Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Prediction Astronomer, 2013 Earth Return Natural Ice Age

Earth is predicted to enter 'Little Ice Age' or a new ice age in the coming years due to low solar activity, as expressed by the researchers.

The phenomenon of spots on the sun's activity, which followed each annual cycle, will peak in 2013, after which it will begin to change. But astronomers think the next rise will be less intensive than normal, or could fail to happen at all.Launched by the Telegraph, for decades, Europe experienced unusually cold winter and very often, and when it came to be called 'Little Ice Age'. Although there is no conclusive evidence that mutually affect each other, many scientists believe it.

Sunspots are dark little hole in the surface of the sun, caused by a small area of ​​strong magnetic activity that interferes with the normal flow of intensely heated gas.
When there are more sunspots, the overall outcome of the sun called solar radiation or total solar irradiance total (TSI) is also high.
Frank Hill of the National Solar Observatory in New Mexico, who worked on one study, says, "The fact that there are three separate lines of evidence all pointing in the same direction and very interesting."
But Joanna Haigh professor of atmospheric physics at Imperial College London, said, "Global warming could override a cooling effect on Earth's climate."

During that time the temperature in northwestern Europe almost 1 degree Celsius lower than normal, and about 0.5 degrees Celsius lower than the average global temperature.
However, he also warned, "Even if the prediction is correct, the effects of global warming will exceed the ability of the sun to cool even in the coldest scenario., And in any case, the cooling effect occurs only temporary. When solar activity back to normal, the greenhouse gases will not be go, "he said.
The history of events since the ice age predicted a super volcanic eruption of Mount Toba terrible is now a lake Toba.Prediction of the archaeological and geophysical estimates that the effects of the Toba eruption caused dust of the earth covered by the eruption for about 5 years. Thus, in a period of 5 years the sun can not touch the surface of the earth. So that there was ice age thousands of years ago due to factors out of the earth.

And astronomers assumed predictions of 'Little Ice Age' or a new ice age in 2013 due to external factors, namely the existence of a letuppannya sunspots lead to earth so predictable at the time of explosion of dark spots came hurtling toward Earth or the sun is not up irradiate the Earth so that the suspect will happen 'Little Ice Age' or a new ice age. The question arises how long the effects of sunspots that? what for many years? This needs to be investigated further.
Happy researching ya ......


 Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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