In Surat al-Baqarah verse 23 and 24, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to provide a title challenge to the mushrikeen of the Qur'an. Here is the letter:
Challenges to the mushrikeen about Al Quran
23. And if you (still) in doubt about the Quran which We have revealed to Our servant (Muhammad), make [31] of the letter (only) such as the Koran and ask the helper-helpers besides Allah, if ye are truthful .
24. So if you can not make (his) - and surely you will not be able to make (it), keep yourselves from the Fire whose fuel men and stones, which is prepared for the unbelievers.
Nb. Footnotes: [31]. This verse is a challenge for those who are dubious about the truth of the Quran can not be replicated even by exerting all literary and linguistic experts because it is the miracle of the Prophet Muhammad
to the above verse is often the amplifier for the verses of the Qur'an to humble even the book of books emphasized menomer before the Qur'an. These verses is the only verse which states that the Koran is the perfect book. This is the keyword for the Book of the Qur'an challenges previous books. So surah Al Baqarah 23 and 24 is the underlying notion that the study of the Qur'an alone is sufficient and does not need to learn the books of the previous books. So they just learn the Qur'an alone and reluctant to study the book other than the Qur'an. On the basis of the above-mentioned letter they just got stuck in a deep hole and they can not get out. According to our quality and technique of writing the Qur'an (Koran Translation) when compared with the Scripture (Old Testament and New Testament) the Quran is only 5%. We can prove the Qur'an verses mostly it comes from the Book, and many verses of the Book that is not written in the Qur'an. If you question this opinion then show verses of the Qur'an is the most special you think: we will prove that these verses are from the Book Copy Paste.
's just the technique of writing the Qur'an is the pure adaptation techniques in the sense that there is someone who has studied and learned the Book then described back in her own insights that emerge Qur'an.
As a believer then you also learn sebaiknyalah book of books besides the Qur'an, so that you can be more extensive insight and understanding you can be better than the person who wrote the Qur'an. Why because current technology is becoming more sophisticated and looking for what you can find. You can get the Scripture (Old Testament and New Testament) at the grocery store in your town. And learn not hard because you do not have to learn a foreign language but have no translation in the language spoken translation, so you can really understand and comprehend.
shell Do not be like a frog in a book but learn another book and we guarantee you'll find wisdom more than the Qur'an.Do not just rely on the written word that the Qur'an was a refinement of the previous books book then you are satisfied and then stop there. Lots of wisdom in the Book (the Old Testament and New Testament) are not contained in the Qur'an.
As a letter in Al An'am 14 below, verse by verse that actually we are no doubt in the Quran that appear verse. If there are no doubts about the Qur'an it appears unlikely that the verse. Actually the verse is verse to encourage me not to hesitate about the Qur'an, but again the question arises why to be written in the Qur'an? think we do not need to be written in the Qur'an but if it is written in the book it was another remarkable as any other book that justifies. Al-An'am verse same as the self-righteous, but not necessarily true. Because self justification is mere ego and vanity.
Al An'am 114.
So why have I sought the judge other than Allah, when He Who have sent down the Book (Al Quran) to you with the details? Those to whom We have given the Book, they know that the Qur'an was sent down from thy Lord in truth. So do not be at all-time among those who doubt.
Once again we suggest to you that not only learn but learn only the Koran book Qur'an to be the book before you get an insight into wider and wider so that the wisdom that you will get better. On the other hand according to the Qur'an there is no prohibition to study another book before the revelation of the Qur'an. Even plainly obvious Qur'an confirming previous books books, so if you study the book of books besides the Qur'an will not sin because the Qur'an has written books and justify the previous books. As the following verses.
Al An'am 92.
, and this (the Qur'an) is a Book which We have sent down blessed; confirming the books (revealed) before [492] and that ye may warn (people) Ummul Qura (Mecca) and the the outside environment. People who believe in the Hereafter believe in him of course (Al Quran) and they always maintain sembahyangnya.
Footnotes: [492]. Book and the book is derived shahifah shahifah before the Koran.
An Nisaa '47.
O ye who have been given the Book, believe in you to what We have sent down (the Qur'an) which justifies the book that have me before We change the face (mu), and then we rotate back [306] or We curse them as We cursed the people (who commit adultery) on Saturday [307]. And provision of God must prevail.
Footnotes: [306]. According to most mufassirin, the point is to change the face of them then played backward as an insult. [307]. See surah Al Baqarah verse 65 and Surat al-A'raf verse 163 . Al Ahqaaf 12. , and before the Koran has no books of Moses as a guide and a mercy. And this (Qur'an) is the book that justify it in Arabic to warn those who do wrong and to give glad tidings to those who do good.
Jonah 37.
Quran is not possible to be made by other than Allah: but (Al Quran) confirming the previous scriptures and explain the laws which he discharged [691], there is no doubt in it, (derived) from the Lord of the universe nature.
Footnotes: [691]. That the Koran describes in detail the laws that have been mentioned in the Qur'an that
Al An'am 156.
(We send down of the Qur'an) so that you (do not) say: "The Scripture was revealed only to two groups [522] before us, and indeed we do not pay attention to what they read [523].
Footnotes: [522]. Namely Jews and Christians. [523]. sending down the Qur'an in Arabic so that the idolaters of Mecca could not say that they do not have the book because the book which was revealed to the Jewish and Christian groups revealed in the language not known them.
Do we still have to show the other verses that you are willing to study the book before the Qur'an is the Book that contains the Old Testament (39 book) and the New Testament (27 books). By learning you will undoubtedly understand that the quality and content of the Qur'an is only 5%. You will know that the whole of the Qur'an only adaptation of partial (5%) of the Book. That is why we suggest that you study the book before the Qur'an so that your wisdom can be more extensive and more.
Hopefully useful.
Dwi Hartoyo, SP![]()
1. Quran and Translation - Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, the publisher Cv Jaya Sakti-Surabaya
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