Jumat, 04 Januari 2013


Already since many years ago and even more environmentally campaign already in masyarakatkan but in fact to this day human concern for the environment is still very weak. Although no action action by some people but because it is not accompanied by a global movement, effort less effort produce a significant impact. Actually the case of global warming / global warning is a problem all over the living creatures on earth. Why because we live on earth, if the earth were feeling the heat of the summer is also all the creatures that live in it. Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean and land earth. Related to the temperature of the Earth has been warming are felt at this time. In Indonesia alone, an increase in temperatures exceeding earlier predictions.

Temperatures in Indonesia in 2000-2100 estimated average rise of 1 degree Celsius, higher than the increase in the previous century, at 0.65 degrees. Although only 1 degree, the impact is serious.

Environmental changes due to human activity triggered by the higher temperature increase. The increase in temperature of 1 degree celsius not happen evenly. Areas with severe environmental damage higher gains. Up 1 degree Celsius rise in mean maximum temperature and minimum temperature falling by 1 degree. Temperature range of an increasingly wide area, increasing public health threat. Increased temperatures also alter rainfall patterns. Hydro-meteorological disasters, such as floods, landslides, and droughts, will be increasingly common.

The Center for Climate Change ITB Armi Susandi warned climate change will make the Central Sumatra getting wet. In Aceh, the higher rainfall. Rainfall in Java and Lampung increased, but lower than the Sumatra. However, the risk is higher because the area is densely populated and high economic activity. The opposite condition occurs in Kalimantan became increasingly dry. Land and forest fire risk increases. The increase in rainfall also occurred in East Nusa Tenggara.Although there is a risk of landslides, if it can be managed properly, it will keep the area dry so fertile. "The impact of climate change in each unique area so that patterns of adaptation and mitigation in each area is different,"

Society is considered to understand the impact of climate change and to adapt. "However, disaster risk information need more delivered," said Sudibyakto. The concept of climate change in the government is very weak. Infrastructure anticipate climate change is very weak. The more the government does not want to invest in the face of climate change, the greater the economic loss.

Meanwhile, the average temperature of the Earth over the past 100 years increased by 0.74 s / d 0.18 o C as in Realease by Intergovemmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) under the auspices of the United Nations. IPCC predicts global earth surface temperature will rise 1.1 to 6.4 ° C between 1990 and 2100. If no action then predicted the earth's temperature will rise by 4 ° C in the year 2020. An analysis bumu temperature record from 1958 to 2010 states that the earth's temperature rise of 4 degrees Celsius.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its analysis states that in May 2012 and the land surface suru lautun average increase of 0.66 degrees Celsius. Average land surface temperature in May 2012 rose 1.21 degrees Celsius. NOAA also released that the average temperature of the land and sea in the northern hemisphere in May 2012 rose 0.85 degrees Celsius.

The results of the Climate Change Conference 2010 in Copenhagen - Denmark global warming targets set in 2020 in the range of 2 degrees Celsius. If this is not immediately komotmen carried on then expected by the end of the 20th century the earth's temperature will rise 4 degrees Celsius. The increase in temperature of 4 degrees Celsius is potentially catastrophic mass as cities along the coast will be submerged, food production is threatened down and potentially increasing cases of malnutrition. Arid region becomes drier, wet areas become wetter. Many areas in the Tropics that the exposed heat waves, water scarcity etc.. Changes in the Earth's temperature will lead to changes in changes such as rising sea levels, increased intensity of extreme weather phenomena and changes in precipitation patterns. Other impacts its impact on agricultural yield, the loss of glaciers and the extinction of various animal species.

The only solution is naturally restore the earth's temperature is to reduce exhaust emissions and planting trees as much.Only that human effort can be done now and in the future. If every person on earth to plant trees today then the benefits can be felt is 10-20 years later. If the effort was delayed delay eating the impact on the earth's temperature will also be longer.


Dwi Hartoyo, SP

3. http://mediaindonesia.com

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