Jumat, 25 Januari 2013


Rice is the raw material of rice. Rice is the staple food in many countries. High carbohydrate content in rice is a source of energy for humans. Speaking of rice and rice, there is rice farming land so. Fertile rice fields irrigation system would have to pay attention, so many terraced rice fields made (terracing). In addition to making equitable distribution of water also reduces the hazard of erosion. Model terracing help farmers to process their business. Lots of benefits can be felt not only help maintain soil fertility, ease of processing fields and are no less interesting is the beauty.
Of millions of hectares of rice fields in the earth, some of which are creating the all-powerful. Browse the collection of photos below, guaranteed to make us wonder. Amazing view is actually a natural potential that have high sales value if you like to be promoted as a tourist.

1. Yunnan Province, China

2. Banaue, Philippines

3. Boracay Island, Philippines

4. Rishikesh, Himalayas

5. Hamanoura, Japan

6. Machu Picchu, Peru

7. Subak, Bali

8. Cancar, Flores

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://www.didunia.net/2012/12/8-pemandangan-sawah-terdahsyat-di-dunia.html

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