Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Can Hurricane Terminated With Nuclear Bomb ?

To save lives and reduce losses, it would be remarkable if science has a way to stop the damaging storms like hurricanes Sandy. That's what scientists think. One idea that appears almost every hurricane season appeared recently is to bomb the storm until it is destroyed. theory says, the energy released by the atomic bomb that exploded over and close to the eye of the storm will cool the hot air that is in it - and disrupt hurricane formation is going on. Unfortunately, the idea that emerged in the 1960s has never been successfully realized.

Chris Landsea, a scientist and operations officer at the National Hurricane Center, give an explanation when she was a research meteorologist with NOAA. "The main difficulty of use explosives to modify hurricanes is the amount of energy required," Landsea said. Hurricanes get their energy from warm ocean waters and in the process of evaporation, the water condenses into rain. Hot air is released during the process of condensation is ticking, which causes more water to evaporate sea, condense and continue the round.

Hurricane burgeoning releases heat energy more than 50 terawatt in the process and only about 1 percent that turns into the wind. Heat escaping is equivalent to 20 megatons of nuclear bombs exploding every 20 minutes. Throughout the year 2011, the entire human race is only about a third of the average energy in the storm. So bombed a storm would only be a futile act. There is also the possibility that the bomb hurricane, if any impact, it adds to the supply of hot air that makes much more powerful storm.

Then why not bomb the tropical depression before it turns into a storm? It is a different matter, as described Landsea."There are about 80 storms formed in the Atlantic Ocean every year, but usually only five to storm. There is no certainty formations which would develop into a storm. "
One thing is for sure, the bombing of the storm will create a radioactive storm - which is far more dangerous than the natural storm. The disaster that will alter wind patterns to the mainland and are worse things than the impact of the storm will happen naturally.


 Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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