Minggu, 27 Januari 2013


Sometimes the idea that suddenly appear in the head, even as it seems trivial can be a new discovery. Besides useful for many people, it also makes the inventor rich. This is an example:

1.Bette Graham - Mistake Out
Around the year 1951, Ms Graham became executive secretary of the frequent typing important documents. So no need to repeat typing documents every time there is a typo, it uses a potion he paints himself white. Apparently white paint plus a small brush, which he called Mistake Out was favored his friends as well. Eventually he established a factory Mistake Out.
In 1972, its turnover was five million bottles annually Mistake Out. When he died in 1980, his fortune reached 47.5 million. Who would have thought a small idea that could make him rich.
Mistake Out, also known as Liquid Paper, or we call it "Type-X". 

2.Earle Dickson - Band-Aid
Tired of repeatedly put a bandage on her finger are often injured while slicing food in the kitchen, Earle Dickson discern ways. He cut a small gauze and stick it on tape.
This way, gauze so easily attached to a small wound. It turns ideas generated at around the 1920's it was quite brilliant as to the company where he works, Johnson & Johnson and mass produce it themselves Earle Dickson was appointed vice president of Johnson & Johnson.

3. Albert J. Parkhouse - Clothes Hangers
He was running out hooks coats on the wall when they arrive at the work place. Albert J. Parkhouse, who worked at the factory wire in about the year 1903 finally find the idea. Wire it an oval shape with two wire ends together so that it becomes the link. With wire formation, that he could hang a jacket and mencantelkannya easily on the wall, without disturbing the other jacket was there. That was the beginning of the discovery of a coat hanger.
Now who does not need a coat hanger? Small idea has now become big business. This is evidence that a small problem could be the idea of ​​a remarkable success.

4.Arthur Fry - Post-it
How do I make a simple note attached, easily seen, and easily removable? Arthur Fry had his way. The idea gained from friends who use glue fails (not sticky) as a pasting paper to mark pages in his book. 
Arthur and develop it into a product that came to be known as the Post-it.Post-it, the idea that small, then a flagship product of 3M (the company that employs Arthur) and became big business. Today, the world knows him as "paper sticky notes" are popular.
5. Toru Kumon - Kumon
First child Toru Kumon, a high school math teacher in Japan, it is difficult to learn mathematics. Kumon then making methods (modules) math for children in order to make it easier to understand these figures in 1954. The method that he calls the Kumon Method. It turns out that his methods can follow the math very well. After that his neighbors wanted to try the same method. Lalumendirikan Kumon Kumon Center. As many as 26,000 Kumon Center now stands in 44 states with franchise network development patterns.
So, there's no harm in letting the mind wander looking for creative ideas. Not surprisingly, the people who work in creative fields is always advisable to have the mindset that "out of the box". Of the ideas which were not uncommon then new discoveries emerge.
Surely, inventor 5 above stems from observation of something, then let the mind find a solution. From there came the idea. Originally there was only the "dream". Finally, success is achieved when you wake up and catch dreams, and making them a reality.

                              Dwi Hartoyo, SP
1. http://www.didunia.net/2012/12/5-ide-kreatif-untuk-menjadi-kaya-di.html

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