Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

6 Easy Ways to Overcome Foot Odor

Obviously bad foot odor because it could interfere with the surrounding environment. Smell can occur when using the flip and when just take off my shoes. Unpleasant aroma easily spread. Avoid smelly feet with simple ways following :

1. Wash feet with soap and warm water twice a day, then dry until completely dry.

2. Use socks with material comfort and good circulation to the feet are not damp. Avoid the use of nylon socks.

3. Wear sandals that opens the front when the weather is hot. When at home, try barefoot.

4. Check the possibility of fungal infections between fingers and the bottom of the foot. If it appears there was redness or dry skin, use products for foot care or your doctor may also want to consult with any health care workers.

5. Do not use the same shoes two days in a row. We recommend using different shoes two days in a row. This will give time for the shoes to dry in 24 hours.

6. Call the doctor. Foot odor is often the case, although it can also be a sign of health problems. Immediately contact a doctor if treatment does not reduce odors, including if the levels of sweat quite a lot in the legs..


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