This is not a fairy tale but a fact that when we issue a fart is embarrassing when in public. But the unique facts happened in Sweden that provides exceptional benefits gara gara fart. Where gara gara fart issues lead to conflict and ended in court with a compensation of U.S. $ 100,000 or approximately Rp. 930 million!
Sounds like something that silly fart issue could end up in court and give rise to a lawsuit with the amount of material that is quite fantastic, but this is really the case in Sweden. According to Göran Andervass, 44, a computer technician he arrival of a client in his office and his client were diruangannya fart, fart loud and cause a repulsive odor, according to the local local newspaper Aftonbladet.
Andervass accused his client was provoked him to fart in front of him and he was angry that his client, causing contention and noise so as to attract the attention of the whole office, until the news reached the ears of the client's boss who is also the director of the National Bank of Sweden.
Andervass and his client called the Swedish National Bank boss and find out what really happened, Andervass tells what happened but the client still denied that he had farted loudly and causing a bad odor and once again squabbling about to happen again if not mediated by the director of the Swedish National Bank. Andervass eventually fired by his office on the complaint Swedish National Bank boss citing "personal issues".
Of course, do not accept and return Andervass sue Bank National Swedish to justice with tort inmateriil of U $ 100.000 or around Rp. 930 million! and it claims that the court granted Andervass Bank National Swedish inmateriil obliged to pay compensation amounting to Rp. 930 million!
The story above is not fiction but a fact unique; This is the world's most expensive fart ever recorded in the history of human civilization.
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
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