Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Beautiful Cave in the world

Cave is a tunnel formed by nature (it could be a man-made cave) in basement that can be passed to humans. In this article we mean the natural cave formations. 

From millions of caves located in the world, there are some of them that have the beauty of natural formation that is extraordinary. Of the many beautiful caves, some of which are crowned as the world's most beautiful natural cave. Want to know the World's Most Beautiful Cave is? Consider the following:

1. Cave of the Ghost (Venezuela)

Cueva del Fantasma, the Spanish name of "Cave of the Ghost". Having height, width and wide amazing that two helicopters were able to enter the cave and landed beside the waterfall. Under the waterfall is natural pond as well. when there is a waterfall and pond in the cave is very large so you can imagine how big the cave itself. When found, some researchers also found some rare frog species in caves berspecies Colostethus.

2. Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves (Austria)

We know that out there there are many caves of ice, but Eisriesenwelt Ice Cave in Austria is probably the biggest.Located in Tennengebirge Mountains near Salzburg and stretching along 40 kilometers. Along the cave you will find ceiling was fantastic beautiful and no wonder when this cave get the nickname Mother Nature's handicraft.

3. Waitomo Glowworm Cave (New Zealand)

Most beautiful caves in the world to the other is Waitomo Glowworm Caves located on the north island of New Zealand and the famous glowworm populations (twinkle caterpillar), Arachnocampa luminosa. Worm is capable of producing one of New Zealand commodity trade is silk. Look how beautiful this dark cave decorated with illumination by these caterpillars.

4. Majlis al Jinn Cave (Oman)

Majlis al Jinn is the second largest cave in the world. Located in Selma plateau at an altitude of 1600 meters from the Sultanate of Oman. This cave was discovered in 1983 by Don Davidson, a geologist who came to Oman. Davidson reportedly died 10 years later while doing the climb in the Andes Mountains. To enter the cave we had to use a rope.This cave has a depth of 120 to 150 meters.

5. Cave of Crystals (Mexico)

World's Most Beautiful Cave of the last in this article is the Cave of Crystal. Found deep inside a mine in southern Chihuahua Mexico, these crystals are formed in a completely enclosed cave coral. A geodetic filled with amazing crystal-high pine trees, and in some places around the crystal-clear there are gold and silver colored with different looks and superb form. 


The cave is located in the second largest freshwater lake in South America, precisely at the General Carrera in Patagonia, Chile. 

The light reflected in the water-filled cave is a cave carved marble walls and create an amazing light show.

"The experience went into the cave is always different because of the light and the lake water level is always changing, ujarnya.fotografer Waidenhofer Linde (67)

But the river that "feed" the lake is in danger Chilean government development programs. Ala mini treasure needs to be protected for future generations,

The view of Lake General Carrera from the Marble Cathedral. Linde Waidehofer, from Colorado in the United States, a trip to a remote place which is located at the southern tip of Chile to capture the wonders of nature

Natural Wonders Marble Cathedral deserves to be the prettiest cave network in the world. Temple created a blue sky nature show how valuable the Earth.

The cave is located in the second largest freshwater lake in South America, precisely at the General Carrera in Patagonia, Chile. The light reflected in the water-filled cave is a cave carved marble walls and create an amazing light show.

Landscape photographer and environmentalist Waidenhofer Linde (67) of Colorado, United States (U.S.), managed to take a picture of this amazing cave.

Group of Tourists explore the Marble Cathedral on Lake General Carrera in Patagonia, Chile. The light from the water bounces into the caverns and strikes the marble walls, casting a beautiful cave in the light 

Together the 2 countries Argentina and Chile the deepest lake in South America is famous for its trout and salmon fishing. 

Waters of Lake General Carrera beautiful, glittering combination of emerald, turquoise, aquamarine and blue. The sky may be blue but still blue water appeared.

However, along the banks of the river, just below the Andes, the steep cliffs of marble showing themselves to be more astonishing visitors. For thousands of years they have been weathered and folded to create a stunning cathedral of marble.




Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://www.didunia.net/2012/12/goa-terindah-di-dunia.html 
2. http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2012/10/gua-terindah-di-dunia.html 
3. http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2013/01/goa-terindah-di-dunia.html 

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