This 10 Greatest Conqueror in history according to the version me
1. Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan, also spelled Genghis Khan, Jinghis Khan, Chinghiz Khan, Chinggis Khan, Changaiz Khan, etc. The original name Temüjin, also spelled Temuchin or TiemuZhen, (Sec. 1162 to 18 August 1227) is a Mongol Khan and military leaders unite Mongolia and later founded the Mongol Empire conquered most of Asia, including northern sino (Jin Dynasty), Western Xia, Central Asia, Persia, and Mongolia. His successor will expand into an empire widest Mongolia domination in human history. He is the grandfather lands taking Khan, ruler of sino Yuan Dynasty in China.
History records the invasion led by Genghis Khan himself with hundreds of thousands of government soldiers selected to Khwarizmi who at that time dominated the entire Middle East region begins with the murdered Mongolian traders and their property confiscated by the greedy Khwarizmi commander. Greed is a catastrophe for the nation. Genghis Khan successfully capture and punish the dead commander by pouring hot metal into his eyes. Khwarizmi government suffered countless losses. Genghis Khan's anger grew after his beloved grandchildren were killed. Middle Eastern population decreased to 10%, and even Mongolia region widened until kebagian western Asia.
History has noted that at the time of Genghis Khan move back to Mongolia, it could order the two best general, Jebe and Subotai Baatur to investigate and eliminate waste in the Western District enemies reach territory of Russia. Jebe and Subotai ever step on mainland Europe at the time, and the experience of confrontation and crush the Crusaders to be attacking Saudi territory. Sources confrontation to occur because the Crusaders from Europe regardless Mongol forces are Arab forces.
Regional Power Genghis Khan
2. Umar Bin Khattab
During the caliphate of Umar, Muslim power grows rapidly. Islam took over most of Mesopotamia and Persia from the hands of the Persian Sassanid dynasty (which ended the Sassanid empire) and take over Egypt, Palestine, Syria, North Africa and Armenia from the Roman empire (Byzantium).
History records many of the major battles that became the beginning of this conquest. At the battle of Yarmuk, which occurred near Damascus in 636, Muslim forces beat 20 thousand Roman troops reached 70 thousand and ended the Roman power in the southern part of Asia Minor. Other Muslim troops in small amounts to get the victory over the Persian forces in larger numbers at the battle Qadisiyyah (636 th), near the river Eufrat. In the battle, Islamic forces generals ie Sa `ad ibn Abi Waqqas and successfully beat the Sassanid Persians killed the famous generals, Rustam Farrukhzad.
In the year 637, after a long siege of Jerusalem, the Muslims eventually take over the city. Umar provided a key to enter the city by the ministers of Sophronius, and invited to pray in the church (Church of the Holy Sepulchre). Umar chose to pray elsewhere so as not to harm the church. 55 years later, the Mosque of Umar established place it prayer.
Umar do a lot of administrative reform and control of close public policy, including developing an administrative system for the newly conquered. It also ordered the census diselenggarakannya across the territory of Islam. In 638, he ordered to expanding and renovating the Grand Mosque in Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. It also started the process of codification of Islamic law. Umar known from moderate lifestyle, instead of adopting the lifestyle and appearance of the rulers in those days, and they lived very simple.
Islamic Expansion To Kekhalifaan Umar Bin Khattab
At around the year to 17 Hijri, the fourth caliph, Umar Islam issued a decision that the removal should be calculated when the exodus started.
3 Alexander The Great
Alexander The Great
Although only ruled for 13 years, during which it was able to develop his leadership a larger empire from every empire that ever before. By the time he died, Alexander ruled area are measuring 50 times larger than that bequeathed to him, and includes three continents (Europe, Africa, and Asia).
Consolidation territory from Macedonia to Persia by Alexander the Great cause perpaduaan terbetuknya Hellenism, Mediterrrania, Egypt, and Persia, called the culture of Hellenism. Hellenism's influence even to India and China.Specifically in China, the influence of this culture can be traced among the artifacts found in Tunhuang.
Alexander also set up its expansion for a number of cities that are all named according to its name, such as Alexandria or Alexandropolis. One of the city named Alexandria in Egypt, soon became known as a complete library and last up to a thousand years and grow to be the world's greatest center of learning at the time.
The Great or Supreme title in his name is given because of his prowess as a king and other war leaders and keberhasilanya conquered vast territories in just 10 years.
Dominion Region Alexander The Great
4. Salahuddin Al Ayubi
Salahuddin Al Ayyubi
Al-Ayyubi Salahadeen originated among the Kurds. His father and uncle Asaduddin Najmuddin Ayyub Syirkuh migration (migration) to leave their homes near Lake Fan and move to the Tikrit (Iraq). Salahadeen born in the castle Tikrit, Iraq in 532 H/1137 M, when his father became the Seljuk ruler in Tikrit. Currently, neither father nor his uncle serve to Imaduddin Zanky, Seljuk governor to city Mousul, Iraq. When Imaduddin successfully appeared Balbek territories, Lebanon 534 years H/1139 M, Najmuddin Ayyub (father Salahadeen) raise to the governor and became assistant Balbek near King Syria Nuruddin Mahmud. For in this Balbek, Salahadeen fill his youth by concentrating on war techniques, strategies, and political. After that, Salahadeen further education in Sunni theology Damascus to study for ten years, within the palace Nuruddin. In the year 1169, was raised to be a vizier Shalahudin (counselor).
There, he inherited a difficult role defending Egypt against invasion of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem under the leadership of I. Amalrik Position he initially tighten. No one thought she could survive long in Egypt at the time it greatly changed the rule in the last few years because of a long lineage of children Caliph match vizier. As a leader of a foreign soldier Syria, he also has no control of the Shia soldiers, Egypt, led by an unknown person or a weak Caliph named al-Adid. When the caliph died September 1171, Saladin gained the announcement by the name of Imam Al-Mustadi, the Sunnis, and most importantly, the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad, during the ceremony before Friday Prayers, and strength to easily dismiss authority long lineage. Now Saladin dominate Egypt, but officially acts as a representative of Nuruddin, who according to the customs of the Abbasid Caliphate know. Saladin revitalizing the Egyptian economy, organized anniversary military strength, and following the advice of his father, avoiding any conflict with Nuruddin, the official master, after he became the natural leader of Egypt. He waited until the death of Nuruddin before starting some serious military actions: First against smaller Muslim territory, and ordered them to fight the soldiers of the cross.
With Nuruddin death (1174) he received a Sultan of Egypt. There, he proclaimed independence from the Seljuk clan, and he proved to be the discoverer of the Ayyubid dynasty and restoring Sunni teachings to Egypt. He widen his territory to the west of the Maghreb, and when she went to the Nile uncle to reconcile a few protests from the former Fatimid supporters, he then proceed to the Red Sea to conquer Yemen. He also mentioned Waliullah which means companion for those Sunni Muslims.
Aun 559-564 AH / 1164-1168 AD Since then Asaduddin, uncle raised to become Prime Minister Fathimiyah Caliphate. After pamnnya died, Prime Minister's department entrusted Caliph Al-Ayyubi Salahadeen.
Al-Ayyubi Salahadeen attack successfully broke the Crusader army and Roman Byzantine forces launched a second Crusade against Egypt. Sultan Nuruddin Salahadeen order to take power from the hands of the Caliphate Fathimiyah and return to the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad from the year 567 H/1171 M (September). Once Caliph Al-'Adid, the last caliph died Fathimiyah full power in the hands of the Al-Ayyubi Salahadeen.
Territory of Saladin Ayyubi
Sultan Nuruddin M H/1174 died in 659, Damascus passed to his son is still small Sultan Salih Ismail accompanied a saint. Under a power struggle between the saint happened princes Nuruddin and territory Nurruddin become fragmented. Al-Ayyubi Salahadeen go to Damascus to deal with the situation, but it's got the game from Nuruddin followers who do not want the association. Finally Salahadeen Al-Ayyubi fight and reveals himself as the king of Egypt and Syria in the region of 571 M and fruitful H/1176 expand its territory to Mousul, northern Iraq.
5. Richard the Lion Heart
Richard the Lion Heart
Richard I (6 September 1157 - 6 April 1199) was the king of England between the years 1189 until 1199. It is often also dubbed Richard the Lionheart (English: Lionheart, France: Cœur de Lion) for his bravery. It was the third son of Henry II of England, and the English of the chase by working with his father Philip II of France in 1189. Richard I known as one of the characters in the Crusades, in which one of its success in the war is to support a team of Cyprus grab the Crusades. when you reach the city of Acre Richard then seize Acre in 1191 and then Richard began directing team to take Jerusalem. Team Richard walked through the coastline between the towns of Acre and Jaffa Jaffa City while en route blocked team Richard and Saladin team, there was a battle of Arsuf Joram who helped Richard and Saladin forced backward to Jerusalem to survive. Richard finally entered the city without resistance because of Jaffa was burnt by Saladin.
6. Muhammad Al Fatih
Muhammad Al Fatih (Mehmed II)
Istanbul or a previously known as Constantinople, is one of the world-famous city. The city is recorded in golden ink in the history of Islam in particular Ottoman Sultanate, as well as regions expand Islamic influence spread in many countries.The city was founded in 330 by Emperor Byzantine M Costantine ie I. Its strategic position, making it have a special place when Muslims start growth in the Byzantine Empire. Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam also have some time to give the good news about this city command to Muslims as stated by the Prophet sallallaahu' Alaihi Wasallam at the Battle of the Trench.
The caliphs and Muslim leaders are always working even conquer Kostantinopel. The first effort was launched in 44 H at the time of Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyan rh 'anhu. However, these efforts failed. A similar effort is done at the time of the Umayyad Caliphate. In the reign of the Abbasids, efforts continue but still have failed, including the time of the Caliph Harun al-Rashid in 190 H. After the fall of Baghdad in 656 AH, captivating Kostantinopel efforts pursued by the small kingdoms in East Asia (Anatolia) especially Seljuk Government. Leader, Alp Arselan (455-465 H/1063-1072 M) could defeat Roman Emperor, Dimonos (Romanus IV / Armanus), 463 years H/1070 M. As a result most of the imperial Roman conquered territories under Islamic influence Seljuks.
The beginning of the 8th century Hijri, Daulah Seljuk Ottoman hold mutual agreement. This partnership gives new impetus to the efforts of Muslims to capture Constantinople. Made the first attempt at Sulthan Yildirim Bayazid times when he besieged the city in 796 H/1393 M. Opportunities have been used by the Sultan Bayazid to force the Byzantine Emperor of Constantinople peaceful surrender to the Muslims. However, the effort is doomed to failure because of the help came from Europe and raid the Mongols under the leadership of Lenk East.
After Daulah Utsmaniyyah achieve more advanced development and directed, the spirit of jihad back with a new lease of life. Desire and determination that has driven Sultan Murad II (824-863 H/1421-1451 M) to continue to conquer Kostantinopel. Some successful efforts made to encircle the city but at the same time happen betrayal on the part of Muslims. Byzantine emperor sow kacirkan defamation and mengucar-line Islamic army. Sultan Murad II effort did not succeed until the time of his son, Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih (Mehmed II), the seventh sultan Utsmaniyyah Daulah.
Since childhood, Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih was looking closely at his father's efforts to conquer Kostantinopel. In fact, he studied the efforts that have made throughout the history of Islam in that direction, giving rise to a strong desire for them to continue the ideals of the Islamic Ummah. When he ascended the throne in 855 H/1451 M, he was beginning to think and strategize to conquer the city of yesteryear. Strength Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih situated at an altitude Private.Since early childhood, he taught intensively by the 'ulama's leading nations. At the time of his father, Sultan Murad II ie, Ash-Sheikh Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Kurani has become murabbi Amir Muhammad (Al-Fatih). Sultan Murad II had sent his scholars to teach her before, but not accepted by Amir Muhammad. Then, he sends ash-Shaykh al-Kurani and empower him to beat Amir Muhammad if objected to order teacher.
Time to meet Amir Muhammad and explained the rights conferred by Sulthan, Amir Muhammad laughed. He then hit by ash-Shaykh al-Kurani. This event is very effective in self-Amir Muhammad thus after that he continued to memorize the Quran in a short time. In addition, Ash-Sheikh Ak Samsettin (Shamsuddin) is murabbi Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih an intrinsically. He teaches Amir Muhammad religious sciences such as the Qur'an, hadith, fiqh, language (Arabic, Persian and Turkish), mathematics, astronomy, history, science and wars.
Thus persuade Samsettin Ak Sheikh Amir Muhammad that he was the one spoken of by the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam in Kostantinopel opening hadith. When it came to the throne, Sheikh Sultan Muhammad immediately find Semsettin to prepare an army for the conquest of Constantinople. The war may take up to 54 days. Preparation was done. Sulthan successfully compiled a total of 250 thousand soldiers. The mujahid thus receive intensive training and always be reminded of the message the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam Constantinople associated importance for the success of Islam.
After a thorough preparation process, the team finally Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih arrived in the city of Constantinople, on Thursday 26 Rabi Early 857 H or 6 April 1453 M. In front of the army, Sulthan Al-Fatih earlier preaching jihad reminded about the benefits, the importance of faith and hope glorifying victory in front of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. He also recited verses of the Qur'an and hadiths about the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam on the opening of the city of Constantinople. These provide a high morale in the army and thus they celebrate the remembrance of Allah, praise and prayer to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.
Regional Power Muhammad Al-Fatih (Mehmed II)
Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih already launched a massive attack to Byzantine fortress there. Takbir "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!" Continue to reverberate in the space of Constantinople seemed to tear down the city skyline. On May 27, 1453, Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih joint forces strive cleanse themselves before Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. They multiply prayer, prayer, and Dhikr. Accurate to 1 am on Tuesday 20 Jumadil Early 857 H or coincide with the date May 29, 1453 M, the main attack was launched. The mujahideen ordered to raise voice interpretation of the word monotheism while attacking the city. Utsmaniyyah army has been able to penetrate the city of Edirne and Constantinople through the door they fly the flag at the top of Utsmaniyyah Daulah. Determination and high morale among the troops Al-Fatih, were finally able to deliver their ambitions.
7. Napoleon Bonaparte
It became a student at Brienne Military Academy in 1779 at the age of 10 years, his wit make Napoleon passed the academy at the age of 15 years. Rapid uphill militernya career after he managed to quell ethnic riots dimotori royalists supporting a very surprising way: firing artillery in the city of Paris from the top of the tower. These events occurred in 1795 when 26-year-old Napoleon. A variety of them dimenangkannya war against Austria and Prussia.
Napoleon Bonaparte
In its heyday, Napoleon Bonaparte dominated almost the entire plains of Europe good with diplomacy or war. Among them are the Netherlands and he lifted up his brother Louis Napoleon, Napoleon's Spanish by Joseph lifted up, lifted up by General Bernadotte of Sweden as king and then commit treason, most of the Italian regions who snapped from Austria and Poland with Joseph Poniatowski as a saint lifted the Polish nation.
But not all wars in Europe dimenangkannya. Spain's failure to confront guerrillas. Defeat at the battle of Trafalgar sea between French-Spanish fleet led by Admiral Villeneuve with Britain fleet under Admiral Nelson Nelson despite fall in this battle (French sniper shot). Failure in the campaign in Egypt, which consequently faced with the strength of Britain, Egypt and Turkey. Failure to attack Russia because of their toughness and intelligence Kotusov general strategy and Tsar Alexander I in the face of the French team, leveraging the Russian winter that are disabling and betrayal general Bernadotte King of Sweden. Russia's strategy in this regard is the burning of Moscow when Napoleon successfully conquered the city and look forward to new logistics resources. Defeat in Russia over again by Adolf Hitler of Germany in World War II. Defeat that ended his career as a French Emperor after escaping from Elba Island and the rule back in France for 100 days is the defeat at Waterloo in the face of British strength that led the Duke of Wellington, the Prince van Oranje Netherlands and Prussia led by General Blücher and armament Shrapnel new findings from the English general, the result, he was removed to the island of Saint Helena until his death.
Regional Power Napoleon Bonaparte
8. Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Able to name Julius Caesar is said to be very well known in many parts of the world. The ruler of the Roman Republic (100 BC - 44 BC) was one of the great figures of the world that is very important in human civilization. But certainly not a lot to know in detail the biographies of Caesar, except possibly the historian or history buff.
Born in 100 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar was so skilled in orasi, political and military so do not be surprised if over the rising young career. But the increased enemy because many people feel threatened by excellence. Caesar finally had to leave Rome during the Roman dictator Lucius Sulla mengeksekusinya threatening.
Caesar were off to war and be able to show courage and kejeniusan in war strategy until it was finally restored his citizenship status.
Then Caesar centralize his career in politics and the military. It brings populist agenda against corruption, racial politics dominate aristocratic Roamwi moment. Victory after victory both in political as well as military makes it become the new ruler of Roman Roman ruler presistenya unsurpassed anywhere.
Julius Caesar fought and won a civil war which makes the greatest ruler of the Roman world, and started large-scale reforms of Roman society and government. He became dictator for life, and a more centralized rule weakened in the republic.
Caesar died on 15 March 44 BC as a result being pricked to death by Marcus Junius Brutus and several Roman senators. Action against murder on March Idi became second trigger civil war that be the end of the Roman Republic and early Roman Empire under the reign of his grandson and adopted son, Caesar Augustus.
Battle Map Julius section deliveries
9. Qin Shi Huang
Qin Shi Huang (Hanzi:) (November or December 260 BC - September 10, 210 BC), was born with the name Ying Zheng), also called Shi Huang Di the First Emperor's meaning is, is the king of the State of Qin from 247 BC to 221 BC, after unify sino-to conquer six other countries, he later founded the Qin Dynasty and lift yourself become emperor of a united sino - from 221 BC to 210 BC - The First Emperor's reign with pronunciation.
After consolidating sino, he and the prime minister Li Si create various changes intended to strengthen the association, and they carry a lot of reforms in governance, combining raw writing, standard gauge and also continue the development of the Great Wall dating from the Age of Warring States. Even with an iron hand dominance, Qin Shi Huang is still regarded by history until now as the founder of sino sino past. Association sino race was held over two thousand years.
Qin Shi Huang requiring only 16 years since he ascended the throne he became King of Qin to unify China. Of course, his predecessor had put the previous foundation.
After unification, Qin Shi Huang often explore new government, examining his realm. Develop a toll road leading to the various regions in China, which enables fast mobilization of its armed forces. Road width is said to be willing to accommodate four chariots in parallel. It was built to spread from the capital to remote regions on the borders of his kingdom.
Use ward off interference from Xungnu nomads in the North, Qin Shi Huang ordered the Long Walls along the border connecting North from various former warring countries. Fortification line along more than 3,000 miles, which is now known as the Great Wall of China. It took 400,000 young labor for years to solve this task. Since the Great Wall further reinforced by the next generation and is now higher than it was firmly Qin Shi Huang era.
Great Wall of China
Qin Shi Huang continued to support the intellectual and creating official positions for their doctor. This is the title of doctor positions and not mengemban power and responsibility. Even so, indicate their intellectual performance, and the modern equivalent to the PhD. Every time there is a vacancy in government, the intellectuals doctor is likely to fill the position.
Map Dynasty Qin Shi Huang
This intellectual school come from a variety of different, known as 100 schools, including Taoism and Confucianism.Some male witch who claim that they can find a god or find recipes for immortality. Not rare that the intellectuals will discuss or even bickering over social issues and politics. When discussion or dispute collide with the existing policy, Qin Shi Huang will 'silence' them. Some doctors will criticize intellectual contemporary policy and political affairs, which will only cause more harsh order of Qin Shi Huang.
In the year 213 BC, Qin Shi Huang issued the order to bury her alive 460 intellectuals doctor. He also ordered the destruction of all previous national historical archives, hide work 100 schools, including schools of Confucianism, and other books with the exception of Qin Historical Archive, books about drugs, forecasting, agriculture, copies of National Doctor's classic poem and classical history . Also issued edicts to prohibit discussion classical poetry and classical history to eliminate the possibility reflection of contemporary politics through indirect discussion of historical events. The violator will be punished at most suitable law, including executed.
Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang
Paper had not been invented then, and all the books written on bamboo cuts, tied with thin rope. Education is not extensive at the time and a little amount of highly educated intellectuals. As a result, book burning and burial of intellectuals bamboo recorded in history as a reflection of the rule of Qin Shi Huang.
In 210 BC, Qin Shi Huang pain while checking the country. He died, when returned to the capital, on 49 completed.
Political innovation after unification of China by Qin Shi Huang became the standard model for the next generation of government power for more than 2,000 years in China. Even today in China, people still see the legacy of Qin in the Cabinet and arrangements in municipal governments. Unfortunately, book burning and burial of intellectuals also conducted, in modern form, in this Internet age.
Some have argued that most of sinologis intellectual Qin Shi Huang was buried witch men, who claimed they could make in relation to the god emperor and helped found the recipe for eternal life. Archive historical records that four such witch spend the amount of money is too big to find god and eternal life for the emperor. They did not return for failing to fulfill their promises. Outraged by this blatant lie, Qin Shi Huang ordered burial alive all wizards, which reach more than 400.
One of the four who escaped witch named Xu Fu. Xu led 3,000 boys and girls and various technology and artefacts China to sail to the east to find a god, but he never came back. According to records in China and Japan, Xu arrived in Japan. Agriculture technology and help bring other end to the Stone Age and usher a new phase in Japanese civilization.
In ancient Chinese folktale, people associate the Qin Shi Huang as brutal tyranny. The emperor was recommended by the intellectuals for not mencontohnya, although this suggestion was not observed. At the same time, a number of intellectuals have gained an understanding of the role of rationality in the history of Qin Shi Huang. However, unlimited imperial power, and the District Nine Cabinet that created him and great vassal state of unparalleled impact on the next generation of Chinese leaders who replaced him.
Major construction work, including the Great Wall of China and the Palace Epang luxury and military campaigns against Xungnu nomadic tribes in North and South Vietnam's ancestors at this time, has resulted in the Qin Dynasty bankruptcy.The people, who live in poverty, also complained about the harsh rule of Qin law. Only three years after the death of Qin Shi Huang, Qin Dynasty, the fourth in the history of China, collapsed because peasant revolts throughout the empire
10. Karel the Great (Charlemagne)
Karel Karel the Great or the Great (French: Charlemagne; Latin: Carolus Magnus or Magnus Karolus; German: Karl der Große: English: Charles the Great, Italian language Carlo Magno) (742 or 747 - January 28, 814), is the king of Franks from 768 until 814 and Lombard races from 814 until 774. It was hailed as Imperator Augustus in Rome on Christmas Day in 800 by Pope Leo III, and therefore considered the founder of the Holy Roman Empire (with the title of Karel I). Through conquest and defense, it is to strengthen and expand its authority to cover most of Western Europe.It is often considered the founding father of France and Germany, even sometimes as founder Mr Europe. It was the first emperor in the West since the collapse of the Roman Empire.
General Karel, who is the grandson of Karel Martel, mighty savior of Europe, ending the era of barbarian nations of Europe to become the first ruler recognized by the Pope and baptized into Christianity since the days of barbarian Odoaker. The nations of Europe since the fall of the Roman empire did not have the rule of Christian and fell to the barbarian nations of Northern Europe, now reunited under the rule of General Karel. With the advent of the war, the association became rare and the organized Karel I be able to focus on other things such as education, culture, religion, and finance. Arab countries during the Middle Ages experienced rapid progress, slowly began to miss the start of the European nations reordered based on the teachings of Christianity. This progress until now is still clearly visible.
In the year 771, when the Supreme Karel ascended the throne, it started with the conquest for three decades. It pushes the borders of his kingdom to the east and eventually it dominates Burgundy, mostly Italian, Alamania, Bavaria and Thurginia. In the north it dominates Saxony and Frisia. On the east side of the second area, it creates districts with specific military organization called the Marches. Those regions stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic reach. For the first time, most of Europe enjoys a stable leadership.
Arrive on Christmas Day in 800, General Karel holds a king Franks. On holy days, Pope Leo II crowned him as emperor of the Holy Roman empire, and again appears to Western Europe have a follow emperor Constantine the Great.
Although the Supreme Karel little educated, under the reign of peace and knowledge inherent artistic revival known as the Renaissance or Revival Karolingia Karoling. Emperor sponsor a school in the capital of the imperial palace, Aachen.Alcuin, an Anglo-Saxon scholars to be a teacher there: he advises his disciples: "Time runs like water flowing. Do not waste school days lazing! "Alcuin wrote textbooks on grammar, spelling, rhetoric and logic. It also wrote commentaries Gospel, and in favor of the orthodox understanding of various theological debate.
Karolingia successful revival writings preserved many of the ancient world. Because the monks make copies of ancient Latin works - some of which were beautifully ornate - the monasteries was a "bank culture". In many cases, without the labor pains to the monks, the ancient works may have been lost from our reach.
At the time of chaos and war, the rule of General Karel giving political and cultural stability. He ensures that the West will keep this ancient relic, that Christianity will spread emperor, and that the monastery will teach the basic elements of self-confidence. It also gave the Pope his protection.
Regional Map dominion Charlemagne
When General Karel died in 814, emperor gradually began to crack, sectional between three son, and even the Pope gently scooped power. General Karel government divided into three after his death, a grandson to get the western empire that became startups French government, other grandson got the eastern part of the empire into startups Germany, and the area between the two is given in offspring that a again.
11. Attila The Hun
Attila The Hun
Attila the Hun (Atle Icelandic, Atli; German Etzel; around 406-453) was the last king of the Huns and the most powerful in Europe. He ruled over the largest empire in European time, since the year 434 AD until his death. Emperor stretching from Central Europe to the Black Sea and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea.
During his reign he is the greatest enemy of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire: he invaded the Balkans twice and besieged Constantinople in the second invasion. He travels through France to Orleans before being beaten back on the Battle of Chalons, and he expelled the western emperor Valentinian III from his capital at Ravenna in 452 AD.
Although the emperor is buried with his death, and he did not leave any inheritance, he became a legend in the history of most Western European Eropa.Di, he remembered as a symbol (epitome) kekejaman.Beberapa historian greed and feature it as the great king of the nobility, and he played a role important as one of the three Scandinavian nobility.
European Huns quarter is likely to grow from Xiongnu (Xiongnu), (?) To the west, a group of proto-Mongolian or proto-Turkish ethnic travelers from sino northeastern and central Asia. [Citation needed] They have many armies and successfully defeated the enemy they (most civilized and have a high culture) through a willingness to fight, an impressive ability to move quickly, and have weapons like the Hun bow.
Imperial Hun cover the grasslands of Central Asia up to this Selarang Germany, and from the Baltic Sea up the Danube river. By 432, The Huns were united under Rua. [Citation needed] In 434 Rua died, leaving his nephew Attila and Bleda, the son of his brother Mundzuk, federal control of Hun tribes. At the time of their coronation, the people of the Huns in talks with representatives of Theodosius II the return of some of those who turned traitor who sought refuge in the Byzantine Empire.
The next year, Attila and Bleda met with the imperial representatives (imperial legation) at Margus (present Požarevac) and all of them sit in the back of a horse race traditionally Hun, negotiating a successful agreement: the Romans agreed to return of refugees (which is a relief needed to combat Vandals), but also sending 350 pounds menganda Rome (sekitar. 114.5 kg) of gold first, open their markets to traders Hun, and pay ransom solidus for each eight ceiling Roman prisoners available to tribes Huns. Tribe of the Huns, satisfied with the agreement, the move away from the empire and move KETENGAH continent, presumably in order to strengthen and update their empire. Theodosius used this opportunity to strengthen the walls of Constantinople, building sea walls of Constantinople the first city, and build border defenses along the Danube.
Regional Map Attila The Hun Power
Satisfied for the moment, the Hun kings backward kependalaman their empire. According to Jordanes (according to Priscus), shortly after the retreat of peace in the region Hun from Byzantium (probably around 445), Bleda mmeninggal known to be killed by Attila, and Attila took the throne of a debate among historians diri.Terdapat about what Attila murdered his brother, or whether Bleda died due to other things. In other cases, it is now the head of Attila the Hun is not debated by quarter, and once again gave his attention to the Eastern emperor.
12. Islamic conquest
at a time before the Islamic conquest of Egypt, Egypt was part of the Eastern Roman Empire. In previous decades, the region occupied by the Persians under the leadership Sassaniyah Khosrau II (616 to 629). The Emperor Heraclius successfully retake Egypt, but was ultimately dominated by the Rashidun army ten years later. Before the invasion of Egypt began, Muslim armies seized an Arab Levant and crushing Byzantine ally, Ghassaniyah. Consequently Byzantine vulnerable to attacks from the outside.
Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent is the mastery of India (South Asia) by the Arabs. Muslim conquest in the district largely held since the 13th century until the 16th century, though earlier Muslim conquests already happening to a limited degree, began during a period of rising Rajput kingdoms in North India, since the 7th century. Some historians argue that the invasion is one of the most bedarah in the history of mankind. Although most of South Asia got it under control, but the governments of the Himalayas, such as Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim as well as a few others (such as Almora, Garhwal, Lahaul, Spiti, Kinnaur in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh modern and Chitgaon Hills) never ditaklukan by Muslim
Islamic conquest of Afghanistan (642-870) is the process of Afghanistan controlled by the Muslim Arabs. Conquest that began in the mid-7th century after the Islamic conquest of Persia completed, the team defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Walaja Sassaniyah Empire, Battle and Battle Nahavand Qadisiyyah. Muslim Arab team then started toward the area east of Persia and conquer 642 in Herat city. 667 in the Afghan province attacked by Arabs but in 683 Kabul revolted and successfully expel Arab forces led by the Governor of Seistan. 870 New in Kabul and fully Afgahn dominated by Arabs. The conversion of the people of Afghanistan to Islam occurred during Ghaznaviyah period, around the 11th century
Regards, Dual Hartoyo, SP
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