Kamis, 10 Januari 2013


Pest and disease control activities is an important factor in the cultivation of green cabbage. This is because the purpose of this activity is to save the use of pesticides by relying on the concept of integrated pest management (IPM). As for how to control some pests and diseases of cabbage with the concept of IPM can be done as follows:

Plutella, xylostella L.
Insect pests are known by caterpillars of cabbage leaves or diamond back moth, including the order Lepidoptera, familiPlutellidae and mernpunyai deployment areas in Indonesia. Moth P. xylostella small brown gray, the front wings are the "three diamonds". Moths are active at dusk and at night to lay their eggs on the leaves spread. Stadium eggs 3-5 days. The first instar larvae measuring 1.2 mm in bright green with his head looks black. Stage larva 7-11 days. Pupanya covered by a cocoon, pale yellow. Life cycle ranges from 21 hari.Daun stricken P. xylostella small holes and when severe attacks, leaves and bones. severe attack occurred in the dry season, when the plants are 5-8 weeks. Host plant P.xylostella are cabbage, broccoli and other cabbage. Controls can be done by:
  1. P. xylostella to do with finding a good planting time (according to the local conditions) intercropped cabbage with tomatoes
  2. Conservation of natural enemies such as the use of parasitoid larvae Diadegma semiclausum Hellen and
    Apanteles plutellae Kurdj.
  3. The use of insecticides when diternukan 5 larvae per 10 plants.
For pest control diamondback moth Plutella xytostella can be done by mechanical and chemical. Mechanical way is to destroy and collect all the imago larvae were found, while the chemical way done with the use of selective pesticides when found 5 larvae per 10 plants and 5% of the plants have been attacked by these pests. By observation, it will save the use of pesticides 7-11 times spraying with a dose of 0.5 - 1cc/liter each spraying. Pest diamondback moth (Plutella maculipennis), controlled with Diazinon or Bayrusil 1 -2 cc / 1 water spraying frequency 1 week. While the diamondback moth (Crocidolonia binotalis) controlled by Bayrusil 13 cc / 1 water.

Crocidololia binotalis Zell.
insect pests known as caterpillar crop cabbage or cabbage heart large caterpillar, including the order Lepidoptera, Pyralidae farnili and has one of the deployment in Indonesia. Moth C. binotalis brownish gray with a wing span of 20 mm and a length of 13 mm. eggs are laid in groups on leaves with stage 4 days. Larvae are brown to dark green. Larval stage 14 days. Pupanya in the soil. The life cycle of 24-32 days. larvae C. binotalis damaging cabbage crop is established, so the cabbage leaf perforated lightweight lubang.Kerusakan result in decreased quality of cabbage were causing severe damage to cabbage plants can not be harvested. Host C. binotalis is cabbage and cabbage. Controlling C. binotalis to do with - Intercropping cabbage with tomato - Conservation of natural enemies parasitoids use Sturmia incospicuoides Bar., Atrometus sp., Mesochorus so., and. Chelonus tabonus Sonar - The use of synthetic insecticides if found three larvae per 10 plants. to control caterpillar pests cabbage crop caused (Crocidolomia binotalis Zell) can be done by collecting (destroy) eggs, larvae or imago found. Chemical control is possible when the package found 3 eggs on 10 plants and 5% of the plants infested by pests. Chemical control method can save / push pesticide use 7-11 times spraying. The selection of the active ingredient insecticide made ​​with selective and effective among Bacillus thuringiensis (Turex, Thuricide), Sipermetrin (Cymbush), Klorfluazuron (Atabron), lufenuron (Match), Lamda sihalotrin (Matador), Protiofos (Tokuthion) and others. Moreover, it can also be used with a biological pesticide plant or recommended dosage is: Bacillus thurigiensis, soursop seeds or using neem seeds 30 grams / liter.

Hellula undalis (F.)
Insect pests known as striped or striped caterpillar crop cabbage caterpillar heart, including the order Lepidoptera, Pyralidae family and has a distribution area in Indonesia. Moths H undalis gray and the front wings are pale streaks and point- point. Larvae are brownish yellow with a black head and on the body there are six lines stretching brown. Pupanya on the ground wrapped in a cocoon, covered by soil particles. 23-25 ​​day life cycle. Young larvae attack as an attack caused by Plutela sp. and older larvae attack symptoms as symptoms of Crocidolomia sp. H.undalis host plants are cabbage, mustard greens, turnips, and cabbage, sprouts. Controlling H. undalis be waged - Destruction of affected plants - Spraying of systemic insecticides when plants are young and found symptoms of an attack.

Phyllotreta vittata F.
insect pests known as a dog or a beetle leaf beetle, including the order Coleoptera, family Chrysomelidae and has a distribution area in Indonesia. These beetles blackish brown with yellow striped wings. 2 mm long beetle. Eggs are laid in groups on l-3 cm depth in tanah.Panjang larvae 3-4 mm. Pupanya is at 5 cm soil depth. Life cycle 3-4 weeks. Cabbage leaves are attacked P. vittata small holes. Larvae often destroy the base of the plant close to the surface. Host plant P.vittata are cabbage, turnip, and mustard greens. Controlling P. vittata to do with - Annihilation tanarnan attacked - Use of insecticides if found symptoms of the attack and when the plants are young.

Spodoptera litura (F.)
Insect pests known as armyworms or army worms, including the order Lepidoptera, family
Noctuidae and has a distribution area in Indonesia. S litura eggs laid in clusters on the lower surface of leaves. Stadium eggs 2-8 days. Larvae grayish final instar larvae of length 50mm. Brown pupae in the soil. Pupa stage 9-10 days.Somewhat greyish-colored moths abuan.Larva S. litura feed on the leaves and shoots of cabbage, so it leaves transparent. In severe attacks the leaves and bones. Host plant S. litura are peanuts, tobacco, onions, and sweet potatoes. Controlling S. litura can be done by:
  •  alternation of host plants with plants harbor
  •  Investment in unison
  •  Good Tilth to kill the larvae / pupae in the soil.
  •  Destruction of the eggs and larvae
  •  Conservation of natural enemies such as the use of parasitoid eggs Telenomus spodopterae Dodd
  •  Use of insecticide when it is discovered attack symptoms.

Chrysodeixis chalcites (esp.)
Insect pests are known to span or green caterpillar semilooper, including the order Lepidoptera, Noctuidae family and have a spread of regions in Indonesia. C. Eggs chalcites laid on leaves, whitish. Stadium eggs 3-4 days. Green larvae with larval stage 14-19 days. Pupanya leaf stage in 6-11 days. The moth is dark brown.
leaves of cabbage were attacked C. chalcites will appear live leaf epidermis and bone. InangC plants. chalcites are potatoes, corn, tobacco, apples, peanuts, flax, and green beans. Controlling C. chalcites to do with - crop rotation with crops not host - Investment in unison - Destruction of larvae were found - Spraying insecticides if found symptoms of an attack. Helicoverpa armigera Hubn. insect pest known as the corn borer or corn earworm, including the order Lepidoptera, Noctuidae family and Indonesia has one of the deployment. H armigera eggs laid one by one on a cabbage leaf. Stadium eggs 2-5 days. The larvae feed on the leaves of cabbage with the larval stage 17-24 days. Pupanya soil formed in 12-14 days pupa stage. Cabbage leaves infected larvae of H. armigera holes. If the attack is quite high, much cabbage leaves are perforated so that lowers the quality of cabbage. Host plants H. armigera is sorghum, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, tobacco, cotton, and kacangkacangan. Controlling H. armegera to do with - crop rotation with crops not host - Destruction of larvae were taken - Conservation alarm enemy is the use of egg parasitoid Trichogramma Zehntn nana.

Myzus persicae (Sulz)
Insect pests known as fleas or tobacco leaf peach aphid, including the order Homoptera,
Aphididae family and has spread in the area and the adult Indonesia.Nimfa accompanies ang M persicae per plant by sucking the fluid cabbage cabbage leaves. The duration of the life cycle ranges from 7-10 days. Cabbage leaves are attacked M. persicae showed brown spots around the puncture stiletnya. When high attack will reduce the quality of cabbage. M persicae host plants are tobacco, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and cabbage. Controlling M persicae to do with - Conservation alarm enemies such as the use of predator Menochilus sp. And Coccinellidae beetle - Spraying of systemic insecticides when discovered attack symptoms.

Cultivation of cabbage / kale ..... click here


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