The development of rubber plantations provide an important role for the national economy as a source of income, sources of industrial raw materials, sources of income and welfare of the community as well as the development of economic growth centers in the region and also contribute to the preservation of the environment.
rubber plant is one commodity plantations occupy an important position as a source of non-oil foreign exchange for Indonesia, so it has a bright prospect. Therefore, efforts to increase farm productivity, especially in the rubber continued cultivation technology.
Rubber is an export commodity capable of contributing in the efforts to improve Indonesia's foreign exchange. Rubber Export Indonesia over the last 20 years continues to show an increase from 1.0 million tons in 1985 to 1.3 million tons in 1995 and 1.9 million tons in 2004. Foreign exchange earnings from these commodities in 2004 reached U.S. $ 2.25 billion, representing 5% of non-oil foreign exchange earnings. A number of locations in Indonesia have state land suitable for rubber plantation, mostly in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Area of rubber plantation area in 2005 recorded more than 3.2 million ha spread across Indonesia. Of which 85% is a rubber plantation owned by the people, and only 7% of the country estate and 8% privately owned large estates. National rubber production in 2005 reached about 2.2 million tons. This amount will be increased still further by empowering the agricultural lands owned by farmers and
vacant land / unproductive suitable for rubber plantations. Having regard to the increasing global demand for rubber commodity in the future, efforts to increasing farmers' income through the expansion of rubber plantations and gardens peremajaaan be an effective measure to be implemented. To support this, there should be able to provide capital assistance to private farmers or gardeners to finance the construction and maintenance of the rubber plantations intensive crop.
Rubber (including natural rubber) is a vital necessity for everyday human life, it is associated with the movement of people and goods that require components made from rubber such as vehicle tires, conveyor belts, transmission belts, dock fenders, shoes and rubber sandals. The need for natural rubber and synthetic rubber continued to increase in line with rising standards of living humans. The need for synthetic rubber is relatively easier to meet because of the relative sources of raw materials are available although expensive, but natural rubber is consumed as an industrial raw material
but is produced as a commodity plantations. The rapid growth of the world economy in recent decades,
notably China and some countries in Asia-Pacific and Latin America such as India, South Korea and Brazil, given the growing impact of natural rubber demand is high enough, even though rubber demand growth in industrialized countries such as the United States, Western Europe and Japan are relatively stagnant. According to estimates by the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), is expected to be in short supply of natural rubber in the period of the next two decades. It becomes the concern of consumers, especially tire manufacturers such as Bridgestone, Goodyear and Michelin. So in 2004, IRSG formed Task Force Rubber Eco Project (REP) to conduct a study on the demand and supply of rubber until the year 2035.
The study results REP meyatakan that the demand for natural rubber and synthetic world in 2035 amounted to 31.3 million tons for tire and non-tire industry, and 15 million tons of which is natural rubber. Production of natural rubber in 2005 is estimated to 8.5 million tonnes. From this study projected production growth in Indonesia will reach 3% per year, while Thailand and Malaysia only 1% -2%. Growth of production to Indonesia can be achieved through renovation or new penaman rubber is quite large, with an estimated production in 2020 of 3.5 million tons and in 2035 amounted to 5.1 million tonnes.
since mid-2002 rubber prices approaching U.S. $ 1.00/kg, and up has now reached U.S. $ 1.90kg for the price of SIR 20 in SICOM Singapore. Estimated price will be U.S. $ 2.00 in 2007 and in the long term will remain stable until 2020, due to increased demand, especially from China, India, Brazil and other countries that have a high economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region.
Rubber plant is a perennial plant that can grow up to the age of 30 years. Habitus plant is a tree with plant height can reach 15-20 feet. Major capital in the cultivation of this plant is the stem as high as 2.5 to 3 meters where there is a latex vessels. Therefore the focus of the management of rubber plantations is how to manage the stems of this plant as efficiently as possible. The description for the introduction of the rubber plant (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.).
Rubber properties fall leaves as plant responses to environmental conditions that are less favorable (water shortage / drought). At this time the use of stimulants should be avoided. leaves will grow back at the beginning of the rainy season.
Rubber also has an extensive root system / spread wide enough so that the rubber trees can be grown on land that is less favorable conditions. The root is also used to select clones that can be used as rootstock on plant propagation rubber.
rubber plants have not produced during the period of five years (masaTBM 5 years) and has begun to be tapped at the beginning of the sixth year.Economically rubber trees can be tapped for 15 to 20 years.
Implementation of a rubber plantation development activities refer to rubber cultivation techniques with the following stages: A. Growing Requirements rubber cultivation requires growing requirements as follows: Climate - High point of 0 to 200 m above sea level. Basically the rubber trees grow optimally in the lowlands with an altitude of 200 m above sea level. Altitude> 600 m from the sea level is not suitable for growing rubber trees. - The optimal temperature ranges required to 350C 250C. - Rainfall 1,500 to 3,000 mm / yr. there are some articles that state that the optimal rainfall 2,500 mm s / d 4000 mm / year with rainy days ranged from 100 to. 150 HH / year. However, if frequent rains in the morning, the production will be reduced. - dry month less than 3 months. - Maximum Wind Speed less than or equal to 30 km / h. Areas suitable for rubber plant is the zone between 150 and 150 LU LS . Beyond that somewhat hampered the growth of rubber plants that started production too late.
dry land for growing rubber trees generally require more soil physical properties compared to its chemical properties.This is due to the chemical treatment of the soil to suit the requirements grow rubber trees can be implemented more easily than with improved physical properties. Different types of land can grow crops in accordance with the terms of rubber both young and old volcanic soil, even on peat soil <2 m. Has volcanic soil physical properties are quite good, especially the structure, texture, sulum, ground water depth, aeration and drainage, but its chemical properties are generally less well due to low haranya content. Usually quite fertile alluvial soil, but the physical properties, especially drainage and poor aerasenya. Soil reaction ranges from pH 3.0 - pH 8.0 but not according to the pH <3.0 and> 8.0 pH.The properties of land suitable for rubber trees in general, among others:
- Sulum soil to 100 cm, there are no rocks and rock layers
- Aerase and sufficient drainage
- soil crumb texture, and can withstand water poreus
- The structure consists of 35% clay and 30% sand
- peat soil no more than 20 cm
- OB enough nutrients NPK and micro nutrient deficiencies
- Reaction soil with pH 4.5 - pH 6.5
- The slope of the ground <16%, and
- Surface soil water <100 cm.
- The slope of land less than 10%.
- effective container of more than 100 cm.
- Soil texture consists sandy loam and sandy clay.
- rocks on the surface and in the soil up to 15%.
- soil pH ranges from 4.3 to 5 , 0.
- Drainage soil medium.
Recommendations clones Rubber
Natural rubber prices improved momentum must now be able to accelerate improvement and rejuvenation are less productive by using superior clones and cultivation of other technological improvements. The government has set a target of developing Indonesia's natural rubber production by 3-4 million tonnes / year by 2025. Production targets can only be achieved if at least 85% of rubber plantation (the people) are currently less productive successfully rejuvenated by using superior rubber clones. Rubber breeding activities in Indonesia has produced many clones excelled as a producer of latex rubber and timber. At the National Workshop on Rubber Plant Breeding, 2005, has recommended a new superior clones generation-4 for the period 2006 to 2010, ie clone: IRR 5, IRR 32, IRR 39, IRR 42, IRR 104, IRR 112 and IRR 118. Clone 112 IRR 42 and IRR will be filed disposal while other clones IRR is officially released .Clones showed better productivity and performance in a variety of locations, but has a variety of agronomic characters and other secondary properties. Therefore users must choose carefully clones were
appropriate agroecological development areas and other types of rubber products to be produced.
Clones have removed the old GT 1, AVROS 2037, PR 255, PR 261, PR 300, PR 303, RRIM 600, RRIM 712, BPM 1, BPM 24, 107 BPM, BPM 109, PB 260, RRIC 100 still allowed to be developed , but it must be done carefully in both the placement and location management system. Clones GT 1 and RRIM 600 at various locations reported experiencing disruption and Corynespora Colletotrichum leaf disease. While BPM clone 1, PR 255, PR 261 has a problem with the quality of latex so latex limited use only suitable for certain types of rubber products. Clones PB 260 is very sensitive to drought tapping flow and wind disturbance and drought, because it must be done properly manage these.
Clones producing latex: BPM 24, 107 BPM, BPM 109, IRR 104, PB 217, PB 260
producing latex-timber clones: BPM 1, PB 330, PB 340, RRIC 100, AVROS 2037, IRR 5, IRR 32, IRR 39 , IRR 42, 112, IRR 118
clones timber: IRR 70, IRR 71, IRR 72, IRR 78
clones that are not recommended, does not mean it should not be planted clones, taking into account the condition of agroecosystems, applied management systems and extensive these clones have been planted acreage.
Plant Material
The most important thing in rubber planting the seeds / planting material, in this case a good planting material is derived from rubber trees grafting. Preparation of planting materials dilakuka least 1.5 years before planting. In terms of planting material there are three components that need to be prepared, namely: rootstock (root stoct), entres / upper trunk (budwood), and grafting (grafting) in preparation of planting materials. Preparation of rootstock is an activity to obtain planting materials that have strong roots and good nutrient absorption. To achieve this condition, required the construction of seedling rootstock technically qualified nursery covers soil preparation, seed treatment, germination, seedling planting and plant maintenance activities at the nursery
to obtain planting material grafting results are both needed a good entres, basically eye grafting can be drawn from two sources, namely entres branches of production or entres garden from the gardens entres. Of the two kinds of sources should be selected entres grafting of pure entres garden, because entres branches will result in non-uniform crop growth and success of low okulasinya. Grafting is a method of plant propagation is done by attaching eyes entres from plant to plant similar
to the goal of getting a superior nature. From the results of grafting will be obtained in the form of superior planting material rubber eye Stum bed, mini Stum, seeds in a polybag, or high Stum. For rubber, entres eye that is
the upper part of the plant and is characterized by a clone that is used as the stem it. Planting rubber seedlings to be on time to avoid the high mortality rate in the field. Appropriate planting time is during the rainy season. Also needs to be prepared for the labor activities for the manufacture of a planting hole, disassembly, transport, and planting seeds.Seedlings should be planted immediately dismantled and the grace period is allowed at least one night after dismantling.stem below : Term garden seeds for rootstock sources namely: - Consists of clones of monoclonal suggestions for sources of seeds. - Purity of clones at least 95%. - Age 10-25 crop year. - normal and healthy growth - Tapping corresponding norm. - Broad blocks of at least 15 ha. - The topography is relatively flat.
Land Preparation
Land Opening
Land a place to grow rubber trees must be free from plant debris logging slash results, thus clearing the schedule must be adjusted to the planting schedule. Land clearing activities include:
(a) the clearing of bush,
(b) logging,
(c) perecanaan and trimming,
(d) Pendongkelan roots,
(e) stacking and cleaning.
Along with the clearing is done in blocks of land settlement -block, the arrangement of the garden walks, and arrangement of drainage channels in the plantation. Land preparation is done by the following steps: 1. In Mechanical - old rubber trees (replanting) or shrubs and or pohonnon rubber (new planting) cut using saws (chain saw), or pushed using ekscavator so the roots come uncovered. - Trees that have fallen immediately cut to length according to the desired size.- The parts of branches and twigs that remains is cut shorter for ease of collection on a predetermined path. - While awaiting the remaining twigs cut jobs, jobs continued to dismantle the remaining stubble in the field. - Demolition stumps can be done using heavy equipment (bulldozers) so most of the stumps and roots of rubber trees can be lifted. - All stumps that have been demolished along with the rest of the branches and twigs cleaned by dirumpuk / collected. - Results rumpukan sought to be exposed to as much sunlight as- many that dry quickly. Distance between piles of rubber wood arranged so as not to interfere with tillage work and overlaps with row crops. - Special to the area rejuvenation, stump and all roots must be removed and elevated absolute to prevent the growth of re-JAP, minimal stump adjacent to the new crop . - Removal or cutting out all the plants that grow (land clearing), the recommended land without fuel processing (zero burning).
2. Chemically
sequence of jobs in a chemically land preparation are as follows:
*). Stump poisoning
- poisoning the stump can be done for example by 2,4,5-T or garlon. arrangement of blocks. garden land criss-crossed by the smallest units and organized into blocks measuring 10 -20 ha, every few blocks together into a stretch that has the same relative time of planting. arrangement of streets should be laid out road network and carried out at the construction of a new plant (year 0) and is associated with the arrangement of land into blocks of plants. Road construction in the area of flat and hilly with guidelines to reach every area of the smallest, with a maximum carry distance as far as 200 m. Sedapatkan possibly the entire network superimposed / connected, so that the overall road network is an effective pattern. Road width adapted to the type / class of roads and means of transportation to be used.
Structuring the drainage channel
spacing After erection is complete, the creation and arrangement of drainage (drain field) implemented. Adapted to the cross-sectional area rainfall at a particular time unit, and consider the factor of infiltration and evaporation. The entire excess water flow into the drain field trenches, shelters for subsequent flow down the drain (drain outlet).
Planting Soil Preparation
In preparing land for rubber plantation also required the implementation of the various activities that can systematically ensure the quality of the land in accordance with the requirements. Some of these steps include:
Eradication Reed and other weeds
that have completed the land logging slash and other land that has vegetation of reeds, made the eradication of weeds with chemicals such as Round-up, Scoup, Dowpon or Dalapon.
event was then followed by eradication other weeds, either chemically or mechanically.
Soil Treatment
With objectives of cost efficiency, land for rubber planting can be carried out with minimum tillage systems, ie, by making the array between rows one meter wide by 20 cm hoe. But
such mechanical tillage for certain land can be considered while maintaining the sustainability and soil fertility.
Terracing / Map and Fort / Piket
In the area of land that has a slope of more than 50 is required terracing / contour plot of the system and into the slope about 150. It is intended to prevent the possibility of erosion by rainwater.
wide terraces ranging from 1.25 to 1.50 cm, depending on the degree of slope. For every 6-10 trees (depending on the degree of slope Pengajiran Basically menerai fixing the water is to place the plant hole with the provisions within the plant as follows: a) In the area of land is relatively flat / slope (slope between 00 - 80) spacing is 7 mx 3 m (= 476 holes / ha) followed a straight line of the form of the East - West is 7 m and the direction North - South is a 3 m
b) In the area of undulating or hilly land (slope of 8% - 15%) spacing of 8 mx 2, 5 m (= 500 holes / ha) on the terraces arranged concatenated each 1.25 m (contour planting), Materials marker can use thin bamboo strips with a size of 20 cm - 30 cm. At any point in fixing the marker is where digging holes for plants.
rubber plant propagation can be done in generative and vegetative. However, a more profitable way of propagation is vegetative ie by grafting plants. Grafting should be performed at the beginning or end of the rainy season with the following steps:
- Make windows on lower stem with a length of 5 cm and a width of 1/2 - 3/4 cm.
- Make entres with a shield on the smaller size of the window and the eye was taken from axillary panicles.
- Open the window on the bottom of the stem and then tuck the shield between the skin and the cambium window
- Close the window skin then wrapped with raffia or ribbon 0.04 mm thick plastic.
- 2 weeks after the attachment, open and check the shield requires tampon.
- Cut the stems down to a height of 10 cm above the patch with oblique cutting direction.
clones are recommended as rootstock seedlings are: GTI, LCB 1320 and PR 228.
Hole Making Plant
size hole for the plant is 60 cm x 60 cm top, and 40 cm x 40 cm bottom with a depth of 60 cm. At this time hollow, upper soil (top soil) placed on the left and bottom ground (sub-soil) is placed on the right. Planting holes left for 1 month prior to planting rubber seedlings.
making the planting hole made by the use of hoe the soil. Lower ground (sub-soil) are separated by the upper soil (top-soil). Furthermore, given the basis of the SP 36 fertilizer dose of 125 g / tree or about 62.5 kg / ha.
Rubber planting hole
Planting beans Land Cover (Legume cover crops = LCC)
legume cover crop planting was done before the start of rubber seedlings planted in order to avoid the possibility of erosion, improve soil physical and chemical structure, reducing the evaporating water, and to limit the
growth of weeds.
Composition LCC for each hectares of land is 4 kg. Pueraria javanica, Colopogonium mucunoides 6 kg and 4 kg Centrosema pubescens, were mixed into 5 kg Rock Phosphate (RP) as a medium. It is also advisable
to insert Colopogonium caerulem resistant shade (shade Resistance) ex or ex Steck seeds in small polybags of 1,000 seedlings / ha. Legume crops maintained by weeding, and fertilizing
with 200 kg per hectare RP, by spreading evenly over the plant beans.
Selection and Planting Seed
Selection seeds
before the seeds are planted, it must first be selected to obtain seed planting material properties memeliki good general include: high yielding, responsive to stimulation yield, resistance to pests and
diseases leaves and bark, and recovery good skin wounds. Some of the conditions that must be met seedlings ready for planting are among others:
- Seeds of rubber that has an umbrella polybag two.
- Eye grafting really well and has started to sprout
- Roots grow best riding and having lateral roots
- roots free from fungal diseases (Mushrooms White roots).
The grains
with spacing 7 mx 3 m (for the slope), required rubber seedlings for planting as many as 476 seeds, and reserve for replanting by 47 (10%) so that for every hectare is required as much as
523 rubber seedlings stems.
is generally done in the field of rubber cultivation in the rainy season between September to December rainfall has been quite a lot, and rainy days have been more than 100 days. At the time of planting, the soil cover holes used top soil mixed with manure RP 100 grams per hole, in addition to 50 grams of urea fertilizer and SP - 36 of 100 gram as basal fertilizer.
Planting time
Planting rubber made at the beginning of the rainy season, when it is a good starting / optimal to start planting and should end before the dry season. Implementation Planting Seeds for planting can be Stum eye and seed bed with a single umbrella. The provision of seeds ready for planting is as follows: - If the planting material Stum sleep eyes, the eyes have been swollen grafting / mentis. This can be achieved by delaying the revocation of seeds at least a week since done cutting rootstock. - Whereas, if the material used is planting seedlings grown in a poly bag, the material used has a maximum of two old leaf umbrella. - Planting is done by inserting seeds into the middle of the planting hole. To seed bed Stum eyes, facing the direction of the uniform grafting gawangan on flat ground, while on land sloping eyes directed grafted contrary to the terrace wall, whereas grafting seedlings in polybags direction facing east. - then backfilled with soil seed lower (sub -soil) and then the upper soil (top-soil). Furthermore, the soil is compacted so that the pile gradually became dense and compact, no air cavities in the planting hole. - planting hole backfilled to the full, to the surface of the ground around him. To seed bed springs Stum good soil density, characterized by rocking and lifting Stum not planted, while seedlings in polybag soil compaction done carefully starting from the edge toward the center.
- Stitching done with a relatively long planting material embroidered with plants. This is done by always providing planting materials for embroidery in polybag about 10% of the plant population.
- Perform weeding to avoid competition in the capture plant nutrients.
- Stitching done to replace dead plants up to 2-year-old plants during the rainy season.
- fake shoots must be removed during the first 2 months with a rotation of two weeks, while Another shoots removed until the plant reaches a height of 1.80 m.
- When plants are 2-3 years old, with a height of 3.5 m and when not branching, there should be a way pengeratan stimulation stem, leaf wrapping and beheadings
- Perform intensive fertilization on both plant nursery, garden or orchard grafting production, using urea, TSP, and KCL.Tailored to the circumstances of fertilizer / soil type. For Latosol soil and Podsolic Red Yellow,
Disposal Tunas False
- false shoots are shoots that grow instead of eye grafting. Tunas are widely grown in planting material Stum sleep eyes, while the seeds or seedlings Stum mini polybag, fake buds are relatively small.
- Cutting fake shoots to be done before the buds woody. Only one shoots left and kept the shoots that grow from the eye grafting. Disposal of these fake buds will preserve the purity of the clones planted.
Disposal Tunas Branch
- Branch is a branch of the shoots that grow on the main stem at a height of up to 2.75 m-3, 0 m from the ground.
- Cutting shoots done before buds woody branches, since branches that have woody than hard cut, will damage rod when slaughtering inadvertently.
Excitation Branching
- Branching are balanced on a rubber plant canopy is very important, to avoid damage by wind.
- Stimulation of branching needs to be done to clone a hard form branching (GT-1, RRIM-600), while the other clones such as PB-260 and RRIC-100, branching easily formed so no need stimulation.
- For excitation branch there are several ways that can be done, ie budding discharge end, closing the end of shoots, defoliation, stem binding and pengeratan rod.
Weed control
rubber plantation area, both immature (TBM) and plants already produce (TM) should be free of weeds such as reed, Mekania, Eupatorium, etc. so that plants can grow well. To achieve this, weeding the first year is based on the age of the plant as follows:
Table 1. Frequency of Weed Control with Herbicides by Age Age of Plant
Age of plant (years) | Conditions canopy | Application of herbicides | Width of disc / track | |
Frequency | Frequency | |||
Immature: > 15 years | not closed starting to close already closed is closed is closed |
| March, June, September, December *) in March, September, June *) in March, September, June*) in March, September, March, September | 1.5 - 2.0 m 1.5 - 2.0 m 2.0 - 3.0 m2.0 - 3.0 m 2.0 - 3.0 m |
Chemical Control
Method implemented by spraying chemical herbicides, so that in its implementation can be rapid, less use of labor and does not damage plants and soil physical properties. In addition, the weeds are dead and
rotting can add nutrients in the soil.
_ Types There are three types of herbicides used to control weeds is pre-grown, systemic and non-systemic / contact.
_ Dose Dose of herbicides for weed control
In addition to basic fertilizer that has been given at the time of planting, fertilizing program sustainable rubber trees should be done with a balanced dose administration twice a year. Schedule I semeseter fertilization in the January / February and the second half of the July / August. A week before fertilization, gawangan first disc plants raked and cleaned. Granting SP-36 is usually done two weeks in advance of the Urea and KCl. Program and rubber plant fertilizer dose can generally be seen in the table below. Table General Recommendation Fertilization Plants Immature
Age of Plant | Urea (g / ph / year) | SP 36 (g / ph / year) | KCl (g / ph / year) | The frequency of fertilization |
Basal fertilizer | - | 125 | - | - |
1 2 3 4 5 | 250 250 250 300 300 | 150 250 250 250 250 | 100 200 200 250 250 | 2 times / year 2 times / year 2 times / year 2 times / year 2 times / year |
General Recommendations Table Generating Plant Fertilization
Age of Plant | Urea (g / ph / year) | SP 36 (g / ph / year) | KCl (g / ph / year) | The frequency of fertilization |
6-15 16-25 > 25 to 2 years before renewal | 350 300 200 | 260 190 - | 300 250 150 | 2 times / year 2 times / year 2 times / year |
Meanwhile legume cover crop to crop, given RP fertilizer as much as 200 kg / ha, the administration can be continued up to year 2 (TBM-2) if the growth is not good.
For fertilization specifically to see the condition of the soil as follows:
1) Fertilization in the TBM is less than 1 year
Less Fertile Soil
Age (Months) | Total Fertilizer (g / tree) | ||||
Urea | TSP | RP | KCL | Kies | |
0 | - the 25th the twenty-fifth forty 60 the seventy fifth | - - 60 - 60 - | 250 * - - - - - | - - 20 40 60 - | - |
Tanah Subur
Age (Months) | Total Fertilizer (g / tree) | ||||
Urea | TSP | RP | KCL | Kies | |
0 | - | - - 75 - 75 - | 250 * - - - - - | - | - |
Fertilization in the TBM (2-5 years)
Age (Months) | Total Fertilizer (g / tree) | |||
Urea | TSP | MoP | Kies | |
2 3 4 5 | 250 250 300 300 | 175 | 200 200 250 250 | 75 100 100 100 |
Fertilizing Method
1) Fertilization with granules (granular) The dose of fertilizer as follows :
* Providing Urea-1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively after old plants 2, 5, 8 and 12 months in the field. Each administration: dosage quarter of the year.
* Providing Urea-1, 2 and 3 respectively after the plant was 15.18 and 24 months in the field.
* Providing one and two, including the dose TSP, KCl and Kieserit in year 1, 2 on the ground, each in February and August / September.
* Given before the leaves grow back after the leaves fall.
2) Fertilization with tablets
- Loss of nutrients from fertilizers that occur through leaching and erosion processes can be reduced
- Hara soluble fertilizer with slow-release process (slow release) so as to effectively and efficiently can be absorbed by plants
- fertilizer applications more easily, save energy and costs Fertilizer tablets with a certain formula used by immersing / shere ditugal into the ground around the plants by the number corresponding to the dose required for
a period of time (2 years). Fertilization is done immediately after planting and repeated again at the time of new supplies of fertilizer in the soil has been depleted (3rd year).
Organisms Pest Control Plant (OPT)
1. Root Fungus White (Rigidoporus lignosus)
Attack Symptoms: Attacks fungi cause roots to rot and if the root is opened it on the root surface Such threads are yellowish white and flat like a stick to the hair roots strong and difficult to be removed.
• Symptoms that appear are original leaves appear green fresh turns dark green menjadiberwarna dull, dry eventually wither and fall followed by death of the plant.
• Symptoms of advanced root rot, and soft brown. Controls : • Plant a cover crop types kacangkancangan, at least one year earlier from planting rubber. • Before planting, planting holes sprinkled Trichoderma harzianum culture mixed with compost as much as 200 g / planting hole (1 kg T. harzianum mixed with 50 kg of compost / manure). Control of the area was attacked JAP: • In mild attacks can still be saved by going to the roots, making the planting hole 30 cm around the neck with a depth corresponding root fungal attack. • The root surface is overgrown with fungus scraped with a tool that does not injure the roots. The roots were rotten cut and burned. Former scrapings and pieces given Izal ter and then the entire root surface smeared with fungicides recommended. • After the wound dries, all the roots covered with soil again. • Four plants around diseased plants sprinkled with T. Harzianum and fertilizer. • Plants that have been treated checked back 6 months after the application of the open roots, fungal threads if there are then scraped and smeared with fungicide again. • anointing and watering the roots with fungsida performed every 6 months until the plants are healthy. • Plants heavily infected or dead / fallen must be dismantled, the base of the stem and roots are buried outside the planting area, use a container that is not shipped with soil scattered in the garden. • Former hole and 4 plants sprinkled around 200 grams of a mixture of Trichoderma sp. a manure pit or 200 g per plant. Prevention : • In the land that is already infected with the JAP, and will be planted with rubber stumps cleared from rubber. Planting holes were belerang100 - 200 grams per hole. • Around the young plants are less than 2 years old planted antagonists such as tongue-in-law, turmeric and galangal.
Transmission usually takes place through contact fungal plant roots healthy stump to stump, the rest of the roots of plants or plant roots sick. White root disease often found in rubber trees aged 1-5 years, especially in the bush planting, stump or residual roots of many plants and in loose soil or sand.
treatment of diseased plants should be done at the time of the attack early to get treatment success and reduce the risk of plant death . When the treatment is done at the time of the attack continued the success of treatment only reaches below 80%. How to use and the type of fungicide recommended suggestions are:
anointing: Calixin CP, Fomac 2, Ingro Shell Pasta 20 PA and CP.
Watering: Alto 100 SL, Anvil 50 SC, Bayfidan EC 250, EC 250 Bayleton,
Calixin 750 EC, Sumiate 12 , 5 WP and Vectra 100 SC.
Sowing: Anjap P, Biotri P, Bayfidan 3 G, sulfur and Tricot SP +
2. Field Disease Sadap
2.1. Mouldy Rot
Cause: The fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata Attack Symptoms • At first the film appears white on the field near the tap tapping groove. Develops membranes form the velvety gray layers parallel to the tapping grooves. • If the lining is scraped away, looking spots blackish brown. • Attacks may extend into the cambium and the wood. • In severe attacks the sick black-brown rot so very disturbing skin recovery. • Former attacks black hollows formed as twisted parallel tapping groove. Former field, making it difficult tapping tapping gergelombang next or can no longer tap. Controlling • In wet climates or areas prone dinajurkan plant disease resistant clones that have been recommended. • tapping knife disinfected before use. • Reduce the intensity of tapping or stop tapping on weight attack. • Avoid too deep incision at tapping skin to recover faster. • Plants that have been attacked by topical fungicide 5 cm above the incision the day after tapping and tapping the sap has not been released. Basting 1-2 weeks intervals until the plants back to health.
2.2 Dry Flow Tapping (KAS)
physiological imbalances and excessive tapping. Symptoms Attack -plants look healthy and canopy growth better than normal plants. -not out in most latex tapping groove. A few weeks later the whole tapping grooves are dry and not pulled out of latex. - Latex become diluted and Dry Rubber Content (K3) is reduced. - Drought spreads to new elephantiasis next panel. -The dry will change color to brown and sometimes formed gum (blendok.) - The symptoms of the whole panel up / tap dry skin areas and cracking to peeling.
Detection of the disease
- Do tap below the tapping sticks to the bottom, if the discharge is not already infected CASH latek tells us. Symptoms - Immediate done most of the flow of control when tapping experiencing drought. - Keep alert when the latex from dilute.Control - Reduce the intensity of tapping on trees / gardens have begun pointing the drought tapping flow. - Avoid or reduce the intensity of tapping in the autumn leaves. - Sector of tapping the dead and dry skin is restored by administering the formulation of oleochemicals (Antico F-96, no. BB). - Provision of oleochemical field by tapping the skin scrape sick then smeared immediately after pengerokan completed. - One year later the new skin can be tapped again. - Perform regular and balanced fertilization, then added 160 grams of KCl / tree / year. -Avoid tapping too often and reduce the use of clones Ethepon especially susceptible to dry tapping groove that BPM 1, PB 235, PB 260, PB 330, PR 261 and RRIC 100. When a decline in the dry rubber content of the latex continuously collected and increasing the number of trees affected by tapping groove dried to 10% on the entire area, then tapping down the intensity of 1/2s d / 2 to 1/2s d / 3 or 1 / 2S d / 4, and Ethepon use is reduced or stopped to prevent other trees do not experience dry tapping grooves.Scrape skin is dry to the extent of 3-4 mm cambium using the tapping knife or tool pengerok. The skin is scraped smeared with a substance stimulating skin growth NoBB or Antico F-96 once a month with 3 replications. Basting NoBB be followed by spraying pesticides Matador 25 EC on the topical once a week to prevent weevil. Tapping can proceed under the skin that is dry or in other panels are healthy with low intensity (1/2s d / 3 or 1/2s d / 4). Avoid using Ethepon drought hit the tree tapping grooves. Trees are drought-tapping grooves need to be given extra fertilizer to accelerate skin recovery.
3. Upas Fungus
Corticium salmonicolor fungus. Symptom Attacks _ Stadium cobwebs At the base of the skin surface or on branching white as silk like a spider's web. Stadium hump _ The white pimple on the surface labalaba net. _ Stadium kortisiumfungus covers a collection forming fungi benangbenang young. Mushrooms have been entered into the woody tissue. _ Stadium nekator fungus forms a thick layer of black consisting of decaying tissue and collection of latex droplets blackish brown on the surface of the melt attacked. Branches or twigs are attacked will rot and die, and easily broken.
_ Planting resistant clones such as BPM 107, PB 260, PB 330, AVROS 2037, PBM 109, IRR 104, PB 217, PB 340, PBM 1, PR 261 and RRIC 100 IRR 5, IRR 39, IRR 42, IRR 112 and IRR 118.
_ Spacing set is not too tight.
_ branch / branches that have been cut off and destroyed.
_ Branches are still showing initial symptoms (cobwebs) immediately smeared with fungicides or fungsida Bordo porridge made active Tridermorf to 30 cm up and down the affected areas.
_ Porridge bordo and fungicides containing copper elements are not recommended for plants that have been tapped, as it can damage the quality of the latex.
_ the rotting skin, the skin must be removed to fit then smeared fungicides up to 30 cm up and down from the sick.
1. Wild boar (Sus barbatus, Sus scrofa vittatus)
Attack Symptoms
_ young plants suddenly collapsed.
_ Rooting broken, withered and yellow leaves. Controls _ Environmental sanitation, installing nets, traps. _ Provide a fence around the garden area _ Make trenches around the garden area _ Hunting with groups such as the pig hunters Perbakin. _ Giving poisoned bait, but be careful not to poison touched hands.
Determining Tapping Mature Mature a.1 Tapping Trees Criteria: Age _ Rubber plants ready to be tapped at the age of about 5-6 years. _ Measuring girth of tapping rubber trees in an otherwise mature girth had reached 45 cm or more.Girth measured at a height of 100 cm from the linkage rod untu grafting grafting plants.
Preparation Open Tapping
Tapping b.1 depiction Field
High _ openings tapping
rubber plant grafting has girth down with the top of a relatively equal (cylinder), as well as a thick skin. High openings tapping on plant grafting is 130 cm above the grafting linkage. The height is different from the height girth measurements for the determination of mature tapping.
_ The direction and angle of the wedge tapping
Directions slices tapping should be from top left to bottom right, perpendicular to the latex vessels. The tilt angle of the nicest slices ranged between 300-400 to the plane to the field under the tap. In tapping tapping the field, recommended slope angle of 450.
_ Long slices tapping
tapping incision length was 1/2s (oblique slices along the spiral or circle ½ sticks).
_ Location of field tapping
tapping fields must be placed in the same direction with the direction of the tapper when tapped. production of latex from rubber trees as well as determined by the state of soil and plant growth, clones, was also influenced by the management techniques and wiretapping. When all three criteria can be met, the plant is expected to rubber at the age of 5-6 years have matured criteria tapping. Criteria include when ripe tapping girth circumference at a height of 130 cm of the soil surface has reached a minimum of 45 cm. If 60% of the plant population meets these criteria, then the planting area is harvested. openings tapping High High aperture tapping, either by tapping the system down (Down ward tapping system, DTS) system as well as tapping into the (Upward tapping system, UTS ) is 130 cm measured from the soil surface.
Gutter Installation and Tapping bowl
tapping Gutters made of zinc 2.5 cm wide with a length of about 8 cm. Gutters tap installed at a distance of 5 cm - 10 cm from the bottom end of the wedge tapping. Bugging bowls are generally made of plastic, clay or aluminum. Bugging bowl mounted at a distance of 5-20 cm below the gutter tapping. Tapping the bowl is placed on
the ring bowl rings tied with a rope on a tree.
Implementation tapping
c.1 Depth slices tapping
Wiretapping is expected to do for 25-30 years. Depth slices tapping recommended ranges from 1 to 1.5 mm from the cambium.
c.2 slice thickness tapping
tapping slice thickness recommended is between 1.5 mm - 2 mmsetiap tapping, tapping to do so for at least 25-30 years.
c .3 Frequency tapping
tapping frequency is the number of wiretaps made within a certain period. With a length of spiral sliced ½ (1/2 s), the frequency tapping is 1 times in 3 days (3 / d) for the first 2 years of tapping, and then converted into 1 time in 2 days (d / 2) for the following year.
c .4 When tapping
Tapping should be done as early as possible is between the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 7:30 am.
The exposure time of tapping.
tapping exposure time is 2 times a year, namely, on (a) the beginning of the rainy season (June) and (b) the beginning of the intensification leads (in October). Therefore, it does not automatically crop is ripe and then tapping
directly tapped, but had to wait on the arrival time. slope wedge tapping general, starting with the beginning of the lead angle of the wedge lead of 400 horizontal lines. leads down the system, large angle will become smaller slices to 300 when approaching "elephant foot" (the former linkage grafting). In the system leads to the top, the corner will be getting bigger slices.
The transition of plants from TMB to TM
Theoretically, when supported by a healthy growing conditions and good rubber meets the criteria of tapping mature at age 5-6 years.With reference to a benchmark, it means starting at the age of 6
years old rubber trees can be said to have a generating plant or TM. system tapping Today tapping system has been developed by combining low intensity tapping stimulation with Ethrel during tapping cycle. For smallholder rubber, given the socio-economic conditions of farmers, it is recommended using conventional tapping system.
To obtain the rubber material of good quality if several requirements
that must be followed, namely technical:
• No added non-rubber materials.
• Frozen with formic acid at the right dose.
• Immediately milled fresh.
• Saved in a shady and sheltered and not soaked. If rubber material type (bokar) which can be produced as follows: a.Concentrated Latex Latex is latex garden dense concentrated by centrifuge or didadihkan of the KKK 28% - 30% to KKK 60% - 64%. The equipment needed is a plastic tank of buttermilk, mixing wood and latex 60 mesh sieve. The materials required in the form of material that is a mixture of ammonium alginate pendadih and carboxy methyl cellulose, a material such as ammonium laurate stabilizer and preservative in the form of gas or ammonia solution. Concentrated latex processing through several stages of acceptance and garden latex screening, preparation of the solution pendadih, pendadihan and harvesting. b. Bowl Lump Lump latex garden bowl is allowed to clot naturally in a bowl. In the rainy season to expedite the process of agglomeration latex could be used formic acid were added to the bowl.
c. Thin Slab / Milled
thin slab made of latex or latex mixture to bowl a frozen lump with formic acid in the freezer tub measures 60 x 40 x 6 cm, with no milling treatment. The process of making a thin slab can be described as follows:
c.1 Enter lump stacking bowls and evenly in the freezer tub.
c.2 add 1% formic acid solution into latex garden, with a dose of 110 ml per liter
of latex, then stir.
c .3 Pour the mixture into a tub filled lump freezer bowl.
C.4 Allow about 2 hours, then lumps removed and stored on a shelf in the shade. To improve the dry rubber content to about 70%, thin slab can be milled using handmangle and the result is called a slab rollers. Thin slab can be processed through the mill with a machine blanket creper. Milling process performed 4-6 times as much as he sprayed with water to remove impurities contained in the slab. Results blanket has a thickness of about 0.6 cm - 1 cm, with approximately 75% of the KKK.
d. Wind Sit
Sit wind clumping result is a sheet of latex rubber are ground and dried so that it has the KKK 90% - 95%. Processing wind crunches do melalaui various stages of acceptance and latex filtration, dilution, coagulation, curing, grinding, washing, draining and drying. e. Sit Smoke (Ribbed Smoked Sheet / RSS) sit smoke treatment process similar to the sit angina. The difference lies in the drying process, where the smoke crunches done gradually curing at temperatures between 40o-60o C for 4 days, with the following settings: e.1 first day, the temperature of 40o-45o C, ventilation smoke chamber width. E.2 The second day, the temperature of 40o-50o C, ventilation of the smoke was. E.3 The third day, the temperature of 50o-55o C, ventilation of the smoke covered. E.4 On the fourth day, the temperature of 55o-60o C.
Regards farm
abstracted by Dwi Hartoyo, SP
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