the Gentiles are not yet complete or widespread about Jesus.
reasons that why these two books (Matthew 5: 1-12 and Luke 6: 20-23) there are some contextual differences but similar meaning.
Here are excerpts from the sermon on the Beatitudes of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 5: 1-12 as follows:
5:1. When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up into the hills, and after he sat down, his disciples came unto Him.
5:2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:
5:3. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. 5:6 Blessed are the hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. 5:10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 5:11 Blessed are ye, when ye I heckled and abused and you " difitnahkan " ( slander ) all kinds of evil. 5:12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. " |
We will try to understand the Word of the above impression of what you can? if you do not have the impression please read once more.
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
is Jesus' first sermon as above. The question is why Jesus chose those words!. Happy because the poor before God because it would have the kingdom of heaven.
poor that what is meant by the sentence above? . Poor understanding of what is does not have what could be in the count. The sentence above shows that people in poverty can not refer to the attitude was poor. Because God is all know and understand the hearts of every person, so we think God is indeed true that the poor look. If you feel that the poor have different meanings and can mean greed. Actually, in general he was among the class of people who are able but personally the person feels poor / lack. In other words, people who are poor are people who are not satisfied with the current situation. There are significant differences according to God's poor and needy by humans. The sentence was poor was more inclined to the opinion of men, but poor in spirit is the judgment of God himself.
sentence above is where the difference between people who are really poor before God and the people who are poor before God.
If we believe that God is omniscience, the above sentence is not a sentence figuratively, but really poor by God. Here the judge is God himself.
Returning to the context of the first sentence happy as mentioned above, God promised the kingdom of heaven. Not only but of the kingdom of heaven. Heaven is under our "atmosphere of heaven" but the kingdom of heaven is not only the atmosphere, but more than that. We as owners and play an active role on the kingdom of heaven so by the owner of the kingdom of heaven then we do not need anything any more, all available to us.
Why poor before God with the kingdom of heaven? This question should be answered in this post. Previously we'd like to ask all of you, Have you ever at any given moment in time and do not have anything? Or can you imagine how the people who are poor? to meet basic needs (eating) just not necessarily fulfilled for the day (breakfast but not necessarily be able to eat for lunch or dinner). Then that person will instinctively try to get food or he'll eat anything to fill his stomach.Poor in the sense of the above is true and not poor are poor because God Almighty knows the judge that poor man.What do you think can be relied upon by the poor? What could be proud of the poor? Poor is a state.
poor before God, meaning the poor are met and faced God. We think God is judging that the man before him was poor and we need to underline is that person still see the evidence of God he was there in spirit.
When people do not have anything but he remained faithful to God as that of the "Job" in poverty and illness he remained faithful to God. Still rely on God in poverty then that God expects.
So remember the word of the Lord Jesus about the rich tough to go to heaven and is easier for a camel entrance pinhole.(Matthew 19: 24, Mark 10: 25 & Luke 18: 25). Why the rich more difficult to go to heaven? because rich people in general rely more wealth from the Lord; For the rich too much consideration to follow God. Then why Onta easier to get a needle? because the camel is not too much deliberation and not a lot of thinking. The conclusion is if you want to follow the Lord Jesus not too many considerations that kind of variety and do not think, but come alone where God went. Here, have an understanding that if you want to follow God burdened by things not in other things, come along and do a lot to ask or think that kind of variety. Because God will not let the person in distress.
2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted
Grieving job is akin to bereavement, there is sorrow, there is trouble. What is expected of those who mourn? is a relief.Grief is the feeling of a grieving heart. No one likes sorrow. The sentence contains a hope which God promises to those who mourn will receive comfort from God. In other words, people will not grieve forever, and if there are people who are grieving God will comfort her.
The important question is "above the phrase invites us to beduka job! Other words those who mourn happier? True grieving people happier? '. As the introduction of the above that is identical to the sadness of grief - mourning and no one who chooses to mourn. We observe that the grieving person is more blessed because she had received consolation from God. There's gratitude for God has comforted so she was happy. According to our sense of happiness is not placed in front of, but would be happy because God has cared for us and God is willing to entertain us. An incredible gift that God still cares for us. Because God sees that we are important to God that God cares for us, this is where it lies happily.
3. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Gentle Indonesian language has the meaning kind, according to. According to Greek meek as Praus / praotes; which has a similar meaning with the Indonesian language.
Gentle think we have some understanding of compound are:
- Tractable, otherwise we may assume as a pet according to the dictates of their masters.
- Patience (not like angry and spit anger) but did not stay silent.
- Humble (not arrogant) but not inferior (less confident)
According to our meek are those who have the will but his will he tunduhkan under the will of God. In other words, let it happen according to God's minion is not the will of the individual human being.
Disini will not shut down but the human will is directed to God, let it happen according to God alone and not by the will of my people. Desire (will) more in control.
The meek shall inherit the earth? so true! .... let us learn. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth".Approximately how do you think people in accordance with the will of God and he is looking forward to continue to try and humble and not arrogant; whether the person will possess the earth. Please you think yes ........
4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
sentence is a sentence commensurate with the number 2 that contains hope. For God will give satisfaction to those who are hungry and thirsty. Hunger and thirst are not only meant the understanding of eating and drinking, but the sentence could have broad significance. An example is the hunger and thirst for righteousness saith the Lord God will make full and no longer thirsty, hungry and thirsty for knowledge, God will provide the necessary knowledge and much more.
because God always satisfy her hungry and thirsty that person will happy.
5. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy
We think the sentence is similar to the law of karma. You give then you will also receive. You are willing to let go of something, then you will receive something.
guy who gave the iklas that person would not expect anything there, but the word is stressed that a generous person shall receive mercy. Described here do not receive mercy from whom? we think of God could be also from our fellow human beings.
6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
since God is holy, and the first man (Adam and Eve) fall into sin, since that there are gaps. Holy God and sinful man. The sentence we think is God's promise to man. The sentence above also shows that God is not the current view (not in this world), the sentence is in the form of the promise of God for the life to come, why is that? Please understand tersbut sentence, no word will be ", because they will see God ". Definitely not in this world are the pure in heart see God. If you want to see God the heart must be pure. Holy what? of course the holy scriptures by God not by man. Human judgment and the judgment of God is different. Holy clean or clear no shit, holy can also be interpreted as "pure". Here the observer and penilainya is God. According to us if there are people who consider his or her holy shrine is dirt and stains, because the judge is a human being, to use human standards.
How to create a pure heart? This sentence may currently exist in your mind. We think as we've posted a while ago about the heart ( click here ) that the liver is the source of goodness and also the destruction of the world's resources. The amount of physical care of only the hands but if the whole earth is inserted into the heart so there is still space, and if the whole universe in put in the liver were also there is space. Liver had 2 rooms (septum) that is positive space and negative space. Positive Space is everything positive (heaven, light, light, kindness, love, patience, beauty, yes. Agrees, etc) while negative space is hell, sadness, grief, hard, black, poor, nasty, no, reject ( disagree), etc.). We think there is a difference in the heart of heaven - hell, heaven - earth, light black, light - dark, love, grief, joy - sadness, goodness - evil, yes-no, agree - disagree etc comes from the heart.
then is bulkhead in the liver can be removed, how do I make room in the heart may be full and no voids (empty space).We think the only thing that can eliminate the bulkhead and make room in the full heart of God is present in our hearts.Let God have complete control over our hearts. For that invite God to be present in our hearts and let God himself into and dwells in our hearts. But previously used to prepare our hearts for the coming of God to be comfortable and krasan God in our hearts. Humans can only prepare and invite God, and fully the authority of God to be present or not.
Pure heart never views the human point of view because it would have lost, a pure heart is God's opinion and judgment of God. Man just trying to prepare and invite God to always be present. The rest let God himself wills, wants to come or not let it be God's will.
7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
sentence above is a "promise" of God. Here God is not directly apply terms for those who want to be called the children of God then mreka should bring peace.
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5: 1)
The word peace in the Bible has two different meanings like two surfaces currency or as a double-edged sword. But it remains the same understanding of the man at peace with God and instead are realized with the promise of salvation to mankind in the form of the presence of Jesus Christ and the crucifixion - the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a perfect burnt offering before God. (Matthew 20: 28, Mark 10: 45)
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you, and what I give is not like the one given by the world to you. Let not your heart agitated and trembling. (John 14: 27)
Everything that I said unto you, that ye may obtain peace in me. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world. "(John 16: 33)
The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all . (Acts 10: 36)
But the life of the world of Jesus being firmly rejected peace with the world as:
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, a daughter of his mother, daughter of the mother-in-law, .. (Matthew 10: 34-35)
You think that I came to bring peace on earth? No, my word to you, not peace, but a contradiction. (Luke 12: 51)
Back in the happy phrase konsteks "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Bringing peace here is more to peace with his fellow man and the world is not at peace with life. Here is more to reconcile the spiritual life.
8. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Greeting happy that all eight have similarities such promise at the first point of the beatitude "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" is Alah promising The kingdom of heaven for those who are persecuted for righteousness.
Related to the truth is the truth, so the truth from the perspective of any remains a truth. Although sometimes the truth does not necessarily open but as the time passes though the truth remains the truth must be viewed from the point of view that is different. What we mean you can read in our previous post about it, ( click here )
Related to the truth of the teachings of Jesus Christ and hope of Jesus to not waver in adhering to the word of God, always surrender to God.
"Blessed are ye, when ye I heckled and abused and you difitnahkan ( lie / slander ) all kinds of evil.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. "
No fear of suffering in the world despite having in reproach and slander persecuted by humans as well as in others because of joy and preaching the Word of God in Jesus Christ.
Hopefully useful and hopefully not confused.
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
1. The Bible - Indonesian Bible Society to print-154, 1996
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