Senin, 28 Januari 2013

BY JIN Qur'an & Hadiths

Greetings to readers. In our post this time we would like to know about Jin in the Qur'an and Hadith. Stems from our lack of understanding associated with Jin makes us try to find out. From the way we talk with fellow colleagues and there is the opinion that most Kyai and cleric in the country have kept the genie. No half hearted can even reach hundreds Jin maintained. There is even a suggestion that in the land of Mecca where pilgrims perform the Hajj is the kingdom of Jin.This institute that there is a mosque in Mecca jin ( click here ). Mosque or Al-Jin Jin is a mosque located in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Precisely in the village Ma'la and not far from the Muslim cemetery. Masjid Al-Jinn often also known as Masjid al-Bai'ah.
mosque located 1.5 km north of the Grand Mosque is nmemiliki area of about 20 × 10 meters. The mosque is predominantly two-storey gray. Calligraphy (the art of Arabic script), citing the Koran, decorate the dome of the mosque.

There is a testimony that sometimes after doing certain rituals such as fasting and reading the verses of the Qur'an can bring so concerned genie can do extraordinary things such as immune body, can know the secrets etc.. But strangely concerned have never seen or disturbed by a jinn who helped. Only other people who saw the petrified man genie.Likewise experienced by some people Kyai and cleric. Because, fueled by a verse of the Qur'an the They believe that the knowledge they gain is the guidance of Allah. When in fact it was a relief from Jin. And in some cases did they find jin jin to serve students and the media to preach to the jinn. So because the genie already feel the help and enlightenment so often the jinn also helps the teacher, although not directly requested by the teacher. It is a reciprocal interaction, so it's rare that someone can hear the whisper whisper magical, supernatural visions believed to be guidance from God but actually only works genie assists. So how's the world of jinn in the Qur'an and Hadith? 

Obviously Qur'an confirms that unlawful recourse to Jin. People should just ask God. But the question is what if Jin who helps humans and humans are indeed asking for help only to God. How is the law? sometimes this sort of thing is not clear ruling. Al Qur'an just confirmed that haram for men to ask for help from Jin Jin, and what about the people who helped. Without compensation for the Jin felt guided and assisted by the man? these opportunities are exploited by Islamists (Kyai and Ustad). They remain focused on God and the grace of Allah the Jin to help them? What? what the fuck is this opinion? truly misguided opinion.

Natural Jin is part of the supernatural, Nature untouched by human senses, so there needs to be an accurate description from reliable sources, which can be used as a reference by any Muslim. Until there is no doubt in believing that its existence is part of a belief in the supernatural (see QS. Al-Baqara: 1-3).
God created beings that are essential only 3 types of human, jinn and angels. As mentioned in a hadith comes from Muhammad ibn Rafi 'of Abd Razak.
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: خلقت الملائكة من نور و خلق الجان من مارج من نار و خلق آدم مما و صف لكم (رواه مسلم عن محمد بن رافع عن عبد الرزاق)
means: "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:" Angels were created from light, the jinn were created from fire, lighting, and Adam was created from what you sifati (land) "(HR.Muslim).
Number Jin too much so, according to some opinions say that if the sum of all human beings from Adam until the Day of Judgment with the animals multiplied, multiplied by the stones, multiplied by the sand and all the herbs. It was only a tenth of the total Jin. While Jin is one-tenth of the total total angel.
If we follow the opinion of the above then the conclusion is that the earth contains Angel and Jin alone. Number of Jin and the Angel far more than the number of men. So it is not wrong if it can be argued that the contents of this site are angels and jinn. Know why people like cocky huh?
Alam place indwelling Jin is in the oceans, land, in the air and on the Nature Mithal is a ground located between human nature and the angelic realms. If we are given by God the ability to look at Jin, of course we will see the fall of the needle will not fall to the ground, but fell behind Jin, because of the massive amount of them.
If the number of people far less than the number of Jinns and Angels question is why God was so appreciative man of the Jin and the Angel? Who is this man? diantarapasir only dust grains of sand in the sea.
If our ancestors were Prophet Adam, the progenitor Jin also is? Jaan? whose origin is faithful to God and gave birth to offspring who believe. After that, there are also descendants of the Kufr Jaan and breed the Kufr. Jaan grandchildren were originally a strong believer that there is faith, there is also Kufr and there is also a believer back to God.
Jin had a mission to live with humans. Allah created the Jinn and mankind to worship Him,
وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدونIt is I created the Jinn and mankind except to worship me. . (Surat adh-Dzariat 51:56).
Jinn are created from a very hot fire, as stated in al-Qur? an.
وخلق الجان من مارج من نار And he (God) created the Jinn from fire of hell? . (Surat ar-Rahman 55:15).

Jin is the ummah like humans, there are good and some are evil, some are believers and there are infidels. They terraced levels, as described by Allah,
وأنا مناالصالحون ومنا دون ذلك كنا طرائق قددا
And indeed among us (Jin) was a pious and among us there is no way we will vary our way of life. (Surah al-Jinn 72:11).

Devil Jin is including the community, because he defied God's command is called with the Devil. He is not from among the angels. As affirmed by God,
وإذ قلنا للملائكة اسجدوا لآدم فسجدوا إلا إبليس كان من الجن ففسق عن أمر ربه
And when we told you the angels prostrate to Adam, then prostrate them all except Devil Jin is her from the class of disobedience of orders he god. . (Surah al-Kahf 18:50).

Jin can see the original human form, while humans can not see the original form of Jin, but when he showed up (change form). As was spoken,
إنه يراكم هو وقبيله من حيث لا ترونهم
Indeed he (Satan) and his people can see you, O man, and you can not see them. . (Surah al-A 'raf 7:27).

Rasulullah said: If you hear a dog howling or braying of a donkey in the night, seek refuge in Allah. Because they (the animals) can not see what you see. (Narrated by Abu Daud).
Satan's nature. Satan is not a creature of its own, but it is just nature and the designation for any dissenters from among Jinns and humans, and as an enemy of every believer. Sometimes God calls Satan in al-Qur 'an as the devil. Allah says,
وكذلك جعلنا لكل نبي عدوا شياطين الإنس والجن 
And thus we make for every prophet an enemy, the devil-devil (of sorts) human and (of sorts) Jin? . (Surat al-An `am 6:112).
Haram for help to Jin. Jin asks for help or cooperation with them is haraam, because Jin would never help humans except in return. Allah says,
وأنه كانرجال من الإنس يعوذون برجال من الجن فزادوهم رهقا  
And indeed there was a group of human males turn to men of the Jin then bertambalah for them astray? . (Surah al-Jinn 72: 6).

The verse clearly states that is unlawful for help to Jin Jin but what if those who want to help humans because humans have helped the Jin get the guidance of Allah?
Guarantee the protection of God. Those who believe and do not interfere with their faith with their Shirk received assurances of protection of Allah from the evil djinn. Al-Qur 'an express,
الذين آمنوا ولم يلبسوا إيمانهم بظلم أولئك لهم الأمن وهم مهتدون  
And those who believe and do not interfere with shirk their faith, they will get their safety and that oarang person who gives instructions. (Surat al-An `am 6:82).

Trance Jin in humans is true, not myth or superstition. Jin can enter the human body and flows in the body through the bloodstream. Prophet said,
"Verily, Shaytan flows in the human body via the blood stream?. (Narrated by Muslim).
Jin disorders in humans is an act of injustice. Jin of human disturbance to enter into his body is an act of injustice that must be stopped for the safety and the menzhalimi dizhalimi. Prophet said,
"Help your brother, and that terzhalimi menzhalimi, the Companions asked:" O Rasullallah how to help those who menzhalimi? He replied, "Stop it from zhalimnya deeds". (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Jin supernatural beings but do not know all mysteries. Jin even in the category of supernatural beings, but they do not necessarily know all the supernatural. They have limitations as humans. Jin himself would admit their weaknesses and limitations such as reported by Allah in the Qur'an:
وأنا لا ندري أشر أريدبمن في الأرض أم أراد بهم ربهم رشدا
And indeed we do not know whether the desired evil for those on earth, or whether their Lord wills good to them? . (Surat Al-Jinn 72:10).
In another verse Allah states,
فلما قضينا عليه الموت ما دلهم على موته إلا دابة الأرض تأكل منسأته فلما خر تبينت الجن أن لو كانوا يعلمون الغيب ما لبثوا في العذاب المهين  
But when We have established Solomon's death, nothing showed them his death except termites that eat cane. And when he has slumped, the new Jin know. Had it knowing that they would not remain unseen in a humiliating punishment?. (Surah Saba? 34:14).

Name and Type of Jin
  1. Ibn Abd al-Bar, as quoted by Imam ash-Shibli in his book, Akamul Marjan fi
  2. Ahkamil Jan, said that the jinn according to theologians and Arabic, has several levels:
  3. If the intended jin in general, called Jinny.
  4. Jin who like to live with humans called Aamir and plurals (plural) is' Ammar.
  5. Jin often reveal its form or disturb small children called denganArwah
  6. Jin who always misbehave and often appear under different forms adalahSyaithan.
  7. If the genie is in addition to evil, incarnate, also do something more severe than that, such as the killing and the other called the Marid
  8. Jin worse than Marid and have the ability and strength more powerful again called Ifrit, bentul plural (plural) Afariit.
  9. While Satan is a ancestors disbelievers (Shaytan). According to Abul Abbas Ibn Mutsanna and, at first, the Devil is named Naail. When they disobey the commandments of God, then God curse him, and changed the name of the Shaytan. Satan has a chewable name (pseudonym) Kadus Abu (father of hoarders, hoards of people that always means the sinful act).
  10. In addition to the above names, the names of Shaytan (disbelievers) is another Hubab, Shihab, Ajda 'danAsyhab, it is as stated in the following hadeeth, but his sayings are generally weak (da'eef):
Meanwhile, regarding the kind and the jinn, the Prophet once said that jin was divided into three groups: first, a genie who always flying in the air, the second, in the form of tangible genie snakes and dogs, and third, the kind of genie who always remain silent (and homeless place) and love to travel. In a hadith says:
عن أبي ثعلبة الخشني رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم * الجن ثلاثة أصناف صنف لهم أجنحة يطيرون في الهواء وصنف حيات وكلاب وصنف يحلون ويظعنون
means: "The Messenger of Allaah? alaihi wa sallam has menghabarkan us bahwasannya genie is composed of three group. Firstly, a genie who always flying (hovering) in the air, the second, the genie in the form of snakes and dogs, and the third, a genie who has a place to live and love to travel "(Narrated Thabrani, Judge, with a saheeh isnaad Baihaki ).
Narrated by Abu Darda 'Rasullah said "Allah created the jinn into three classes, the first kind of snakes and scorpions and reptiles of the earth, like the wind in the second group and third group space like humans they get a reward and punishment" (Reported by Ibn Abi Dunya).

Being Jin
Basically the way Jin shape not much different from other forms of human form, that they have sex, have a nose eyes, hands, feet, ears and so on, as that is owned by humans. Basically 80 to 90 percent of human-Jin.
physical Jin Only difference is smaller and finer than human. Their bodies were some short, some tall and of varying colors, namely white, red, blue, black and so on. Jin Jin Islamic infidels and wicked it had the form of a bad and scary.While Jin devout Muslim has a beautiful face.
According to some opinions, Jin actual height is only about three feet. Their knowledge more widely and lived very long until thousands of years old. Jin pace moving faster than the speed of light at a time. Since Jin consists of art and hidden beings, not like human beings and not enacting entirely unseen like angels, then even small spaces can be occupied by millions of Jin and also can enter and inhabit the human body.
Jinns (demons) are creatures distinct divine nature and elements of creation, so obviously people will not likely be seen in its original form. This is confirmed in the letter of Al-? Araf 7:27
إنه يراكم هو وقبيله من حيث لا ترونهم
means: "Verily, he (Satan) and his tribe see you from where you can not see them" (Surat al-Araf 7: 27).
Except in certain circumstances it is also very rare. Condition occurs for example when someone drinks water magic of the shaman, or the genie has been transformed to resemble such animals. But then again it's very rare. Can not see the jinn in its original form, this certainly is a blessing for people, because then people can live in peace, without any fear at all. While the condition is a form of jinn, as some verses and hadith as follows;

1. Some animals can see form the genie as dogs and donkeys
عن أبي هريرة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال: إذا سمعتم صياح الديكة من الليل فإنها رأت ملكا فسلوا الله من فضله وإذا سمعتم نهاق الحمير من الليل فإنها رأت شيطانا فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان
means: "Abu Huraira said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "When you hear the roosters berkukuruyuh (kongkorongok), then ask for a gift from God, because the chicken was actually seen an angel. And when you hear the braying of donkeys, refuge with Allah from Shaytan temptation and deceit because the ass has seen Shaytan. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim).
In another hadith says:
عن جابر, رضي الله عنه, قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: إذا سمعتم نباح الكلاب, أو نهاق الحمير من الليل فتعوذوا بالله فإنهن يرين مالا ترون
means: "From Jabir bin Abdullah said: The Messenger of Allaah? Alaihi wa Sallam said : "If you hear the dogs barking and braying himar, seek refuge in God because they saw something that you can not see it" (Narrated by Abu Dawood in Saheeh prompting).

2. Jin has a very bad form
Jinns (demons), had a very bad shape. It is described in the Qur'an when Allah likened Zaqum trees growing on the bottom of Hell, with the head demon in equally bad shape and appearance. It is the word of God as contained in the letter ash-Shafat paragraph: 64-65

3. Jin has two horns and wings

Interaction Between Man and Jin
Bunian or commonly referred to as the mixed results Ghaib is male or female Jin with men or women from the men.Children resulting from the mixture is known as Bunian. Temperament and behavior as well as the way people form Bunian is in some ways similar to humans and also like Jin.

Friends with Jin
among Many Indonesian people are friendly and make Jin as a helper and servant to help them carry out certain tasks.For example, as shaman, magician, alternative medicine and so on. But not all of the above that using Jin in their daily work. There are also groups which actually has the natural skills without the help of Jin.
In short we as a Muslim who was friendly with the Muslims and Jin Jin unbelievers will get more ills than the good that we will get. Jin will always penetrate and encourage people to do a crime and immorality without us knowing.
As we wrote above is actually the interaction between humans and jinn not only from the perspective of a human (human interest) but also from the point of view of Jin.
Qur'an also wrote that the man has a mission to deliver the Qur'an to a class Jin. So it is not a little of the character of Islam (Indonesia) the Kyai and Ustad who preach from the Jin class. When viewed from the perspective of humans and jinn Islamize the Muslim mission is a noble mission.
Qur'an also forbidden for a man to ask for help to a class of Jin. So what if Jin's group that helps people when people do not ask for their help? Because the jinn help humans had found favor by becoming Muslims. Then the Jin helps people unwilling to comply with the wishes and wishful thinking man and not infrequently the Jin also melindungai man who had helped him.
Here there is an interaction between people with type Jin. There is a mutualism between humans and Jin class. It is often used by humans. Especially prominent Islamic figures (Kyai, "lora", apprentice, cleric, etc.), especially in Indonesia. On the pretext and propositions Islamization Jin class. We've heard one of the leaders of FPI (Islamic Defenders Front) claimed to have kept as many as 114 Jin. And we also heard from several people that the Kyai students where they gain knowledge (Boarding School) also has a protective Jin and Jin guards whose numbers in the hundreds. In fact there is information that some people are mating with Jin class. Male humans mating with a woman from among Jinn and men marry women with men from the class of Jin.
they heard their testimonies so that we conclude that Islam perfunctory identical to Jin.

LAW MARRIAGE WITH JIN according to Islam
The law of marriage between jinn and humans, the scholars differed be three opinions.
  1. The first opinion: Haram. It is the opinion of Imam Ahmad.
  2. Second opinion. Makruh. Such is the opinion of Imam Malik, Hakam bin Utaibah, Qatadah, Hasan, Uqbah Al-Asham, Hajjab Arthah son, Ishaq bin Rahawaih. Perhaps the meaning makruh according to some scholars is forbidden. And this is the opinion of the majority of scholars. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taimiah, rahimahullah said, "The majority of scholars declared makruh human marriage to the jinn." (Majmu 'Fataawa, 19/40).
  3. The third opinion, should not. It is the opinion of some scholars Shafi.
Ash-Shaykh Muhammad Amin Syinqithy rahimahullah said: "The scholars differ as to the permissibility of marriage between Adam and jinn child. Numerous scholars forbid, but others allow it. 
Al-Manawy in the book Sharh al-Jami al-Shagir said, "is mentioned in the book al-Fatawa As-Sirajiah of the Hanafi, 'No marriage should take place between humans and jinn, human or water. Due to differences in kind'. Whereas in Fatawa Al-Barizi of the Shafi'i said, 'No marriage shall occur between the two, but Ammad Ibn reinforce opinions that allow it.' Al-Mawardi said, "The case was rejected by logic, because the two different types and nature. Son adam is the physical world, while genie is spiritual world. Which one made from the ground, the other made of fire. Blend with a difference as it would rejected, and not possible descent with distinction. "
Ibn Al-Araby, of the Maliki school says, "Their marriage is allowed in logic, if it is approved by the Shari'a, then she's better."
By learning about the Jinn in the Qur'an and the Hadith, as we have described above clearly proves to us in particular that the Qur'an and Hasist it is teaching heresy. Once again proving to us that the Koran as written in the letter that Al Faatihah wrote verses in the Qur'an not give right guidance. ( more info please click on )


 Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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