10 Things that Make Men Happy
All people really want happy, but the problem that arises is, we often fail to find happiness in the wrong places. If there is a recipe of happiness, everyone would have queued to buy. While the experts find recipes, we spy yuk, 10 things that make a man happy through the eyes of Dr. Nick Powdthavee, author of The Happinness Equation: The Surprising Economics of Our Most Valuable Asset.
1. Be a particularly
"II wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad / Buy all of the things I never limit / Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine / Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen," was sung songs billionaire Travie together McCoy Bruno Mars. Clear already, become a rich man is the desire of all people. Not occur ungrateful, but through research, it was true and proper look. According to Robert Frank, professor of economics at Cornell university, men are more concerned about the other person rather than production is the production itself. According to the observations, increments of little happiness if the ranking order is the same as the previous infusion, which under other friends. In other words, men would be more happy if it became the biggest fish in a small pond.
2. Sex
was no longer surprising. U.K. two economists, David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald, to study statistical relationships between a person's happiness with their sexual activity in the United States. Found, people who have sex regularly in a week, four times a week for example occupies a list of people happy. Men also enjoy better sex rather than women. Overall, the findings hint, sex make a person happier. Either sex makes a person happy or more happy to make the sexual relation. The second statement is quite valid.
3. Good health
happiness One of the factors in the data, is health. Have a healthy mind and body contribute considerable happiness, and poor health can cause incredible sadness. However, what many do not know is that the perception of some of our healthy applicability depends on the number of people we can about our health problems. Apparently, we would not be too feel sad or "down" if a lot of our friends are also experiencing the same health problems.
4. Marriage
According to statistics, the marriage turned out well for the health of a man. The man who married a decline of 9 percent risk of death rather than a man who is not married. Men who are married also significantly more happy rather than not married, living together, separated, widowed, or a relationship.
5. Being young or old
said Powdthavee, there is evidence to suggest that happiness is shaped like the letter U. Generally, the happiness of a young man when he began, and then continued to decline as we increasingly aging population, reaching the lowest level when we reach 40's, then up again. Same is the case with depression, which reached its peak at the age of 40s.Generally, this happens because it middle aged crisis.
6. Becoming a volunteer
capacity to help others was able to make a man feel happier. It is found by economist Stephen Meier and Alois Stutzer.According to them, the volunteers feel more satisfied with his life rather than those who are not volunteers.
7. Stay close to the office
this study actually found when looking for things that make a man suffer. According to economists at the Swiss, Bruno Frey and Alois Stutzer, we spent time to and from the office to a shelter cause very high stress. Confidential burden of the distance even compensated with salary increases whatsoever. Especially if it turns out cost fare to and from the home office and ate most of his salary, has not been added to sacrifice time to be away from his family members in a long time.
8. Have a job you like, regardless of the salary
it turns out, can do the job is preferred, as his salary was arguably one of the important components in achieving a happy life. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist, says, doing a job that can produce a form of preferred highly focused concentration and absorption is very high. When doing this, we will feel very powerful, passionate, do not find it difficult to handle yourself, and very self-righteous. These things can not be purchased with money.
9. Happy couple
One of the keys of a happy marriage is a happy couple. Apparently, happiness can spread to the couple. On average, 8 percent we would feel happier with our lives if our spouse will be happy life. That is one reason we try to keep our spouses to stay healthy and happy.
10. My friends
Could spend time with their closest friends turned out to occupy the position, especially from a guy happiness. She could spend time with a friend is the activity that produces a constant and a lot of serotonin, one of the first hormone responsible for making a person feel happier.
10 Things Women Want Fair that
women indeed creatures often unpredictable and sometimes puzzling man. But the truth is not as complicated as women and semisterius you about, the original know just what they really want.
Based poling performed by Yourtango, there are 10 simple things women really want which may represent most of the air being.
1. Appreciation
Who says only men who need to be appreciated? Women also want their opinions, careers, hobbies, friends, body and thoughts appreciated. If you disagree with what is being done or does he say, try to appreciate and think positive that opininya a meaningful contribution to you, rather than have to fight too hard or disagreeable.
2. Sex
course women want sex as male case. But it should be remembered, women desired sex is not merely a matter of 'sex'.Give a little physical contact such as massages at the shoulders, legs or head already is one form of female sexual touching.
3. Romanticism
romantic atmosphere can be created anywhere, do not need to eat a romantic dinner or watching films in cinemas outside. Light a few candles in your home and treat women as befits a boyfriend that you really would like it, even if it be the wife though.
Dating at home, sex in car, kissing as first date, and all the things that make you fall in love it should not stop when you're married and have other duties such as cleaning the house and care of the child. Giving flowers to the couple for no reason is a romantic idea that should be tested.
4. Time
Rising love can do through flowers, but give your free time to be with and treat women as much proritas represent love rather than give any merchandise.
It also includes help solve housework if it had been your wife. If you arrive first at home from the office, there's no harm in cleaning the house and give pleasant surprise for your wife.
5. Dinner
For a wife who was busy from morning until late afternoon, preparing dinner is probably making loads lazy cook in the kitchen.
While you're not a cook, but to celebrate it with your dishes cooked in front of the door, making it guaranteed happy, because he said you willing to work hard and are very understanding.
6. Communication
Women are creatures who love to talk. They know you love him, but hear directly from you will be very membahagiakannya mouth. Tell him if it looks pretty, and very sexy. It will make them happy feeling.
When the woman called sexy, it will already be thinking and flighty sexy, even if they do not. Suppose that cook delicious, thank you for having escorted their children to school or washing bath. Let it know that you see the effort and thank you for it.
7. Consistency
This does not mean you have to be a boring and easy personal guess. Meaning that is, try and diligently gave consistently support and love and the energy that is endless so it was comfortable.
8. Powerful determination
Possess strong determination means that you have to be ready for any fight for your spouse. It should not be to do great things, try to pay attention to the little things like listen when spoken.
9. Humor and Feeling Embarrassed
two properties interconnected, means to have a sense of humor must be restricted shame. Women are particularly susceptible to a couple of funny and humorous, but they do not want to do things that embarrass partner in public.
10. Challenge
Women who feel motivated and got the shock of his life partner pleaded feel happier. Based on results from poling, happier women get encouragement from her partner to achieve his goals, because it will feel tertantang to be able to accomplish that goal.
Confusion 7 Minute Men Want Women Heart Luluhkan
man that do not want to look good and pleasing lover or friend kencannya. But often because of trying too hard to appear perfect, men often do things that actually make women ilfil. Dilansir MadameNoire, these seven men considered approach can melt the hearts of women, but on the contrary happened.
1. Constant call
Women just love the look, but attention is also limitless. Always call and send a text message to your mobile phone will make a man deeply obsessive and dependency. Generally, women want a man that is independent and strong, not someone who continues to call her so that she would accept his love. Tricks pull-ulur usually favored women, for curious and like make up for it.
2. Showing Emotions Too Frontal
Sometimes women love men sensitive side. But the man who likes to cry, always complaining and not free to show his grief to everyone will make women ilfil. Sobbing in front of the women will make men look too emotionally unstable and weak. Basically, women want a guy who had an aura of masculinity and the ability to protect it. Men are considered appropriate cry when there is very tragic event that happened to them (eg parents death or substantial property loss).
3. Too friendly at Future General
The term Public Display Affections (PDA) now from popular sites. The term is commonly used for free to couples who do not display affection in public. Everyone has a limit of tolerance when showing affection in front of many people.Some women like to be hugged and kissed by her partner, while other women prefer to go out to be kissing in public.Too vulgar mengafeksikan intimacy in public places will make women feel risih and shame. Assumption that there is in the East, as the pair kissing in public areas, women are more likely than men considered cheap.
4. Too submissive
Nothing wrong with letting men want to date women decide where, or what movie to watch in theaters. But if it continues to happen every dating, women will not have to see the man and not stand firm in your decision. Do not some submissive guy would look good in the eyes of women, but can actually weak and Cupu impressed.
5. Too Close to Family and Friends The Women
The man was initially expected to close and assimilate with family and girlfriends be near or on dipacarinya. But just enough to know each other and chat availability delicious, no more than that. If still in the status date or approach, women will usually feel risih when prianya too officious friend and her family.
6. Acknowledging Feel Love Too Fast
Any woman whose heart is not a flowery when the guy likes to say the three magic words, "I love you". But 'declaration' which was announced too quickly or often, can make women fear and vague. It takes time and the right place to express feelings of love. Very important for women to hear a sincere expression of love from a man, not because he had to say.Once again, women need a little challenge and a sense of curiosity. Love that too readily available will make it easily bored.
7. Believe Yourself Too
Women like men who believe themselves. But confidence is too high is a 'weapon' that could destroy the man in front of the attraction of women. Difference between confident and arrogant is very thin, and women generally do not like men who are too proud of themselves and a lot of mumbo.
7 It was observed First Men from Women
Maybe you did not realize, when men meet women, he did not just stare at the woman's face. But also, watching every detail ranging from appearance, attitude until the goods you bring in a bag.
Do not think the guy is not smart in assessing women. There are several things into consideration in determining whether a woman man is attracted to him or not. This is her first seven case directly 'seen' men from the women, as quoted from the All Women Stalk.
1. Beautiful hair
hair shiny, smooth look, expanded and will direct attention sweet guy. No matter what he said or not your face is beautiful, the view was so distracted man will surely look beautiful blonde female figure; well she had seen from the side or rear. So, when you want a man pay attention to you, hard-rajinlah treat hair.
2. Good body posture
Women who run with the head, back and chest upright, will direct 'seen' in the crowd. This posture as if he shows confidence, comfortable and sexy. As the man said, 'Hey, I know women who fast you closer!'. Good posture is one of the things directly observed men from women. While a woman's body that bend and head bowed, he will impress someone about the joy of living and looking like put more load on his shoulders. So, train your posture from now!
3. Her friends
Believe it or not, men also noticed how women were friends. Like any appearance of his companions, evidently large enough to give impact on first impression she made. In some cases, a woman who is friends with the people who are fastidious, fractious, indecent or vulgar acts, then there is a chance he will see the woman also had a nature like his friends. While if the woman is between the people who love laughing, joking and discussing interesting things, then man would assume that what they are her personal and caring.
4. Lip
lips Why? Because of this one part of the body is a symbol of sensuality. In addition, lip kiss has proven to be one of the best ways to reduce stress. So, no wonder, one of the first observed case of a woman is her lips man. Lips that look healthy (not dry and cracked) and not Merona experience, most liked guy.
5. Goods Carrying
Bag and the things in it, can tell a lot about a person's personality. Not that he should dredge fill your bag to know there is anything in it, but to pay attention to what your issue, or just a little peek fill bag when you open it, can not imagine making enough feminine tendencies.
Women who carry large cosmetic bag stocked make-up and equipment, man is seen as a very personal keep up appearances. While women who keep a book or novel, she had a personal characteristic calm in the eye of man. It is not always accurate, but there is a correlation between the nature of the goods and the tendency of their owners.
6. Smile
A smile is the easiest way to get to know and closer to someone. Show your sincere smile without far-fetched or forced.Believe it or not, some men can see through your self originality smile.
7. High Heels
Women who impose high heels, is one of the things directly observed guy. High heels can make a person appear sexy, strong and brave. You should not wear it every day, only apply when special events, such as the formal party or wedding receptions. You do not know right, when it will meet an attractive guy?
10 Attitude Men Reach the Women
Hi Ladies .. Want man dream? Below that this is not so .. ??
KomunikatifMenurut research results, women need more time to talk to talk cans compared with men. Women love men treated in the communicative and always had an interesting conversation material. Humorous guy of course have a plus in the eyes of women.
Women love the attentive man. Proper attention and sincere can make women feel valued and loved. When delivered at the right moment, the attention of even a small can leave impression yan sweet and unforgettable.
PengertianPria the full meaning of do not like to give talks at length, install sullen or angry face to alter bad habits lover. It is always ready to take advantage of mistakes, strive tolerate faults, able to fulfill his desire, try to look at the eyes, etc..
Women need a companion who can be firm and can take a decision. For example, when confused to choose, women need you to help make a decision. Male or wishy-washy, indecisive and difficult to take possession of the results are usually less appreciated.
Women admire men who have a rigid and a big heart. Rigidity is not visible when everything runs smoothly. Thus it is tested when there is a problem, when threatened putusa relationship, when the test fails, when there are layoffs, etc..Men are easy to give up, despair and frustration does not appeal to a woman. How is it possible I will take refuge in a fragile baby!
Respect for Women
Women will respect the honor man. When women feel respected? When she opened the door and welcome in first, when he lifted the load taken over, when he was not allowed to wait too long, when he praised in front of others, when his work is appreciated, etc..
Protecting Women
Although love is protected, but the woman did not like the cover over and stiff. women do not feel protected when go anywhere is always controlled, supervised or monitored despite the pretext for peace. Juha women prefer not cause too regulated and prohibited even if the grounds for the help you. Women appreciate a soft cover. For example, walking or cross at safe position, when he was accompanied by fear, brought to the doctor when he was sick, when he accompanied the jet Coster, etc..
Valuing Women
Women want to be appreciated and treated by her lover. She does not like men who effectively engage not too appreciative. When did he feel appreciated? From out of town when you call them and say I miss you, when you ask for his opinion, when you do not hide the reason seseuatu with male business conduct, etc..
sympathetic guy who is not just being nice to her beloved, but also to his beloved family, to his friends and to others.Thus he proves that the benefits are not legitimate, but really habit and character.
romantic guy usually be sweet, treat her lover with a soft, romantic call with pronunciation, give flowers on special days, etc.. Although not as handsome as Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Richard Gere soft, every man should learn to be romantic.Why? Because a romantic man is man dream woman. (Source: the vision victory)
4 Things Most Like to be tried by Women seconds Dating
When the first date, talk about feelings will only make the situation becomes awkward and uncomfortable. We recommend that you select four small topic to get first kecan a pleasant moment.
As quoted from MSN, there are some discussions that are a favorite topic of women while being on a date, especially on the first date. This is her four topics.
1. Childhood
stories childhood when you first learn to ride a bike or swim might sound a bit silly, but women are very fond of this topic. Sharing simple stories during school time You feel good enough curiosity of a woman.
"Women tend analytical about their own childhood life, so when you give a little story, it will gain insight about yourself and who you are actually," said Linda Olson, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and relationship expert.
2. Your job
not hurt to tell the life of many jobs as you want to successfully get praise from your boss or even the stress of the job slump. Just like the story of childhood, the topic of this work can help women get who you really are.
"Men often define themselves by what they do in life, and to talk about it, you show them the other side of you that may not be able to see it," said James Sniechowski, Ph.D., therapist relationship.
3. The reason why you like it
This is the topic of conversation most favored women. Even men have often said that the woman has an attractive personality and a beautiful face, but women are more at ease with things that are more specific. Tell him that you like the way it laughing or it has beautiful eyes.
4. The future of
Sharing stories about the future can provide guidance for women if you and he is the perfect match or not. "When you share your long-term goals and your dreams, women not only look at how your personality actually. Women also get an indication of whether it matches you in a long time," says Sniechowski.
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
1. http://portalunique.blogspot.com/2011/10/20-sifat-yang-menghancurkan-diri.html
2. http://portalunique.blogspot.com/2012/01/6-perasaan-manusia-dan-penyakit.html
3. http://portalunique.blogspot.com/2012/01/10-hal-yang-membuat-pria-bahagia.html
4. http://portalunique.blogspot.com/2012/01/7-kekeliruan-pria-saat-ingin-luluhkan.html
5. http://portalunique.blogspot.com/2011/07/7-hal-pertama-yang-diperhatikan-pria.html
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