Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

FOOD expensive in the world

World's Most Expensive Mushroom: Mushroom White Truffle (30 juta/500gr)

To date no one has managed to plant or cultivate white truffles. This fungus can only be found in the woods in Northern Italy in September and December. Half a kilogram fungus is sold at the cheapest price of Rp 27.5 million.

World's Most Expensive Fruit: Yubari King Melon

Just like Kobe beef produced only in the city of Kobe, Japan, Yubari melon King also only be made by farmers in Yubari, Japan. It is the fruit of a hybrid two types of melon, yellow melon produces sweet, large and proportional shape.Yubari Melon King usually sold a pair, with the price of Rp 450 thousand to nearly $ 1 million.

World's Most Expensive Poultry Products: Swallow's Nest (300 thousand / serving)

Nests made from the saliva of the bird's nest will usually melt in the condensed soup that is not only delicious but also high in nutrients. This food is expensive because of the bird's nest it took 2 months to make, and only make 2-3 per bird nest every year. To get the process was not easy because the farmers have to take it out of the curve and hallways elusive cave. Bird's nest can only be obtained in countries in Southeast Asia including Indonesia, and China is deliberately built a giant bird house to keep swiftlets. In the international market, the price is Rp 183 thousand for mencapa single nest.

World's Most Expensive flavoring cuisine: Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale

Balsamic vinegar is an important cooking ingredient used many chefs. But traditional balsam vinegar is made in Modena just atu Reggio, Italy, is only used top chefs in the world because the price is very expensive. Trebbiano grapes needed in huge quantities to be processed and fermented for 12-25 years before finally producing a small bottle of balsamic vinegar traditional. The price? USD 1.8 million for a 100 ml bottle.

World's Most Expensive Coffee: Kopi Luwak

Coffee beans are found in Indonesia produces coffee with a more subtle flavor and not too bitter. This is because coffee beans are fermented in the stomach mongoose before issued with dirt. Luwak coffee prices in the international market reached USD 4.5 million dollars to 0.5 kilograms.

World's Most Expensive Meat: Jamón Ibérico de Bellota (800 ribu/500gr)

Do not be surprised if his name such as Spanish, because the meat can only be obtained in Spain. Jamón Ibérico de Bellota is cured pork leg meat. Not just any pig, but pigs are allowed to live freely in the forests of western Spain-rich acorns, so the pigs eat only acorns, wild mushrooms, and grass. Free from fat. Once captured, the pork is preserved for 2 years before being sold to the market at a price of about Rp 800 thousand to 0.5 kilograms.

World's Most Expensive Seasonings: Saffron (300 thousand / gram)

Saffron is a spice that cost is expensive, but the saffron kind of "Coupe" is the most expensive. Saffron types are sold at the cheapest price of Rp 90 thousand per gram, and could reach Rp 275 thousand for the best quality.

World's Most Expensive Seafood: Caviar Fish Terubuk

Caviar aka salted fish eggs is known as the food is expensive. However caviar taken from terubuk fish (sturgeon fish) is the most expensive with prices of more than USD 4.5 million for one serving. Caviar is expensive as fish types Osetra surgeon took 10 years to produce eggs. This fish is also rare and include protected species, so the fishermen have to be careful when him and take their eggs.

Matsutake Mushroom (20 million / kg)

Matsutake mushrooms are just living in Japan, this fungus is very rare to find and are usually located in evergreen plants as parasites. the texture is soft and tasty when roasted him the nickname "King of food mesim fall"

Potato expensive: La Bonnotte (5.6 million / kg)
Potatoes are potatoes La Bonnotte, potato dubbed 'king of potatoes' (king of potatoes) can only be grown on the island Noirmoutier, an island located off the west coast of France.
every year this island can only produce 100 tons per year, as a little potato became the most expensive in the world.What is special about this potato, it was a bit salty for potatoes grown using fertilizer from seaweed dang grass.interested to try it??

Another most expensive fruit: watermelon densuke (2-3 million / piece)
In a country where watermelons are rare items, they can be an expensive commodity. That 17-pound Japanese watermelon became the most expensive watermelon in the world. Densuke watermelons, a type of black watermelon grown only on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, are usually given as gifts due to their extraordinary rarity.There are only sixty-five pieces among the first harvest this season. They are harder and sharper than a watermelon, according to Tohma Agricultural Cooperative spokesman, they "have a different level of sweetness."

Material from birds eating the most expensive: Goose liver (2.5 million / kg)

Foie gras or goose liver, is the most expensive foods from poultry,
geese deliberately bred birds by giving special grains taken to heart, goose liver normally weighs 100gr-200gr,
while for foie gras 800gr-900gr weight. you know they're expensive, about 2.5 million rupiah to 1 kilo. This is usually served in French restaurants and luxurious 5 Star

Livestock meat (halal) expensive: Kobe Beef (3 million / kg)

For meat lovers this is one of the most expensive beef, Kobe beef meat ya. Derived from wagyu cattle ancestry living in Kobe, Japan. The meat is beef terlunak and has the best taste in the world.
kobe ​​beef has a different contour to another beef, this is because the layer of fat between the meat fibers are numerous.It costs roughly 2.7 million per 500gr, wow expensive! 

World's Most Expensive flavoring cuisine: Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale (2 juta/100ml)

Balsamic vinegar is an important cooking ingredient used many chefs. But traditional balsam vinegar is made in Modena just atu Reggio, Italy, is only used top chefs in the world because the price is very expensive. Trebbiano grapes needed in huge quantities to be processed and fermented for 12-25 years before finally producing a small bottle of balsamic vinegar traditional. The price? USD 1.8 million for a 100 ml bottle. 

Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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