We are keen to raise the topic of legiselatif seats to be contested not by the quality of candidates but by how much money and how popular a candidate. We tergeltik to lift the case because the facts on the ground, especially in the areas that prove that the figure of the Board members in parliament bath palace officials had ignored the fate of its people.They are just looking for how to keep the capital cost to be a member of legiselatif. Because it is to be a member of the board is not free and the amount spent so fantastic. Here is a fact the fact that the legislative and executive chair requires funding not less.
We review the what is presented in the national newspaper "Jawa Pos" on February 4, 2013 on Metropolis sheet. With the title "Capital Minimum Hunting Chair Legiselatif. SURABAYA USD 200 million, USD 400 Million JATIM."
We are keen to pick it up because not only Surabaya but all districts and cities also experienced similar things.
A number of political parties (political parties) light publicly raised the financial condition legiselatif candidate registration on the grounds that the candidate not be a sucker for the party. It was expressed by some parties in Surabaya DPC chairman.
According adies Kadir, chairman of the Golkar Party DPC stated that candidates have at least $ 100 million in his personal account. This provision is only for prospective new legislative candidate, and the candidate clearly not going to get old as long proven candidates have a lot of money. According adies until February 4, 2013 DPC Golkar Surabaya has received 100 candidates. So there passive capital campaign Golkar Millyar at least 10 dollars.
According Bagio Fandi, chairman of the DPC Gerindra - Surabaya stated that there are no standards of terkaid Gerindra party to the above. But although no mention of the number of dollars Bagio agree that in order to be representative of the people not a freebie. According to Aden Darmawan - Treasurer DPC Gerindra - Surabaya stated that at least $ 200 million cost to be a candidate for level legiselatif Surabaya.
According to Aden the cost to be incurred by a candidate for the legislature was witness fees in every polling station where a witness Rp 100.000, -. It seems small but if the amount of the existing TPS 6000 TPS in Surabaya then takes About a Rp 6 millyar rupiah. A fee that is shared (joint connection) by a legislative candidate from the party concerned.Calculate the count then a legislative candidate needs at least Rp 100 million for witness fees in each and every polling station of a party.
According to Aden again that a media introduction memutuhkan Cale himself to society malalui banners, business cards and props estimated to USD 100 million. For example, banner creation for one electoral district consists of 5 districts and 25 villages. If only a Caleg make 3 banners for each village the cost of making Benner at a price of Rp 15,000 per 1 M2 and for 1 banner with a size of 2 x 3 meter the required fee of Rp 90,000 for one banner. If every keluarahan there are 3 banner will require Rp 270,000, - for 1 sub. To put banners in 1 constituency (electoral district) then takes charge at least $ 6.75 million, - not the cost of installation and the cost of other expenses.
Not to mention the cost of the above plus the cost of a successful team. According to a member of the Legislature he spent about USD 200 million for the team success.
The more broken again is vote buying candidates than candidates who do not meet the minimum number of votes then there is vote buying among candidates. Here the voice of the community in the sale by the number of candidates who passed the sound was not minimal. On the grounds that the vote is not wasted in vain the party to facilitate the sale. With a broken voice still sounds the party broke determine because the candidates come from concerned pertai. Once in the communion of the voice sounds into sound party with a quota of votes eligible legiselatif padded seat.
From unscrupulous KPU also no indication of the rest of the sound card purchase. And oddly enough it was as though all agree deviant behavior. It was captured by the information of a candidate of a particular party which does not pass and got a quote from the person who can make him take advantage of the remaining board members with a sound card.
The same thing is true for Cabup - Cawabup or Cagub-Cawagub in this country. Candidates for Governor Candidates regents and its partners spent money that did little for the nomination process until they elect a regent or governor in the country.
Seeing the above it legiselatif members and executive members will find a way to return the capital that has been issued.That's why a lot of means and efforts of those who sometimes do not make sense. After they finished, they are no longer representative of the people but they give more priority to be representative of the people for themselves. Because she is also a board member of the status of the people and residents. Not infrequently in the past 5 years payback efforts with the efforts they are doing in the form of tribute tributes continue to flow into the bag. If the count is calculated over a period of 5 years they've been able to return capital even with interest. That's why the Legislature seat business is a promising business and has a good prospect so it is not uncommon to many people terpincut, and fighting over it.
That's why as long as the business remains the same method legiselatif seats will go on like this. So do not be surprised if a board member is no longer a representative of the people but they run their own business. Try reading the behavior of board members can be found in google search.
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
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