Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

The scars on the skin sometimes interfere with one's appearance

The scars on the skin sometimes interfere with one's appearance. Especially if the wound is on the easily visible to others.There is a method of medical treatment, but the price is quite expensive. For those who do not know and want to try, just use traditional ways below.

1. Stale tea
trick: Rub tea waste that has been unused to the skin with a scar. Massage gently and let stand about 15 minutes, do the routine twice a week. Oh yes, for teabag should go and take tea dregs, yes.

2. Kapok leaves Randu
How: Prepare some kapok leaves that have been washed clean first. Rub the leaf cottonwoods in the scar twice a day.If you want a little troublesome, blender or grow and use as a topical medication. But if you feel the itch, stop and use other methods.

3. Pare fruit juice
How: Growing fruit juice and pare and grab water. Combine water pare it with rice flour until thickened. Then apply on the scars regularly. Bitter fruit is also great for those who want to brighten the skin, you know.

4. Egg White and Honey
Separate the egg whites from the yolks and mix with honey to taste. Then stir until evenly mixed. Rub the skin with scars.This herb is also useful for removing blemishes on the face.


 Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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