Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Fun Tricks to Increase Focus on Work

Routine, routine work often makes an office worker to feel sick and tired. Sick and tired of making sense of the idea that clogged or feel trapped at work is not unusual. Many people experience it too. But do not just shut up and get stuck in those conditions. Here are some fun ways to cope:

1. Gossip and laughed
Hey, nothing wrong with chatting briefly with colleagues. Small talk to gossip fun it can increase productivity! At least, that's according to Jenny Cole, PhD, a researcher from Staffordshier University in England. In his research he found gossip or light conversation in between working time can improve the quality of communication and make a person more calm face of the pressures of work.
But avoid gossip sloping trigger negative emotions. Talk about fun topics like gossip raises, promotions friends, or anything else.
So is laughing and sharing funny stories. Leave work and enjoy a cup of drink while talking with a colleague. Many studies have shown laughter healthy for the body. In addition to healthy for the body, laughter also increase concentration, creativity, and memory.

2. Surf the internet
focus on one thing for too long it can damage concentration. When the brain starts to smoke, turn for a moment thought into things that are fun. Opens the online shopping websites, watch funny videos, or simply open social networking on the internet can be a panacea to ward off fatigue.
Brent Coker, PhD, a researcher from the University of Melbourne, Australia said, surf the Internet to see the fun things that can increase productivity up to 12%. But do not forget yourself and limit your time. Do not get too busy looking for entertainment on the internet and work forgotten. In the end you are getting depressed because of the pursuit of a job.

3. Flowers
solution was not just for women. Fresh flowers according to researchers from Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital can serve as a pep. Staring at the flowers when I wake up or put flowers on the desk turned out to have a positive influence to increase productivity.
See the flowers in the morning to make people feel happy and excited. Staring at the flowers at work it can reduce stress, tension, and even improve brain works. Again, this does not only apply to women you know.
In that study also found, the presence of bright flowers in the workplace it can spark creativity. Employees in workplaces that put flower decoration become more innovative and creative.

4. Chewing gum
does not affect Though long, chewing gum can be one solution to refocus the work enjoyable. Researchers from St.Lawrence University, USA found that chewing gum just before the exam turned out to help increase the value. Before an important meeting or a short break when he was in the middle of the chase deadline, it could not hurt to chew gum.
But, do it before, not during meetings or at work. Movement chewing gum can help increase blood flow to the head.This process can help improve concentration and brainpower.
Every single day, your focus on the job and the ability to concentrate is reduced. Do not push yourself, and instead stuck in kebutuan. Rest your body for a moment. Launch the body's circulatory leisurely walk around the workplace.Boredom interspersed with fun things to restore the freshness of the brain.

5. Dehydration Create Mood Mess
human body consists of water. In fact, the amount of water in the body up to 60 percent of the weight of badan.Itulah why you should not underestimate the drinking water. Lack of body fluids not only make you thirsty easily, but the two previous studies have shown dehydration also affects the performance of the brain and mood, especially for women.
Worse, a study says about 46 percent of adults and teens Indonesia have trouble realizing dehydration dehydration kronik.Tanpa fatal for health status. Digestive problems, indigestion, pain and other serious diseases threatening to be a lazy Anybody drinking water.
"The body is very sensitive to fluid imbalances. Must deficient or excess," said Dr.dr. Parlindungan Siregar SpPD.KGH of Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in Indonesia-France Seminar in Medicine and Public Health at the Hotel Harris Tebet (3/11).

6. It should work desk Facing Corner room
work desk should not be placed in front of the KM / WC, let alone facing KM / WC. Followers of Feng Shui believe that * ch * a less well than KM / WC can adversely affect the performance of users working desk located in front of him. Of course, visually, this condition can affect the performance of workers.
Ir. F. Christian J. Tanudjaja rays, MSA recommends workbench should not overlook or even back to the pole / column.
There should be no pole / column on the side of the desk. 
surgery in feng shui, Christian explains pole / column behind the desk, is considered, as an expense that can befall from behind workers; pillar / column beside the desk can cause imbalances and pressure ; pillars / columns at the front desk, is considered, as an expense that can befall from the front of the worker, or there will be a barrier that would block the success of workers.

All of these conditions is considered as a barrier performance and job performance. Psychologically, pillar / column behind the workers can give him mental distress, at my desk to block the view and give the impression of a small space as well as psychological distress, pillar / column beside the workbench can narrow impression of space and reduce the balance of the composition of space and blocking workbench user view. Workbench should not turned or facing the corner of the room for effect * ch * is not good. Psychologically, working at a desk corner backs can lead to the impression that the work area feels more cramped and oppressive facing corner can lead to the impression that pressing.

7. Colors that Make Room Airy
ongoing global warming resulting in natural resources can not handle it alone, especially humans. To cool a room they usually use the air conditioner or air conditioning. But the cold ambient temperature the greater the energy and bills. As a solution energy companies and interiors expert Oliver Heath gives tips on how to help the color of the room is cool at the same time save on the use of air conditioners. "For years we used dark colors to paint the walls and ceiling. Colors are impressive atmosphere and cool," said Heath.
Heath further explained just by using some simple tricks everyone can change how a room feels cool and positive benefit on their energy bills. Some of these tricks to make sure that the curtain opened for five minutes so that the natural light.Also according to Heath, rich colors like red, orange and purple make the room feel more comfortable. While blue or turquoise color gives the room feel cooler. North-facing rooms also felt natural light cooler. While the south-facing rooms get more direct sunlight. Therefore, avoid using bright colors in the room were exposed to direct sunlight.
You should also take Almi light to heat the house. That put a mirror or reflective object in the walls to evoke warmth around the room when the winter ahead. (MI/Wrt3)

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://id.she.yahoo.com/trik-menyenangkan-untuk-meningkatkan-fokus-kerja.html
2. http://id.she.yahoo.com/dehidrasi-bikin-mood-berantakan-113000940.html
3. http://id.she.yahoo.com/sebaiknya-meja-kerja-tak-menghadap-sudut-ruangan-012219923.html
4. http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/news/2012/11/04/112477/Warna-warna-yang-Bikin-Ruangan-Sejuk/11

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