Preservatives function is very very beneficial by the food manufacturers. Because not all food produced is always sold out in one day. Preservatives in food products or beverages has become integral part in the food industry. Moreover, the times demanded food and beverage products are very practical, durable and has attractive appearance. Solutions that do the food industry is adding preservatives in order to increase product quality and durable. There is actually a safe and healthy way to preserve food, namely preserving foods naturally.
Today, the world is shaken by a lot of ingredients artificial preservatives often used by food manufacturers. Food manufacturers are using an artificial preservatives such as Borax, Formalin, Sodium Benzoate, dsb.Bahan hazardous materials are used in order to minimize expenses and maximize income. People become afraid to eat foods that contain the above ingredients. The government should not just ban and called for action against the manufacturer or even the use of preservatives are banned, but the government should provide appropriate solutions so that the merchants could find a preservation method that is not prohibited.
Food preservation
food preservation is the means used to make foods have a long shelf life and maintain physical properties and chemical food.
preserve food to watch the kind of food that is preserved, the state of food, preservation, and the preservation of food products appeal . Food preservation technology developed on an industrial scale today based on traditional ways are being developed to extend the consumption of food.
Know Your Type of Food Preservatives
Food quality is determined by the taste, texture, color and nutritional value. To improve the quality of food grade quality, food preservation could improve the quality of food products. As the purpose of adding preservatives to extend the shelf life of food is a way to prevent the growth of spoilage microorganisms.
Food preservatives are classified into two, the first natural preservative that can be obtained from foods such as fresh garlic, sugar, salt and acid. The second category is synthetic preservatives. Preservatives are the result of chemical synthesis. Synthetic preservatives have properties more stable, more dense and less use. Weakness sitetis preservatives are side effects. Synthetic preservatives believed to cause adverse health effects, such as triggering the growth of cancer cells caused by carcinogenic compounds as preservative. Examples of synthetic preservatives are nastrium benzoate, potassium sulfite and nitrite. The addition of natural preservative so much better because of its adverse effects on health are smaller.
Food preservation method can be adapted to the circumstances of food, food composition, and the purpose of preservation. Broadly speaking there are two ways to preserve food, the physical as well as biological and chemical.
Physically Preservation
Preservation of food are physically the most varied kind, for example, is:
- heating. This technique is performed for solid materials, but not effective for materials containing functional groups, such as vitamins and protein.
- cooling. Done by incorporating into the refrigerator, can be applied to meat and dairy.
- fumigation. The combination of salting and drying techniques, for long-term preservation, commonly applied to the meat.
- canning. The combination of chemicals (preservatives added) and physics (a vacuum in the can).
- pickling. Often done on vegetables or fruits.
- coagulation can be done to preserve the liquid material
- drying, prevent food spoilage caused by microorganisms, usually done for solid materials containing protein and carbohydrates
- flour. This technique is very much applicable to carbohydrate material
- Irradiation, to destroy microorganisms and inhibit the biochemical changes
Preservation of the Biological and chemical
preservation of biological and chemical food in general reached with the addition of preservative compounds, such as:
- addition of enzymes, such as papain and bromelain
- addition of chemicals, such as citric acid, salt, sugar.
- salting, inhibit the growth of food spoilage microorganisms
- pemanisan, put in solution with sugar levels high enough to damage the food mencengah
- provision of a preservative, usually applied to materials containing liquid or oil. No food preservatives that are toxic and carcinogenic. Traditional preservatives are harmless salt such as salted fish and salted egg, and a viscous syrup because the sugar solution to prevent microbial growth. Calcium propionate or sodium propionate is used to inhibit the growth of mold, sorbic acid inhibits the growth of mold in cheese, syrup and dried fruit.
Principles of food preservation
food preservation principle there are three, namely:
- Preventing or slowing the rate of decomposition (autolysis) of food
- Prevent damage caused by environmental factors, including pest
- Prevent or slow down microbial damage. Chemicals used as preservatives are also expected to interfere with optimal conditions for microbial growth.
Reviewed in chemical, microbial growth is most vulnerable electrolyte balance in the metabolism system. Because of the chemicals used for an effective antimicrobial commonly used organic acids. How that can be taken to prevent or slow down the microbial breakdown is:
- preventing the entry of microorganisms (works with aseptic)
- issued microorganisms, such as filtration process
- inhibit the growth and activity of microorganisms, such as the use of low temperature drying, use of anaerobic conditions or the use of chemical preservatives
- kill microorganisms, such as sterilization or radiation.
Here is a food preservative that is often used.
Firstly, organic acids found in food.
both, benzoate (salt forms of calcium, and sodium) are used to prevent yeast and bacteria on foods such as jams, drinks, pikel, soy sauce, and margarine.
Thirdly, asorbat acid and salt solution has been used for food preservation since ancient. Various types of food can be used and selected in the process of food preservation.
are substances that can prevent or inhibit fermentation, acidification or other decomposition of food caused by microorganisms. Preservatives intended to slow oxidation that can damage the food. There are two types of food preservatives, namely natural and synthetic (artificial). Preservative is safest natural ingredients, such as vinegar (for pickles), sugar (for sweets), and salt (for pickled fish / eggs). In addition, some natural ingredients such as just adding lemon juice or salt water can be used to prevent the occurrence of the brown reaction time (browing reaction) in apples.
In addition to the above preservatives, there are types of alternative preservatives derived from foodstuffs such as fresh garlic, sugar, tamarind and kluwak. These materials can prevent the proliferation of spoilage microorganisms. Let us recognize one by one of each type of natural preservatives:
Salt Kitchen
kitchen salt is the chemical compound sodium chloride (NaCl). Seasoning salt is the main function is to provide every dish taste salty. In addition to improving the taste of salt also acts as a preservative. The nature of salt is hygroscopic or absorb water, so the salt will cause the microorganism cells die due to dehydration. Salt can also inhibit autolysis and stop the reaction that can be deadly bacteria in the food.
The use of salt as a preservative commonly known as salting, as is done in the process of making salted fish, salted, or pickled vegetables and fruits. How to use is very simple, just add a high amount of salt in food to be preserved.
is sugar crystals resemble grains which are the result of heating and drying cane or beet juice. You must already know the form of sugar, is white granules composed of 99.9% pure saccharose. In addition to sold in the form of granules, sugar is also sold in the form of flour, popularly known as refined sugar.
The function of sugar is usually added to foods and beverages to provide sweetness. But in addition to providing flavor, sugar also acts as a preservative. As with salt, sugar is hygroscopic properties or absorb water so that bacteria cells will dehydrate and eventually die.
The use of sugar as a preservative, commonly referred to as penggulaan. Its use can be sprinkled or mixed and diluted with food or drink to be preserved. Examples of products are preserved with penggulaan sweets, jams, lunkhead, candies, syrups and jellies.
Vinegar is a product of bacterial fermentation acetobacter. Many types of vinegar on the market, such as balsamic vinegar, black vinegar, sugar and vinegar lemon vinegar. Each vinegar is obtained from the fermentation of different ingredients. Adalagi a type of vinegar that is often used for cooking which is also called cooking vinegar. This type of vinegar is vinegar synthetic / chemical with a very strong sour taste. Usually vinegar contains acetic acid 98%.
In addition to providing a sour taste in food and beverages, vinegar can also be used as a preservative. Items are usually preserved with vinegar pickles, kimchi, jelly and beverage. Its use adapted to the type of product is preserved. In addition to improving the shelf life, vinegar can also maintain color or prevent browning reaction / pencokelatan on fruits and vegetables. With the addition of vinegar, vegetables and fruit will last more color.
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a very popular herbs. Aroma and taste are typical, can provide a delicious flavor and aroma to the dish. In addition to the herbs, garlic has been very effective as a preservative. This is largely attributable because garlic can inhibit the growth of yeasts and bacteria. The content of allicin in garlic is very effective lethal gram-positive and gram-negative. Garlic also be antimicrobial E.coli, Shigella sonnei, Staphylococcus sureus and Aerobacter aerogenes. Other benefits is that it can reduce the number of aerobic bacteria, kaliform and other microorganisms that are added to food garlic will last longer. Its use is easy. Add the garlic to the meat or fish pieces and store in the freezer.In this way the meat or fish can last 20 days.
addition to the flavor and its color, kluwak (Pangium edule Reinw) can also be used as a preservative. Kluwak commonly used as a preservative fresh fish. Fresh fish preserved with kluwak can last up to six days. How to use, fruit kluwak finely chopped, dried and then inserted into the stomach of fish that have been cleaned entrails. Usually fresh fish preservation kluwak done by the fishermen in the area of Banten. Fishermen usually preserve fish for fish delivery distance. Preserving the kluwak often combined with salting and cooling.
In addition to using natural foods, food preservation can also be done by the method of drying. Drying is a food preservation method most practical, safe, inexpensive and healthy. Almost all good food vegetables, fruits, nuts until the meat can be preserved by drying method. The goal is to reduce some of the water in the food up to 10-15% so that spoilage microorganisms can not survive.
The method can be a way of drying using sunlight and heat oven. Dried foodstuffs such as sweet potatoes, vegetables and fruits, thinly sliced and then dried or oven in low temperatures (below 40 degrees Celsius) to dry. Furthermore, living food stored in a cool, dry and tightly closed. Dried foodstuffs usually last up to 1 month.
Methods of food preservation either natural or artificial nutrition will affect the quality of the content, particularly vitamins and minerals - nutrients that are easily damaged if preserved in the long term. Therefore, eating fresh food is the best way to get optimal nutrition.
Meatballs become one of the popular foods and favored by many circles. Unfortunately, knowledge about safe meatball is very limited known by the public. More so when the issue lively formalin and borax as a preservative found meatballs.Of course, as the favorite food is meatballs vulnerable adversely affect health. We know that formalin and borax are not fit for use as an additive in foods as classified hazardous or toxic compounds.
Starting from this idea, researchers from the State University student Yogyakarta (UNY), Ardi, Ari Purnomo, and Herlinda Kusuma Wadani tried to use carrots or Daucus carota extract as an alternative natural preservative meatballs.The meatballs are a favorite food all circles, but must be coupled with the secure knowledge about the food. Especially at this time, the issue of formalin and borax are often heard in a variety of reports. Need a natural preservative that meatballs remain safe to eat, said Ardi, in Yogyakarta, on Monday (07/01/2012).
Meatballs containing high protein with high water content and pH neutral so vulnerable to damage. Durable power meatball maximum one day at room temperature. The reason that causes sellers to take shortcuts by adding formalin to preserve meatballs. Formalin on meatballs can extend the lasting for three days. For other materials such as wet noodles can reach five days.
In their study, they used a carrot. Ari explained carrot selected as compared to other crops such as potatoes and tomatoes, carrots contain beta-carotene highest. Beta-carotene it contains antioxidants that can inhibit fermentation, pengasamanan, or other decomposition of food caused by microorganisms. Even using the carrot will add nutritional content in foods that are healthier for consumption. Not only that, the beta-carotene in the diet also prevents premature aging.
Utilization of the extract is done by blending carrots. After getting past the water mixed with the juice of raw meatballs.Based on test laboratorim, meatballs mixed with natural preservatives will keep up to three days. Usually the bacteria will attack the food after one day. With the use of preservatives carrot extract, the bacteria will first attack the beta-carotene or otherwise reduce spoilage.
Although not tested directly on the merchant meatballs, based on laboratory tests proved successful as an alternative natural preservative. The research students are currently competing for funding from the Directorate General of Higher Education to be applied in the community.
We expect natural preservatives can be developed for the food industry such as meatballs. Its safe course makes people do not have to worry about his health,? Ari said. (Olivia Levi Pramesti / National Geographic Indonesia)
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
Interesting Article. Hoping that you will continue posting an article having a useful information. Natural Humectants for Food