Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

ON CHEESE Cheese Making Since 7000 Years Ago

Cheese apparently been made since 7000 years ago in northern Europe. This refers to the results of a study published in the journal Nature on Thursday (13/12/2012).

Researchers analyzed the fatty acid left on ancient pottery from excavations in Poland. The investigators later learned that pottery was used to make cheese. "The analysis does not tell whether the cheese is made from sheep, goat or cow," said Melanie Salque, chemists from the University of Bristol research involved.
"However, at the site, 90 percent of the bones found were cow bones. So, most likely cheese made from cow's milk," he added. 
Researchers speculate that, in the past people making cheese by mixing milk with acid compounds. The milk has thickened separated from the whey using a strainer.
Why are people making cheese in the past? The first goal is to make dairy products more durable. Pure milk easily damaged. Another reason is to make a milk protein consumed high lactose intolerance.
"Making cheese lets them reduce the lactose content in milk," he was quoted as saying Salque New York Times, Thursday (13/12/2012).
Pottery were found to belong to the farmers and ranchers in Europe. Pottery has been discovered 10 years ago but have never known what its function.

Interesting Facts about Cheese
There are already thousands of years
Archaeologists found evidence of the emergence of sheep's milk cheese and goat at 8000 years before Christ. One example, Egyptian archaeological discoveries found out someone was milking cows, in an ancient tomb that was made ​​around 2000 BC.

Special kitchen
Greeks and Romans apparently the first in the industry to process cheese. Evidently, with the discovery of painting a kitchen cheese processing. even the big house the ancient Romans had a special kitchen to process cheese.

Hundreds of types of cheese
of England has 700 kinds of cheese, while France as many as 400 kinds of cheese. Variations in flavor, color, and texture of the cheese is caused by various factors, depending on the type of milk (cow), bacterial, processing time and flavor enhancer.

Cheddar cheese is the most popular
name Cheddar comes from a small area in Somersetshire, England. However, this type of cheese can be found in all corners of the world. It was delicious with the aroma is not too sharp cheddar makes suitable for any cuisine.


1. http://sains.kompas.com/read/2012/12/16/16243277/Manusia.Membuat.Keju.Sejak.7000.Tahun.Lalu 

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