In a letter Al Baqarah 28 s / d 39 there are two titles of "The evidence the authority of God" verses 28 & 29: "The creation of man and the dominance of the earth" verse 30 s / d 39
The evidence the authority of God
28. Why do you disbelieve in Allah when you was dead, and He gave you life, then you will die and turned his back, then to Him you shall be returned?
29. He is Allah, Who created everything on earth for you, and He desires to (create) the sky, and made them seven heavens. And He is Knower of all things.
Human creation and mastery of the earth
30. Remember when your Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Why do You make (caliph) on earth one who will make mischief therein and shed blood , while we always celebrate Thy praise and sanctify Thee? " He said: "I know what ye know not."
31. And He taught Adam all the names (of things) entirely , then submit them to the angels, saying: "Mention me names if you really frightened of the truth! "
32. They said: "Glory be to You, there is nothing we know, apart from what Thou hast taught kam i: for Thou art the All-Knowing, Wise [35]. "
33. Allah said: "O Adam, tell them the names of these things." But when diberitahukannya to them the names of the thing, God said: "Did I not tell thee, that I know the secret of the heavens and the earth and knows what you reveal and what ye conceal?"
34. And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate [36] down to Adam," and they prostrated except Iblis: he refused and was arrogant and he was among those who reject Faith.
35. And We said: "O Adam, diamilah by you and your wife in the Garden, and eat a lot of food, good food anywhere that you love, and do not go near this tree [37] , which cause you are one of those who do wrong .
36. Glance both digelincirkan by the devil from heaven [38] and removed from the original state [39] And We said: "Get ye down! some of you an enemy to the other, and for you on earth a habitation there, and the pleasures of life until a specified time. "
37. Then Adam received words [40] from his Lord, so He turned to him. Verily, Allah is Oft-returning again Most Merciful.
38.: We said: "Get ye down all from heaven that! Then if there comes to you guidance me, then whoever follows My guidance, he will have nothing to fear on them, and not (yet) they grieve. "
39. As for those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations, they the Fire: They will abide therein.
Footnote [35]. Judge translation actually less accurate with wisdom, as the meaning of Justice is: who has wisdom. Wisdom is the creation and use of a appropriate to the nature, purpose and benefits. Here interpreted with meaning because it is perceived wisdom is almost approaching meaning Justice. [36]. Prostrate here means to honor and revere Adam, is not meant to enslave themselves prostrate, prostrate enslave themselves because it was purely for Allah. [37]. He approached the forbidden tree is uncertain, because the Qur'an and Hadist not explain it. Some are named as the tree of immortality in verse 120 Thaha letter, but it is the name given the devil.[38]. Adam and Eve with the snares of the devil eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, which lead them out of heaven, and God sent them down to earth. What is meant by the devil here is Satan mentioned in the letter Al Baqarah verse 34 above. [39]. The meaning of the original state is pleasure, wealth and glory of life in heaven. [40]. About a few sentences (the teachings) of God received by Adam part of exegesis interpret these words to repent.
Readings from Surat Al Baqarah above discussion was divided into two sub us that is associated with the title "The evidence the authority of God" verses 28 & 29: "The creation of man and the dominance of the earth" verse 30 s / d 39
Proofs authority of God (verses 28 & 29)
Verse 28 says and contain a question "why do you disbelieve in Allah"? ( meaning infidels ) then according to Al Baqarah verse 6 to 20 has been able to answer why the man in the heathen (v. 7)? because Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, [20], and their eyes closed [21]. And for a great torment .. Nay, had explained that the heathen because Allah has set a seal on their hearts and hearing and vision. Al Baqarah verse 7 letter like we have an explanation in the previous posting ( here ) an understanding that the letter blaming God. Try if God does not seal on their hearts and hearing and vision unbelievers so they will not disbelieve.
Further sentence from a letter Al Baqarah verse 28 there is no clarity of what is meant by "you was dead, and He gave you life, then you turned off and turned on his back, ..."
this is due to poor clarity there is no further explanation in the next sentence , associated with the sentence. If the sentence literally in verse 28 has the meaning of human life and death that 2 times. No written explanation. Dizzy when reading it would appear the assumption that the man in the beginning of the dust, God gives the Spirit of life, then man dead and at the end of the human era will be raised again. But this is based on the assumption of Scripture (the Christian Bible), or on other holy scriptures. Assumption appears because we have studied the Bible first, then what about those who only learn the Qur'an. ?
Verse 29 is indeed every religion Samawi acknowledge one Almighty God, and thus to explain that verse 29 is included Samawi verses.
Human creation and mastery of the earth (verse 30 s / d 39)
verse 30 says that the angels know of events upcoming events. In other words, do what the angels said that God created a caliph because he will cause destruction and bloodshed on earth.
According to verse 30 we also explained that before God created an angel caliph caliph already know that that will be created by God (the next sentence a Caliph in question is Adam) will be tempted by the devil and fall into sin. And finally expelled from heaven to earth. So described in verse 30. Because the earth according to Al Baqarah 38 is human dump because of a sin.
So according to us before man was created in God's plan to make people tempted by the devil and descend from heaven to earth.
question is from a vicegerent of Allah on earth, and why in the next verse it is said that Adam and his wife live in heaven?
Next verse (31 s / d 34) shows that God is love in a vicegerent (Adam) because Allah taught Adam the names (objects) and large. People would know the name of the name (object thing) entirely. But the question is why God compares man Adam to the angels about the names (object thing) which is obviously only to man God taught Adam the names (object thing). In other words, only Adam understand clearly shown the names of Allah because Allah has taught him. And the question is not like the previous sentence where the angels understand what will happen before the event as in verse 30.Angel knows what will happen as in verse 30, but the angels did not know the names of things which are written in verse 31 s / d 34.
Sentences to 35 in the state that Adam and his wife in order to inhabit heaven. The question is since when Adam married? because in verse 30 mentions that Allah would create a vicegerent on earth. Said a mean one / single. Then, verse 35 mentioned other man (his wife), wife says it means that the process of marriage. How and when the marriage of the letter Al Baqara 30 to 39 do not explain and further verses in Al Baqarah letter did not explain about this. There is no information about when God created Adam and wife of footnote [38] of which the wife knows that Adam named Eve?
Surat Al Baqarah verse 35 also did not mention that the trees can not be approached. Verse 35 is clear that there is a tree that can not be approached. Surat Al Baqarah not mention the type of tree and prohibitions of Allah is not nigh this tree. Why can not approach is also not explained in this text is just explaining that if approached then cause you (Adam and his wife) among those who do wrong. This verse is also not clearly defined; said plural means people (many people) but at the time just mentioned (Adam and his wife) and show you the meaning of Adam and his wife. On one side there were only 2 people and on the other hand mentions people who mean a lot of people. Writing words and sentences in the letter Al Baqarah 35 very chaotic.
Try to compare it with some snippets of the Bible (Book of Genesis 2: 8 to 9 & 16 to 17). We take this verse because it has same topic with our discussion.
Genesis 2: The
: 8. And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; disitulah placed His people and His formed.
: 9 And the LORD God caused a gourd tree variety from the earth, interesting and good to eat fruit, and the tree of life in the middle the center of the park, as well as the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 16. Then the LORD God gave man this order: "All the trees in the park can go ahead with free fruit, 17 but the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat the fruit, because the day you eat it, you shall surely die. "
Please you compare yourself with verses in Genesis 2 as mentioned above.
Al Baqarah verse 36 letter did not mention how the devil derail them (Adam and his wife) from heaven. There is a footnote at the point [38] as follows:
[38]. Adam and Eve with the snares of the devil eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, which lead them out of heaven, and God sent them down to earth. What is meant by the devil here is Satan mentioned in the letter Al Baqarah verse 34 above.
Our inquiries related to this footnote is from where the name of the wife of Adam conclude that Eve? because previous verses just quoted did not mention the word "wife". From a footnote which concluded that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden tree? because Al Baqarah letter only mentions that "Then both digelincirkan by the devil from heaven".
Al Baqarah verse 37 mentions "37. Then Adam received words [40] from his Lord, so He turned to him.Verily Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. " [40]. About a few sentences (the teachings) of God received by Adam part of exegesis interpret these words to repent.
Interpret the above verse 37 there are 2 God of Him who hath turned in mercy Lord Adam and Adam who gave a few sentences. Clear sentence mention Adam received from his Lord words, Allah accepted his repentance.
The question is who are the Lord, Adam? and whom God has accepted the repentance of Adam? please have look for yourself. Because I'm not understand the Koran writing techniques like this so written original.
The next question is apabilan Allah accepts the repentance of Adam, why in verse 38 Adam was ordered to come down from Heaven?
Al Baqarah 38: We said: "Get ye down all from heaven that!, means God does not fully accept the repentance of Adam and Allah is not God The Pardoner? proof after Allah accepts the repentance of Adam, Allah will order all to come down from heaven.
Our conclusion is that the letter Al Baqarah verse 28 s / d 39 was written by someone who has studied a book or some books and make some conclusions on what he learned. It does seem clear on writing techniques that are not obvious and tracks verse by verse until the appearance of the footer from the literature outside Al Baqarah verses. Because there is no clear explanation of the verse often not inter-connected with other sentences. As if a deduction deduction information until full information is not in the can.
Regards, Dual Hartoyo, SP![]()
1. Al Quran and Translation - Republic of Indonesia Department of Religion, publisher Cv Jaya Sakti-Surabaya
2. Bible - The Bible Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya - Jakarta
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