Jumat, 04 Januari 2013


 Technological progress a devastating effect on traditional game play. Children now prefer to play in front of the PS, would rather play online and forget about traditional games of the past. Progress technology provides an individual thought patterns this terbuksi as played by today's modern children. They would rather preoccupied by the game in front of him regardless of the environment. Unlike traditional games, traditional games can not be played alone but is played in groups or by some people. Therefore the children of the past more like social events because it is the current state first requires to help each other. Precisely this togetherness is overlooked by modern children. So do not be surprised if young children will now be more acuk to others.

Here is a traditional game in Indonesia. The game is played by more than one person.

1. Congklak
Congklak is a traditional game known by various names throughout Indonesia. Normally in a game, a type of clam shells are used as seed congklak and if not there, sometimes also used seeds from plants. Congklak game made by two people. In their game board using a board called congklak and 98 (14 x 7) fruit seeds, called beans or fruit congklak congklak. Generally congklak boards made of wood and plastic, while the seeds are made of shells, seeds, rocks, marbles or plastic. On board there are 16 pieces congklak pit consists of 14 small holes and 2 holes opposite each other on both ends. Every 7 small hole in the side of the player and the big hole on the right side is considered as belonging to the player. At the beginning of the game every little hole filled with seven seeds. Two players face, one who can pick holes begin to be captured and put one into the hole on the right and so on. When the seeds out in a small pit that contains the seeds of another, he can take the seeds and continue filling, can be discharged at his own big hole so he can proceed with selecting a small hole in the side. When out in the small hole in the side so he stopped and took the whole beans on the opposite side. But when stopped at an empty hole on the opposite side so he stopped and did not get anything. The game is considered complete when it is no longer beans that can be taken (whole beans in a large hole both players). The winner is who gets the highest seed.

2. Gasing 
Spinner is a toy that can be spun on the shaft and berkesetimbangan at some point. Spinner is the oldest toy found in various archaeological sites and still be recognizable. Most of the tops are made of wood, although often made of plastic, or other materials. Wood carved and shaped up to be the body of a top. Strap tops are generally made of nylon, while the top rope traditionally made from tree bark. Long strap tops varies depending on the length of the arms of people who play.

3. Marbles 
Marbles is a small round toy made ​​of glass or clay. Marble size varies considerably, typically 1.25 cm. Marbles game is usually played by primary school children aged 7 years. Apparently, marbles can also be found in other parts of the world. Since the 12th century, in France, marbles called bille, meaning a small ball. Another case in the Netherlands, known as knikkers marbles. In the UK there is a term to describe marbles marbles. Marbles itself is used to refer to marbles made ​​of marble imported from Germany. 4. Galasin 

Galah Asin or in another area called Galasin or Gobak Sodor is a kind of game regions of Indonesia. This game is a group game that consists of two groups, in which each team consists of 3-5 people. The core game is to block the opponent that can not pass through the line to the last line of the back and forth, and to win all group members must complete the process of back and forth in a predetermined area of the field. The game is usually played on the badminton court with reference lines that exist or can be by using a rectangular field with a size of 9 x 4 m, divided into 6 sections. The boundary line of each section are usually marked with chalk. Members of the group who had a turn to keep this field divided into two group members who keep the line horizontal and vertical boundaries. For members of the group who received the task to keep the horizontal boundary lines, then they will try to block their opponents are also trying to pass through a specified boundary line as the border freely. For members of the group who received the task to keep the line vertical (generally only one person), then that person has access to the entire vertical boundary line located in the middle of the field. This game is very exciting at the same time is very difficult because each person must always be on guard and running as quickly as possible if necessary to achieve victory.

5. Fortress 

The game is played by two groups, "each group consisting of 4 to 8 people. Both groups will then select a place as a headquarters, usually a pole, or a stone pillar called" fortress. "
ultimate goal of this game is to attack and took over the "fortress" opponent by touching the pole or pillar that has been chosen by the opponent and shouting fort. victory can be achieved with a "charming" all members of the opponent by touching their bodies. To determine who is entitled to be "captors", determined from whom the final touches "fortress" them.

6. Yo-Yo 
Yo-yo is a game made up of two discs of the same size (usually made of plastic, wood, or metal) which is connected to an axis, where the coiled rope used. One end of the rope attached to the axis, while the other end free and is usually given link. The game yo-yo is one of the popular game in many parts of the world. Yo-yo played with by linking the free end of the rope on the middle finger, holding the yo-yo, and threw it down with a smooth motion. When the rope reached the axis, gyroscopic effects will occur, which gives time to do some movement. By moving the wrist, the yo-yo can be returned to the hands of the player, which will be re-coiled rope in the gap axis

7. Kite 
Kite game, also known by the name of a single aktivititas kite flying kites in the air. In the dry season in Indonesia are always kids playing kites because the wind was great. 8. Hide and seek 

Starting with Hompimpa to determine who the "cat" (acting as a search of his friends are hiding). The cat would eventually close my eyes or turn around while counting to 25, usually he's facing a wall, tree or whatever so he would not see his friends move to hide. After the count of ten, he began looking for his friends act them. If he finds his friend, he will call his name he found it. That exclamation was, when he was looking for, he usually had to leave the place. Place if touched by another friend who violate the hiding then all my friends who have been found, which means that he must repeat again, where friends meet friends who are exempt and will hide again. Then the cat will calculate and search again.The game finished after all discovered friends. And the first one was discovered the next cat. There is one more term in this game, the "fire" in question here is if the cat is hiding friends caught by the cat because the cat was told by a friend who had been found first of hiding. 

9. Baseball 

Baseball or Gebokan is a kind of sports ball sports like softball or baseball. Game 2 groups was performed using a tennis ball as a tool to shoot opponents and rock piles to be spliced. Anyone who managed to pile up stones quickly without the ball is hit to win the game. At the beginning of the game, first determined which group would be the beginning and the guard who pursued the suit. The group that became guardian should immediately catch the ball immediately after the pile of rocks collapsed by the group is pursued. If the ball had touched the opponent, then the group members moved the ball to guard a pile of stones.

10. Sack Race 
Sack race is one of the popular traditional race on the day Indonesia's independence. A number of participants required to enter the lower body in a sack and then race to the finish line. Although often criticized because they encourage unhealthy spirit of competition and the activities of rah-rah, sack race still prevalent, as well as mounting nut race, clogs and eating crackers ..

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://www.aneh-unik.com/2011/10/10-permainan-tradisional-anak-indonesia.html
2. http://goodhaladon.blogspot.com/2012/03/10-permainan-tradisional-anak-indonesia.html

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