Senin, 11 Februari 2013


Human feelings and Disease Behind

Different types of human feelings is not only determined by psychological factors, as physical condition can also affect it.Some types of chronic illness can make a person more likely to experience certain feelings all the time. Chinese medicine recognize six emotions or feelings experienced by humans. If one of them appear all the time and feeling more dominant than the other, chances are those feelings indicate the presence of disease in the body.

The feelings that indicate the presence of disease is as follows ....

1. Excitement

Although usually a feeling of happiness indicates a healthy state of mind, excessive excitement or euphoria it shows the physical and mental health. Someone who always seemed cheerful all the time at risk of heart problems or at least a more plausible is a mental disorder.


2. Restless

according to Chinese medicine, the panic and anxiety that come up all the time is also associated with heart health.Especially if it is accompanied by anxiety symptoms such as palpilasi or palpitations and cold sweats.


3. Worry

Someone who is always worried about the possibility of have a problem with the lymph glands are not working properly.Other accompanying symptoms usually are decreased appetite, feel weak limbs, abdominal bloating and irregular periods.


4. Sad

Problems of the respiratory system, especially the lungs can make a person look always sad all day. Incidentally, asthma attacks and bronchitis are also more likely to occur frequently in grief, while whooping cough more common in people whose lives suffer.


5. Fear

If not because it is indeed cowardly, someone who always fear might have a problem with the kidneys. Another possibility is excess pressure on the lower spine, urinary tract infections or sexual dysfunction.


6. Angry

Chinese medicine Qi energy to know that, if an increase in excess impact can make a person more grumpy fingers.Increased energy Qi is also associated with the emergence of problems in the liver, as well as a variety of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and red eyes.


20 Self-Destructive Nature
of the book Personality Plus, we can conclude there are approximately 20 properties that can destroy ourselves, namely:

1. Bashful 
Often avoids attention because of embarrassment

2. Unforgiving 
is hard to forget the heartache suffered injustice, plain grudge

3. Resentful 
often harbored resentment due to be offended by the fact / imagination

4. Fussy 
Insisting ask great attention to detail / light thing

5. Insecure 
Often feel sad / anxiety / fear / lack of confidence

6. Unpopular 
Love requires others to perfectly suit his

7. Hard to please 
Like it sets too high a standard difficult to meet other people

8. Pessimistic 
Often first saw the bad side of any situation

9. Alienated 
often feel isolated / unsafe, afraid that displease others

10. Negative attitude 
of positive thinking is rare, often only see the bad side / dark every situation

11. Withdrawn 
Often long solitary / withdrawn / isolate themselves

12. Too sensitive 
too introspective / want to be understood, easily offended if misunderstood

13. Depressed 
most of the time feel depressed

14. Introverted 
thinking and attention directed inward, living in self-

15. Moody 
passion often plunged, especially if feeling unappreciated

16. Skeptical 
Not trusting, questioning the motives behind the words

17. Loner 
requires a lot of personal time, tended to avoid others

18. Suspicious 
Love suspicious / not trust the words of others

19. Revengeful 
Conscious / unconscious often resist the feeling, hold a grudge, wants revenge

20. Critical 
Likes evaluate / assess / think / criticize negatively



Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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