Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Maximum residue limits (MRL) PESTICIDES

Terms MRL Pesticides in the World Trade
World Trade Organization (WTO) has received approval SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary) as a form of non-tariff barriers that can be applied by a country. Without anticipating the right deal could hinder the smooth agriculture Indonesia into the global market. One provision that SPS received relating to the content of pesticide residues in agricultural products. In order for agriculture to enter a country to contain pesticide residues below the MRL (Maskimum Residue Limits) Pesticides established by the state with reference to the provision of food security / Codex Alimentarius (WHO).
With the provision of the MRL Pesticides, a country can protect public health from harmful agricultural products.Imposition MRL Pesticides are not only applicable to the agricultural products prduk coming from abroad but also domestic product. In terms of global trade compliance BMR can launch successful agricultural products enter the domestic market of a country to other countries. Contrary to the provisions of the MRL, a country may hinder the entry of agricultural products from abroad, especially products that endanger public health. Without any provision BMR and other effective SPS criteria, the domestic market can freely flooded agricultural products abroad may quality.

Terms MRL Pesticides in Indonesia
Indonesia has provision for MRL Pesticides by SKB Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture Number: 881/Menkes/SKB / VIII / 1996 and 711/Kpts/TP.270/8/96 about Rediu Limit Pesticides In Agriculture . Article 2 of the decree states that any agricultural circulating in Indonesia from either domestic or from abroad should not contain pesticide residues exceeding the set limit. SKB Article 3 provides that agricultural products from abroad included a pesticide residue exceeds the MRL should be rejected.
Until now, the decree has not been effective and can be implemented on the ground. Some of the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the decree are:
  1. Coordination mechanisms between sectors, between government officials who will implement these provisions have not been established. Cross-sector meetings never implemented but with the multidimensional crisis stalled the meeting. Coordination meeting needs to start again with clear objectives and schedule. With the coordination of regional autonomy will become more difficult and more complicated.
  2. Network National Pesticide Residue Testing Laboratory located primarily near the port cities has not been formed. This is partly because most of the testing laboratory owned by the Department of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture has not been accredited both nationally and internationally. Without a system of laboratory networks that are reliable and trustworthy is very difficult for Indonesia to implement WTO-SPS measures for the protection of the domestic market.

The role of the Commission Pesticide
Pesticide Committee while still in the Directorate General of Food Crops has been the initiator and the drafter of that decree issued by Minister of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture Pesticide MRL in 1996. This is because almost all the pesticide residues affairs are managed by the national authority responsible for the registration and regulation of pesticides. The insistence of national leadership at that time to prevent the flood of fruits from abroad, encouraging us immediately establish Pesticide MRL applicable to all over the country. Chairman Department of Agriculture Pesticide Committee commissioned to prepare a compilation provision.

Because data about the domestic research MRL Pesticides in agricultural products are not yet available, the Commission adopted a policy adopted Codex Alimentarius guidelines and certain provisions of other countries. Realizing the weakness of human resources and laboratory capacity in the analysis of pesticide residues, the Pesticide Commission tasked to form the Expert Group Method of preparing Raw Pesticide Residue Laboratory. The team also commissioned to undertake an assessment of the readiness of pesticide residue testing laboratories across Indonesia in implementing the decree.
From the results of tests conducted on 55 laboratory chemical analysis turned out to be very few laboratories are able to test pesticide residues correctly and appropriately. Therefore we need a special program to increase laboratory capacity and human resources to conduct thorough testing of pesticide residues. Since 1997 the activities of the Expert Group halted due to a national crisis.
Despite working with limited means most of the team of experts assist Pestsida Residue Crop Protection Directorate to improve the quality of tools and human resource capabilities, with the goal that pesticide analysis laboratium gain recognition and accreditation at the national and international level. Dit-owned pesticide laboratory. Perlintan Food was planned to be a national reference laboratory testing of pesticide residues.

Given the timing of the implementation of the ASEAN free trade and free market world is approaching, we need to immediately begin implementation activities and implement the provisions of the MRL Pesticides in domestic and global trading activities. Some activities or programs of work that we need to carry out a cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary study is;

1. Doing Revision and Repair BMRP
BMRP provision attached to the Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture decree of 1997 needs to be revised in accordance with the latest developments happening in the sessions CCPR (Codex Committee on Pesticides Residue). In addition, many countries including ASEAN countries have set a new BMRP under BMR values ​​that we set through SKB Minister and Minister of Agriculture.
We need to work with ASEAN countries to realize harmonization BMRP values ​​prevailing in ASEAN in order to avoid traffic imbalance agricultural trade. Agricultural export target we are neighboring countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Some BMRP for a typical commodity Indonesia we need to develop themselves through research activities in accordance with international standard procedures.

2. Constructing Mechanism Examination and Decision Making
Any imported agricultural products and exports must be accompanied by a certificate stating that pesticide residue content is compliant BMR. If not accompanied by a certificate, at the entrance of the sampling should be conducted to examine the concentration of pesticide residues of pesticides that have been accredited laboratory. If the laboratory results indicate that the levels of residues of certain pesticides is lower than imported products BMRP acceptable.However, if the results exceed the value of the product BMRP denied entry into the Indonesian region. The decision making process must be done immediately in order to avoid barriers to trade process.
Given these mechanisms would greatly involve many departments and other government agencies, should be cross-department coordination meetings / Officials at the central and regional levels, to develop and establish mechanisms of pesticide residue inspection and permit trading decisions. Hopefully, through coordination meetings discovered regulatory mechanisms effectively and efficiently as possible and reduce bureaucratic barriers.

3. Preparation Infra Structure Laboratory Network Audit
and mechanism of functioning of the system is determined by the application of BMRP functioning laboratory network examiner or testing pesticide residues that are reliable, professional, and spread throughout the country. It needs to take advantage of many chemical laboratory owned by a local government such as the Department and Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry, as well as universities.
One important program is the standardization of Pesticide Residue Analysis Method referring to international standards.Then the next step is to complete the testing laboratory equipment and the provision of standard chemicals including solvents, and improve human resource capabilities in the analysis of pesticide residues in accordance with established standard methods. Governments need to establish a mechanism to grant the pesticide residues and appoint laboratories that can provide a certificate of such residues.

4. Examining and Improving Quality of Pesticide Residue Research
Implementation BMR determination is largely determined by the professionalism of the officer who was at the entrance (ports, airports), in the field (on the farm), as well as working in the laboratory examiner. Because this activity involves the analysis of trace chemicals with very low levels (a measure parts per billion, parts per trillion) required specialized personnel are professional and highly experienced in their fields. To increase the professionalism of officers have always done a lot of training programs and quality improvement.
In addition to executive personnel must be improved and maintained its quality, as well as research personnel working in research institutes and universities. Those who will sustain the implementers with information on residue analysis methods most new, more efficient, as well as pesticide MRL values ​​are more in line with the conditions of the people and ecosystems of Indonesia.

5. Correctional MRL
MRL Pesticides concept as a determinant of the success of the Indonesian agricultural products to penetrate global markets need to be recognized, understood and followed by all stakeholders associated with the manufacturing and marketing of agricultural products, especially the government, farmers and industry. Terms BMR is a reality that must be accepted by all parties can not be prevented and denied moreover ignored because it will affect the performance of agribusiness in the future. Communication and mutual consultation between actors agrisbisnis to meet MRL requirements need to be established and developed so that agricultural products are able to meet the requirements of BMR Indonesia.
Farmers as the biggest producer of agricultural products which are processed and marketed by the industry should be increased professionalism skills in order to manage the farm can produce agricultural products that do not contain pesticide residues exceeding the MRL. That farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs can meet these requirements they must implement effective production technology without the use of pesticides or chemicals. Development and implementation of IPM systems (Integrated Pest Management) in accordance with Law no. 12 of 1992 is the best alternative to be implemented by farmers and other agribusiness being exposed to non-tariff barriers BMR in free trade.

Indonesia National Standard Maximum limits pesticide residues on agricultural products conceived and formulated by the Technical Committee of Agriculture 65-03. This standard has been discussed in technical rapatrapat and last formulated in a consensus meeting in Jakarta on December 4, 2006 which was attended by members of the Technical Committee and other concerned parties. 

Formulation of Indonesia National Standard (SNI) is prepared for food safety, standards harmonization and good smooth trade nationally and internationally. This standard has been through the process of the referendum on 21 June 2007 to 21 September 2007 and approved a RASNI.

Maximum residue limits of pesticides on agricultural
standard establishes maximum residue limits of pesticides in agriculture is allowed outstanding, sampling method, and test methods. Guidelines for Pesticide Residue Testing in Agriculture, Directorate of Plant Protection, Directorate General of Food Crops Production, 2004.
Pesticides are substances, the chemical (plant growth regulators and growth stimulants), microscopic organisms, virus and others are used for the protection of plants or plant parts. Pesticide residues of certain substances contained in agricultural output as a result either directly or indirectly from the use of pesticides, including pesticides derived compounds, such as the conversion of compounds, metabolites, reaction yield compounds and impurities that can provide toxicological effects. Maximum residue limits (MRL) of pesticide residue levels of pesticides hazards of a material described BMR is the maximum concentration of pesticide residue that is legally permitted or recognized as acceptable concentration in agricultural pesticide residue expressed in milligrams per kilogram of agricultural products. 
maximum limit type- types contained pesticide residues allowed in agricultural products in accordance

1. http://kang-hendri.hostei.com/batas_maksimum_residu.html
2. Ministry of Agriculture

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