Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

For thousands of years has been a lot of ships that ran aground and sank to the bottom of the sea. One is a ship that ran aground in the Indonesian seas. Not a few ships shipwreck contains the treasure could be worth billions of dollars. If there is a shipwreck in the area of ​​the ship and its cargo was the property of the authority / government where the ship sank. That is if shipwreck had been sinking for a long time and no one has it. How do laws protect state assets related thereto. Here is his review.

There are half a million boat sank in Indonesian waters
Underwater Heritage Director General of History and Antiquities Ministry of Culture and Tourism Surya Helmi, Surya Helmi said, there are about 500,000 shipwreck located in a sea area of Indonesia. Meanwhile, around the world, there are about 5 million shipwrecks. "According to UNESCO, there are at least five million shipwrecks worldwide and 10 percent in Indonesia," said Surya Helmi on the sidelines Sync Accelerated Development Coordination Meeting in Tanjungpandan Maritime Museum, Pacific Islands, yesterday, as reported by the.

Helmi said Indonesia is very rich in underwater cultural heritage that must be protected. "According to the Law (UU) No.. 11th of 2010 on Heritage, the government will provide severe penalties for those who commit criminal acts removal or destruction of the heritage of Indonesia," said Helmi. Therefore, Helmi asked fishermen not to carelessly take objects from the sea without first reporting it to the government. Violation of the Act shall be punishable by imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of Rp 1 billion.
While the Secretary of the Board of Marine Indonesia, Dedy H Sutisna said, the economic potential of Origin Valuable Artifacts Cargo ship sinks (BMKT) worth USD 1.1 billion. "It is estimated there are 700 to 800 potential points BMKT but only 463 points identified," said Dedy. Researchers from Japan, Akifumi Iwabuchi said, Indonesia has the potential to develop cultural park under water because there are many valuable archaeological objects in the ocean. "For example, the Pacific Islands, there are two very valuable shipwreck but unfortunately archaeological objects already plundered the ship of the Tang Dynasty and the vessel Tek Sing," said Akifumi.
Akifumi explained, with the right technology further research, underwater cultural park can be developed in Indonesia.

Treasure Worth Rp413 Billion Sea Indonesia
Today there are 463 points a treasury in the country. But just do ten appointment.
Tangible Porcelain bowls, plates, and cups are thought to have originated from the Ming Dynasty in China was found in Indonesian sea, in route to Jakarta, in 2008. Do not mention specific location of this invention, simply stated is 150 kilometers from the coast at Capital depth of 60 meters. In the surgical removal in 2010, found 38 000 porcelain and until now, there were 700,000 items found. The plan is worth Rp413 billion treasure will be appointed by the Portuguese company based underwater archeology, Arqueonautas Worldwide SA (QOW). Through its CEO Nikolaus Graf Sandizell, QOW said will take possession next year. The length of time for permission appointment intentionally delayed by the Government of Indonesia.
This appointment, Sandizell said, should be done to prevent loss. A variety of factors can trigger it, ranging from fishing nets, oil exploration, underwater pipelines, to the hands of looters nosy. "We want to draw attention to the rapidly disappearing treasure. In ten years, this will all be too late," said Sandizell as reported by Bloomberg, on Tuesday (29/5).Costs appointment treasure called cultural heritage by the Government of Indonesia's cost is not small, around Rp60, 5 billion. This has not been made plus the cost of the platform over the sea to a new temporary placement results transported.

However, according to the Secretariat of the National Committee Appointment and Utilization of Valuable Objects Origin Cargo Ship Sink (BMKT), this appointment has not received permission. Because BMKT still waiting for government regulation derivative of Act No. 11 of 2010 concerning cultural heritage, "Permission is not currently remove it again, everything is still a moratorium," said Adria Yuki, one of the members in the Section BMKT while talking to National Geographic Indonesia, Wednesday (30 / 5). Parties also recognize Sandizell BMKT because it had made a presentation to the research and conservation of treasures found in Indonesia in April 2012. If there was a portion of the property is sold, then the result will be split between the Government of Indonesia and the company picked it up. It's just that there is no division of percentage of items that have not sold.

"The appointment is not to be taken abroad, should only be sold in Indonesia. Majority of these funds will also be to rescue cultural heritage of Indonesia," said Yuki lagi.Namun, the absence of signs licensing not mean Indonesia in the form of cultural heritage treasure is safe from looting. In 1986, Michael Hatcher from Australia accused of taking millions of dollars worth of marine Indonesia. This continued until 1999 and 2010 in which he reportedly took the treasure in Subang, West Java.

The amount of coverage of the ocean Indonesia, plus a lack of supervision has been one of the factors is ease of theft.According to data from BMKT and LIPI, there is currently a treasury 463 points in the country but has made ten appointments. Data UNESCO calls, there are three million corpses piled ships on the ocean floor. 50,000 of which contain treasure worth thousands of years old.
A treasure trove scattered in the waters of the archipelago. First, about a century before Europeans race to the spice-rich region, a region that is now Indonesia has mahsyur on trade. Nusantara had trade relations with India and the Middle East, and in the 4th century by the Europeans.
During that time, countless number of ships lost and sank in the archipelago: Chinese ship carrying treasure and precious ceramics, 800 Portuguese ships were lost since the year 1650 in the Atlantic voyage from Portugal to the south, through the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, more than 7000 lost ships have captured English East India Company (EIC), is also a loss of 105 Dutch VOC ships sailing between the years 1602 and 1794. All vessels loaded with valuables. Not surprisingly, the waters of the archipelago a target, either by underwater archaeologists and treasure hunters.
One of them, Mamat. Armed with a compressor hose and sophisticated tools, local treasure hunters explore the origin of Mentawai is a point in the Indian Ocean. Shortly dive, he found a stretch of property in the form of glassware, ancient anchors, also bronze bearing symbols Dutch trading company, VOC.
Natural disasters Mentawai tsunami that rolled on Monday, October 25, 2010 reveals the presence of a number of assets involved. One of the four points of the treasure had been leaked to the ears of the fishermen. However, not only the money-oriented treasure hunters. There are also parties to dive to save the artifacts. One of them Hardimansyah, who chose secret treasure spot he found and reported to the government. "Lift and selling antiques, for I do not like it, the week the money runs out. To me, history can not be cut," he said. Until now, the debate over property rights treasures found, both at sea and the earth endless archipelago. See the video in this link.

Chasing Treasure in the Sea
Geographic Indonesia is strategically ie between two continents, Asia and Australia, and between the two Indian and Pacific oceans, making Indonesian waters since time immemorial as the international shipping traffic bustling linking the countries in the region Europe, Africa, Middle East, South Asia and East Asia. Not surprisingly, the territorial waters of Indonesia is known as one of the waters filled with hundreds to thousands of shipwrecks, especially at crossings and paths around trade centers

Among the sunken ships are expected to carry objects artifacts such as ceramics, precious metals (gold, silver, bronze), precious stones and other objects are estimated to have a high value, so a lot of theft and sale of original objects are submerged ship illegal. 

sunken ships known as load following Valuable Artifacts Origin Cargo ship sinks (BMKT) is a country that is very valuable asset, both in terms of economic value and the value of history and culture, the Government through the National Committee Appointment and Utilization of Valuable Objects Origin Cargo ship sinks (PANNAS BMKT) held that BMKT management of marine resources that can provide the maximum benefit for the country.
Management activities BMKT BMKT has raised a total of 12 (twelve) of several shipwreck site, which became the top priority PANNAS BMKT to use, taking into account the interests of the preservation of the values ​​of history, science, culture and economy.
Based on data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) itself says that there are about 700 to 800 point potential treasure to be appointed, but the new teridenfikasi 463 points. Until now much less than 46 points that have been raised, or about 10 percent. But the tejual through the auction process well not exist. Director of the Institute for National Strategic Interest and Development (Inside) Muhammad Danial Nafis, said the issue BMKT, is a very complex issue, and requires special handling. Activity against a large scale event, which includes the process of research, surveys, appointment, to the auction.
To that end, Nafis said, the GOI needs to establish a legitimate and independent agency responsible directly to the president and charged with operating budget. Institutions were formed, still coordinate with the relevant authorities. In addition to managing BMKT is still shaped the national committee, BMKT also managed by representatives of various agencies. "So it will be difficult to coordinate," said Nafis told Indonesia Maritime Magazine Continuing his statement, Nafis said the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) also did not show seriousness in managing BMKT."So, how do you rescue treasure under the sea, in their internal course much remains to be addressed." Sindirinya.
addition to these issues, BMKT also not based on clear rules. According to him, the existing Presidential Decree (Decree no. 107 in 2000) does not provide detailed rules. "The rule that only gives general allocations."

In fact, he said, if BMKT was able to run properly. Thus, the benefits gained enormous country. Not just material benefits obtained, but also the advantages that are nonmaterial, such kebudaayan, education and more.
According to him, the benefits of one ship alone, able to penetrate the figure of Rp. 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion).So, often stealing valuables in the sea became the target pre irresponsible person. "That would have been much rake in the Pacific Islands, and the sea north of Java."
Therefore, he hoped that the government is able to provide the space and the BMKT consern. "Mandatory there is a separate entity that handles BMKT and directly under the president, and there is a clear allocation of funding"
Nafis added, required immediate revision of laws and regulations which include the Law. 5 year 1992 on Heritage Objects and underlying regulations related to sustainable management of BMKT.
"There should be sanctions for companies that are not committed to the maintenance of cultural heritage by promoting economic interests. It is important to remember, of some of the ship. "Said Nafis
Commenting on it, Secretary Heat BMKT, Sudirmaan Saad said that according to Presidential Decree No. 19 Year 2007 on National Committee Appointment and Utilization of Valuable Objects The Origin Cargo Ship Sinking (PANNAS BMKT), stated that one of BMKT PANNAS one task is to conduct monitoring activities coordination, supervision, and control over the survey process, removal and utilization BMKT.
"In order to keep the maritime security of the Republic of Indonesia, the government has established a Maritime Security Coordinating Board whose members are cross-cutting in areas such as maritime security, military Navy, Marine Police, Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Head of the agency directly responsible to the President, "said Sudirman Saad to Indonesia Maritime Magazine

Security at sea alone, Sudirman Saad admitted still very constrained by the supporting infrastructure is not balanced between the vast ocean and its fleet to control the sea, especially BMKT. Thus, Sudirman Saad need to be optimized further scrutiny involving the public, especially fishermen. "Currently, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has pioneered community watchdog group (POKWASMAS) in coastal areas under the guidance of the Directorate General PSDKP," he said.
Mentioned about less optimal heat BMKT in handling, Sudriman usually called emphatically denied. According to him, handling dilkaukan BMKT already serious in a way, the licensing process and licensing survey appointment to go through the assessment of the technical team and must be approved by the relevant agencies. Then have owned warehouse for handling BMKT BMKT removal results.
Not only that, Sudirman also admitted to having carried out the distribution of a portion of the removal of the 10 institutions, especially educational and research institutions for the purpose of enriching the collection and scientific support. "The appointment BMKT pending utilization by auction / sale and joint development of maritime museums in Indonesia," he said firmly.
Asked about markanya still theft whether done by insiders alone or foreign, Sudirman said today he continues to optimize, monitor and control supported with adequate resources in terms of facilities, infrastructure and human resources. Then the community involvement in overseeing BMKT.
While the revision of Presidential Decree No. 107/2000, Sudirman said Presidential Decree. 107/2000 has twice been revised since 2007, the Presidential Decree. 19 Year 2007, which was revised to Presidential Decree No. 12/2009.Sudirman menambagkan, regarding the use of the word treasure, he needs to be clarified, where the use of the term is less precise treasure. Whereas, the use of the term treasure tend to be associated with aspects of the economy that will be the target of many treasure hunters. "A hidden treasure run PANNAS BMKT itself a valuable cargo ship that sank origin containing aspects of the history, culture, science and economy," he said.

So far, Sudriman admitted if BMKT theft activity in the northern coast of Java, because in those waters contain a lot of potential for sinking ships containing BMKT. Described by him, that the waters of the northern region of Java has since time immemorial been well-traveled ships both from China, Europe, Spain, Portugal, VOC, carrying valuable goods for trade and transport activities which are relatively safe shipping lanes of malignancy waters. "However, with a shallow kharakteristiknya with navigation capability means many ships were wrecked in the area, so do not be surprised if a lot of activities BMKT thefts in the area," he explained.
Menegnai BMKT sales process itself, Sudirman said that in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 19 Year 2007 Article 1 paragraph 5. For the first phase, conducted sales BMKT Cirebon is lifted from the waters of the Java Sea, 70 miles north of Cirebon on the coordinates of 05o 14 '55 "latitude and 108o 58' 39" E, the appointment from April 2004 until October 2005, more than 271,834 artifacts partially the form of ceramic, glass, precious metals and precious stones from the X century of Five Dynasties China (the Five Dynasties or Sung Dynasty), Sasanian Empire and the Fatimid Dynasty of the Middle East and Africa
"The auction is open BMKT Cirebon, can be followed by individuals or institutions from both within and outside the country are carried out in a single lot at a price of U.S. $ 80 million limit. Bidders have to deposit a security bond auction bidding at 20% of the limit price or U.S. $ 16 million, "he concluded.

Indonesia Sea Treasures Store Pharmacy & Energy
Chief Marine and Fisheries Research Agency Rizald Max Rompas said two sources of marine economy ie pharmaceutical) and ocean energy has not been treated at all in Indonesia. He said the Indonesian ocean exploration is intended for transportation, marine, fisheries, minerals and gas, marine tourism. "Whereas the pharmaceutical sector can be more profitable than fishing," he said.
Pharmaceutical sea is Rompas is the provision of raw materials for making cosmetics or drugs. According to him, Indonesia is still a lot of importing raw materials from outside.
"I wish our own raw materials, even better if we had direct marketing of finished goods. So the higher economic value, "katanya.Hingga now, according Rompas, Marine and Fisheries Research Agency of Indonesia are in the stage of doing research on marine pharmaceuticals to be developed further.
"For now still under investigation. All right must be based on the results of the study, "katanya.Selain pharmaceutical sector, marine sector of energy use is still not much digunakan.Prof Rompas explained that there are three sources of ocean energy that can be used, ie, currents, waves, and wind. But now, a new flow that will be tested. "It will be tested in 2014 Laratuka, NTT," he said. To be able to generate energy from currents, previously had made observations of the flow pattern so that the tool can be planted later continued to produce energy.
"This is because the currents are influenced a wide range of things. Should make the tool (turbines) are flexible, "katanya.Sedangkan to distribute the energy of the sea, Rompas said that it is no longer the domain of Marine and Fisheries Research Agency." But we will work with PLN that energy can be used by all citizens, "he concluded . (Antara / YRI)

Finally, The Sea Treasures Sale
-cultural heritage artifacts Finally popularly called sea treasure of Indonesia was sold in Singapore early April 2012.Actually these items ever auctioned in Indonesia in 2010, and draws many countries.
However, the requirement that each bidder a deposit guarantee of 20 percent of the estimated minimum sales, which amounted to U.S. $ 16 million, making the bidders withdrew.
Moreover sale only done a lot, not sorted out as auctions in general. When the auction is expected to reach U.S. $ 80 million. The second and third such auction offer directly to the museum, also attracted attention.
Ancient objects come from a cargo ship from China which sank in the 10th century AD in the waters of Cirebon, West Java. Approximately 250,000 objects composed of various artifacts that the fishermen first discovered in a shipwreck 57 meters deep under the sea. Beyond China, other ancient objects come from India and the Middle East.
According to the agreement with the National Committee for Appointment and Utilization of Valuable Objects Origin Cargo ship sinks (Pannas BMKT), then was appointed PT Paradigma Putra Sejahtera (PPS) to work together with Belgium Cosmix Underwater Research Ltd.. The whole thing raised will be divided between those for corporate investors (explorer) and the government of Indonesia.
With notes, rare artifacts and a collection of unique priority countries. 991 artefacts have been recorded in the collection of the state to be placed in the designated museums.
Collection sold in Singapore was-in a transaction that is not published to the public-including rubies, pearls, gold jewelery, Fatimid rock crystal, glass from Iran , and the imperial Chinese porcelain.
Such items sold in a single batch so that it can be bought by a collector or museum interested. According to Luc Heymans, leader of Belgium Cosmix Underwater Research Ltd., the stuff is the biggest findings from Southeast Asia, in terms of both quality and quantity.

Unfortunately, the sale of antiquities in Singapore that indicate fraud. An example is that when discovered hilt numbered two. When it was still in good condition one, while only one more ugly collection. According to the agreement, if there are two goods, then it is best to be a collection of states. Ironically, the opposite happens. Even so the bad thing countries collection. Estimated hilt belonged to a dignitary who participated in the ship.
Archaeologists Bambang Budi Utama quoted as saying he did not know who took the decision of the auction. He was only in charge of choosing with all existing capabilities and considerations. That said, the artifacts were selected later in the auction listing, exchanged with prints that read Asmaul Husna. In fact, the actual mold also includes selected for the collection.
According to Bambang, the other is a team of voter irregularities were not given access to select jewelry that is stored in safety box Bank Mandiri. In a safety box also contained inscriptions of gold from 9-10 century AD, as shown in the photo.
According to him, it is worth exploring irregularities and investigated thoroughly, because how can get away with so much stuff to Singapore. In fact, there was never even an individual or agency to agency permission Culture (Directorate of Underwater Heritage, now the Directorate of Cultural Heritage Preservation and Museum), especially institution culture will not permit out of these items.
Historical Invention

In February 2003, approximately 70 kilometers off the coast of Cirebon waters, fishing nets of local fishermen caught some ceramic objects. This information is then followed by PT Paradigma Putra Sejahtera (PPS), in collaboration with the Belgian Cosmix Underwater Research Ltd.. They applied for permission to Pannas BMKT to conduct a survey and then do the removal. The process began in April 2004 and ended in October 2005. More than 500,000 objects successfully lifted from the ruins of the sunken ship. Approximately 262 000 tiles returned to the sea as it broke. Objects made ​​of wood, metal, glass, ceramic, stone, and ivory. There are also spices and incense. The most prominent form of ceramic artifacts, the number reached 90 percent of an entire object.
Ceramics from Cirebon waters consist of three types, namely porcelain, stoneware (stoneware), and pottery (Earthenware). Most findings in the form of bowls, plates, jars, and a splash. Ceramics are identified artificial Zhejiang Province in China from the Five Dynasties that ruled from the 9th century AD (Widiati, 2007:16-25).
Among the pieces of timber vessels were also found. Believed to be the remains of the ship debris. Other findings in the form of teeth, ivory, horn, handicrafts, dice, chess pawns, and coconuts. The discovery of human bones are very few.Most likely, the crew were able to escape to the mainland when the accident occurred.
Excavation According to Horst Liebner (Varuna, Journal of Underwater Archaeology, 2007), the position of the sinking of the ship to be the key in determining the trajectory and direction cruises. Since the cargo to be shipped from China, India, the Middle East, and Sumatra, the possibility that the ship sailed from the western region of the archipelago to the east. 

Almost all of the artifacts are removed, not the product of the kingdom in the archipelago. Special artifacts beraksara Arabic, is a plus for the interpretation of the history of Islam in the archipelago. Based on these findings, it is likely Islam in Indonesia is no longer the beginning of the 12th century, but about the 9th century BC by people related trade with the archipelago.
Bambang Budi Utomo suspect, the sunken ship from the Port of Kufa or Basra which now includes parts of Iraq. In his voyage eastwards, perhaps to the Port Kambangputih (Tuban), the ship had stopped in Sumatra. Having to go on, and then something bad happens in the waters of Cirebon.
Not Serious Liebner judge no seriousness, both government and Indonesian scientists, to address these findings. For years, ie since the end of 2005, all the objects are stored as such findings in a warehouse. "An example is the gold sheet.When brought to the ground, I called for conservation measures and translating text in it. However, officials decided to keep it in a safety control box Bank Mandiri. Although I've made ​​a mosaic picture and reconstruction writings dissected into several people, no one else is interested Indonesian scientists translate, "Liebner said. 

"After all these years, finally just friends EFEO recently analyzed the photo mosaic like writing it. The fate of the other samples more alarming, just rot in the warehouse, "said Liebner (05/04/2012).
According Liebner, Indonesia actually had several "warehouse" similar findings. For example, findings and Falkirk Intan shipwreck from the same time period. "Have you ever no information, publications, or the results of research on this, other than those made ​​by foreigners (the charge Diamonds by M Flecker) or freelancers salvage company (for Karachi by a group of alumni of archeology UI)?" Liebner said. ***

Got Indonesia 5000 Treasure Point at the Bottom of the Sea, the Government Citizen Request Help Secure
Government continues to urge people to participate in the preservation of underwater heritage who allegedly spread across thousands of points. "If the government alone would not be optimal, so that the role of the community to preserve the heritage of the water is expected," said Director of Underwater Heritage, Directorate General of History and Archaeology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kembudpar) Surya Helmi, on a one-day seminar on Mataram day seminar that emphasizes increasing public participation on underwater heritage conservation. Surya says, increasing the participation of fishing communities on underwater heritage is very relevant to the limitations experienced by the government in preserving natural wealth.
"People should come and keep the wealth that saw the appointment illegal, report it immediately to the authorities the authorities such as the Department of Culture and Tourism or the local police, and it would be followed up," said ujarnya.Ia, monitoring of underwater relics existence had to be improved because The Indonesian government has often missed. In the past, many activities antiques auction results rapture underwater heritage, which was held outside the country, but it came from the waters of Indonesia.
"Yesterday I received a report there was an auction in Singapore, it's proof that the sea brought relics auction lot done in other countries, but mostly a result of the appointment in Indonesia," he said. According to Surya, the underwater relics antiquities Indponesia it get out of the country, because the supervision and participation of fishing communities are still very kurang.Sementara potential underwater heritage in almost all regions in Indonesia kiss promising. Unesco data, there are about 5,000 points sinking ship in Southeast Asia, which is believed to potentially have underwater heritage. Of 5,000 points, about 3000

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://id.berita.yahoo.com/ada-setengah-juta-kapal-karam-di-perairan-indonesia-024231882.html
2. http://nationalgeographic.co.id/berita/2012/05/harta-karun-bernilai-rp413-miliar-di-laut-indonesia
3. http://nasional.news.viva.co.id/news/read/301680-video--surga-harta-karun-di-laut-indonesia
4. http://nasional.news.viva.co.id/news/read/301680-video--surga-harta-karun-di-laut-indonesia
5. http://www.shnews.co/detile-915-akhirnya-harta-karun-laut-itu-dijual.html 8.


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Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Fun Tricks to Increase Focus on Work

Routine, routine work often makes an office worker to feel sick and tired. Sick and tired of making sense of the idea that clogged or feel trapped at work is not unusual. Many people experience it too. But do not just shut up and get stuck in those conditions. Here are some fun ways to cope:

1. Gossip and laughed
Hey, nothing wrong with chatting briefly with colleagues. Small talk to gossip fun it can increase productivity! At least, that's according to Jenny Cole, PhD, a researcher from Staffordshier University in England. In his research he found gossip or light conversation in between working time can improve the quality of communication and make a person more calm face of the pressures of work.
But avoid gossip sloping trigger negative emotions. Talk about fun topics like gossip raises, promotions friends, or anything else.
So is laughing and sharing funny stories. Leave work and enjoy a cup of drink while talking with a colleague. Many studies have shown laughter healthy for the body. In addition to healthy for the body, laughter also increase concentration, creativity, and memory.

2. Surf the internet
focus on one thing for too long it can damage concentration. When the brain starts to smoke, turn for a moment thought into things that are fun. Opens the online shopping websites, watch funny videos, or simply open social networking on the internet can be a panacea to ward off fatigue.
Brent Coker, PhD, a researcher from the University of Melbourne, Australia said, surf the Internet to see the fun things that can increase productivity up to 12%. But do not forget yourself and limit your time. Do not get too busy looking for entertainment on the internet and work forgotten. In the end you are getting depressed because of the pursuit of a job.

3. Flowers
solution was not just for women. Fresh flowers according to researchers from Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital can serve as a pep. Staring at the flowers when I wake up or put flowers on the desk turned out to have a positive influence to increase productivity.
See the flowers in the morning to make people feel happy and excited. Staring at the flowers at work it can reduce stress, tension, and even improve brain works. Again, this does not only apply to women you know.
In that study also found, the presence of bright flowers in the workplace it can spark creativity. Employees in workplaces that put flower decoration become more innovative and creative.

4. Chewing gum
does not affect Though long, chewing gum can be one solution to refocus the work enjoyable. Researchers from St.Lawrence University, USA found that chewing gum just before the exam turned out to help increase the value. Before an important meeting or a short break when he was in the middle of the chase deadline, it could not hurt to chew gum.
But, do it before, not during meetings or at work. Movement chewing gum can help increase blood flow to the head.This process can help improve concentration and brainpower.
Every single day, your focus on the job and the ability to concentrate is reduced. Do not push yourself, and instead stuck in kebutuan. Rest your body for a moment. Launch the body's circulatory leisurely walk around the workplace.Boredom interspersed with fun things to restore the freshness of the brain.

5. Dehydration Create Mood Mess
human body consists of water. In fact, the amount of water in the body up to 60 percent of the weight of badan.Itulah why you should not underestimate the drinking water. Lack of body fluids not only make you thirsty easily, but the two previous studies have shown dehydration also affects the performance of the brain and mood, especially for women.
Worse, a study says about 46 percent of adults and teens Indonesia have trouble realizing dehydration dehydration kronik.Tanpa fatal for health status. Digestive problems, indigestion, pain and other serious diseases threatening to be a lazy Anybody drinking water.
"The body is very sensitive to fluid imbalances. Must deficient or excess," said Dr.dr. Parlindungan Siregar SpPD.KGH of Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in Indonesia-France Seminar in Medicine and Public Health at the Hotel Harris Tebet (3/11).

6. It should work desk Facing Corner room
work desk should not be placed in front of the KM / WC, let alone facing KM / WC. Followers of Feng Shui believe that * ch * a less well than KM / WC can adversely affect the performance of users working desk located in front of him. Of course, visually, this condition can affect the performance of workers.
Ir. F. Christian J. Tanudjaja rays, MSA recommends workbench should not overlook or even back to the pole / column.
There should be no pole / column on the side of the desk. 
surgery in feng shui, Christian explains pole / column behind the desk, is considered, as an expense that can befall from behind workers; pillar / column beside the desk can cause imbalances and pressure ; pillars / columns at the front desk, is considered, as an expense that can befall from the front of the worker, or there will be a barrier that would block the success of workers.

All of these conditions is considered as a barrier performance and job performance. Psychologically, pillar / column behind the workers can give him mental distress, at my desk to block the view and give the impression of a small space as well as psychological distress, pillar / column beside the workbench can narrow impression of space and reduce the balance of the composition of space and blocking workbench user view. Workbench should not turned or facing the corner of the room for effect * ch * is not good. Psychologically, working at a desk corner backs can lead to the impression that the work area feels more cramped and oppressive facing corner can lead to the impression that pressing.

7. Colors that Make Room Airy
ongoing global warming resulting in natural resources can not handle it alone, especially humans. To cool a room they usually use the air conditioner or air conditioning. But the cold ambient temperature the greater the energy and bills. As a solution energy companies and interiors expert Oliver Heath gives tips on how to help the color of the room is cool at the same time save on the use of air conditioners. "For years we used dark colors to paint the walls and ceiling. Colors are impressive atmosphere and cool," said Heath.
Heath further explained just by using some simple tricks everyone can change how a room feels cool and positive benefit on their energy bills. Some of these tricks to make sure that the curtain opened for five minutes so that the natural light.Also according to Heath, rich colors like red, orange and purple make the room feel more comfortable. While blue or turquoise color gives the room feel cooler. North-facing rooms also felt natural light cooler. While the south-facing rooms get more direct sunlight. Therefore, avoid using bright colors in the room were exposed to direct sunlight.
You should also take Almi light to heat the house. That put a mirror or reflective object in the walls to evoke warmth around the room when the winter ahead. (MI/Wrt3)

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://id.she.yahoo.com/trik-menyenangkan-untuk-meningkatkan-fokus-kerja.html
2. http://id.she.yahoo.com/dehidrasi-bikin-mood-berantakan-113000940.html
3. http://id.she.yahoo.com/sebaiknya-meja-kerja-tak-menghadap-sudut-ruangan-012219923.html
4. http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/news/2012/11/04/112477/Warna-warna-yang-Bikin-Ruangan-Sejuk/11

Prohibition In Hair Care to make hair more beautiful

Prohibition In Hair Care
You may have heard what should be done to make hair more beautiful. But you also need to know what not to do to maintain the beauty and health of hair.

Other types of hair, different combs are used. (Jupiterimages)

Do not use moisturizer on scalp
hair Some conditions, especially dry and brittle moisturizer needed help to make it more healthy. However, especially for owners of oily scalp, use a moisturizer on your scalp can actually cause problems.
The scalp will become oily and cause dandruff bepotensi due to excessive moisture. If you need a moisturizer, just use the ends of the hair and rinse thoroughly.

Do not choose the wrong comb
other hair types, different combs are used. Forms combs are designed to meet the needs of different hair owners. If you choose the wrong form of combs, hair breakage and possible loss will be even greater.
Large comb as suitable for long and thick hair. While owners should choose a comb brittle hair with natural materials such as wood comb with a soft cushion. For maximum styling, short hair owners can choose a small comb or comb flat round with a small diameter.

Do not comb your hair too strong
too strong Combing hair will only make it fall out. Use your hands to comb through tangled hair. Hands can feel risky and stop when hair loss at the time trimmed. Apart slowly by hand. After starting regularly, rapihkan with a comb.

Do not rub your hair with a towel
Rubbing your hair with a towel after shampooing can make hair brittle. Wet hair is much more fragile than dry hair.Strong rubbing wet hair can successfully make your hair brittle and fall out.
In addition, layers of natural hair is also under threat because swabs are too strong. The result was reduced hair's natural luster. We recommend that you just press a towel to the wet hair until the water is absorbed.

Avoid damaging hair styling
hair Menyasak, menguncir hair too hard and wore a variety of broken hair clip that make hair styling are a few examples that should be avoided.
Brittle hair roots will be easy if always under tight. In addition to the delicate hair follicles, blood flow to nourish the scalp was disrupted. As a result of hair loss was difficult to avoid.
Do not force yourself to styling your hair or ties with sasakan hard every day. Give hair time to rest and recover freshness every day. Try to look for alternatives hairstyle that does not necessarily focus on one section of hair the same every day. It can make the hair to rest and recuperate.

Do not just choose a grooming
dryer or hair straightener has an important role in maintaining healthy hair. Or dull hair loss can be due to the selection of the wrong tools. Choose heat-styling tool that can be customized or made ​​from ceramic coating for a hair straightener. It is usually the price of the tool is a bit more expensive than ordinary tools.
But it could not hurt to invest more for the health of your hair is a crown. Especially if you use it often enough. Better tools can certainly last longer and produce a better styling.

Tricks Right Hair Combing
Combing hair is a daily routine to improve appearances. In addition to after finish hair, comb can also be made ​​to establish hairdo.

One comb could risk damaging the beauty of the hair. (IStockphoto)

hair can also get the health benefits of combing. Combing can improve blood circulation in the head, prompting the emergence of a natural moisturizer and keep hair healthy.
However, one could risk damaging the beauty combing hair. Therefore learn the proper way to brush hair healthier.

1. For your long hair, curly hair should comb your hair with your fingers first before using a comb. Rapihkan tangled parts. This step helps prevent hair loss and fractures due to combing.

2. For your hair into 3 or 4 sections and start combing. This can help reduce tangling and make hair more neat hair.Divide hair into sections can also make it easier styling.

3. Use the right comb for maximum results. For curly-haired, wide-toothed comb to select a soft material that does not easily caught in the tangled hair. If you will be using round comb, select the appropriate diameter. The longer the hair select the larger diameter. While owners can choose thin hair comb with soft pads that are not rude, thus reducing the risk of hair breakage and loss.

4. Ensure proper pressure when combing hair. Do not comb too hard to hurt your scalp and hair trigger excess oil.Gently comb the easy part, especially in the creases.

5. Select the appropriate form of comb when styling your hair. For hair after finish, select the length of the flat comb.Comb type is suitable for matted hair after finish. As for the form or create volume, use a round comb. Comb round suitable for use when styling your hair with a hair dryer.

6. Comb wet hair with hands to avoid loss. Wet hair texture, more fragile than dry hair so brittle and fall out. Wait until the hair is dry or semi-dry completely before merapihkannya with a comb.
Hair Care Tips for Pregnant Women
While it contains many changes that occur in a woman's body. When pregnant with the baby, there are some hair care to note that you do not harm the baby.

Hormones play a very large when a woman is pregnant. sometimes hormonal changes make the changes happen in the body, including the hair health. Likewise, in the presence of a baby in the womb.

Turbulence occurring hormone in the body often also an impact on the emotions of the pregnant women. (Image Creatas &
Some of your activity if not done carefully can harm or damage the development.

Hormones influence
your lucky pregnant women whose hair is more dense and beautiful. Effect of hormone is sometimes actually makes hair more fertile. But not infrequently also hormones make changes detrimental to the health of hair. For example, a very dry scalp, or otherwise become very oily.
To fix this, do not hesitate to change your shampoo. Try to look at the changes that occur on the scalp, and then find a shampoo that fits your needs. Consult your doctor or your health care if you have hair that is very disturbing problem.

Changing hairstyles
turmoil occurring hormone in the body often also an impact on the emotions of the pregnant women. Often the desire to change the hairstyle to extremes but later regretted it.
Therefore, do not make major changes to the appearance of spontaneous. Make observations and surveys on the internet if it will make a big change.
If you get annoyed with the long hair, try to get used to neatly tie up your hair first. Hairstyles come off, braids or ponytails could be an option.
If you do not help, you can consult with a hair stylist about the hairstyle that suits your needs. Do not be hasty in making a decision to regret later.

Choosing a hair care product
I have found no solid research and proven that hair care products affect fetal development. But to be safe, always see the content in the shampoo of your choice. Consult your physician or health care providers if in doubt.
There are several assumptions pregnant women are prohibited to dye hair. This presumption arises because the harsh chemicals found in dyes, curling iron, or hair straightener. This substance can be absorbed by the skin and the feared harm the fetus.
There is no research that can actually prove it. However, you should avoid beauty treatments that contain harmful chemicals unnecessarily.

American Pregnancy Association says the chemicals used many different hair products so it is difficult to drawn the same conclusion. Meanwhile, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) the amount of chemical absorbed by the skin when painting very little hair. But if a pregnant woman wants to do it you should select the time after a period of vulnerable first trimester of pregnancy.

Some other tips from the American Pregnancy Association is doing hair coloring at a place with good ventilation so it was not too much of a risk of inhaling chemicals. Do everything according to the instructions in the box and do not let the cat hair is too long to settle than recommended.
For the safety of skin, wear gloves and avoid coloring eyebrows can also be at risk of causing eye infections.

Six Things to Look For When Buying Tools Hair Straightener
Hair Straightener Tool is one of the hairdressers tools are practical and easy to use. Especially now that the device is already available in many variations that make it easy for someone to use at home. But that does not mean can select any tool. One vote, your hair could be under threat.

Vise tool you select must have a heat controller. (IStockphoto)

Heating layer
Hairdressers advised not to choose pencatok which has a layer of heated iron. Hot iron layer will damage the hair instantly. Better to choose a tool that is made ​​of or has a layer of ceramic material.
Ceramic is very easy to heat (an average of only 30 seconds). However, when used, the ceramic material is not transferring its heat to the hair all at once. This feature can help minimize hair damage.

Heat controller
vise tool that you choose must have a heat controller. This feature can help you to adjust the heat as needed. Especially for those of you who quite often use a hair straightener. Heat setting can help reduce hair damage due to excessive heat.

Adjust the size of the tool clamp with your hair. The longer the hair, then you should heat the area size hair straightener even bigger. This will make your hair styling process easier and more convenient.
Choosing the right size that does not make the hair straightening process becomes ineffective and the risk of causing injury from touching hot objects on the skin.

Automatic off button
as much as possible choose a hair straightener that has an automatic shut button. This button is very useful because it can prevent you from fatal accidents. It could be any time you forget to turn off the hair straightener when you're in a hurry.
If there is an automatic shut buttons, tools straightener you will die when the heat is maximal. Nothing wrong beriventasi more for the security of your home environment.

Cable length
Cable length is also an important consideration when choosing a hair straightener. Cable length can help you if a position away from a power outlet makeup. If not, make sure to buy extra cables separately so that the process of straightening hair still comfortable.

Just like buying other electronics, tools hair straighteners also need to have a warranty. Make sure you buy a hair straightener that has the original warranty from the distributor or manufacturer. If there is damage, the warranty will be avoiding you from bigger losses.

How to Maintain Healthy Hair1. CLEAN HAIR REGULARLY
In order for the hair and scalp hygiene awake, try cleaning the child's hair at least every other day. Instead, activities for children do not wash your hair too long. One or two minutes was enough. After that, rinse until clean. Hair Hygiene can help smooth the blood circulation in the scalp. The hair is clean also helps reduce stress and help the metabolic network that continues to grow and develop normally. Lice were not given a chance to live. Hair fragrant, clean, and fresh.
While the baby shampoo to do one or two times a week. Remember, the baby's hair is not too dirty, but does not spend a lot of sweat. Baby's hair is not too thick as an adult hair. Once a week clean the scalp using baby oil then wash immediately.

It is recommended to buy a good quality shampoo that can remove oil, scale head, and make hair more child so weak, easily combed, and not easily tangled. There are many choices of shampoo for children. As for the baby, look for the active ingredients do not irritate the eyes and do not trigger allergies.

3 Sort-select COMBUse loose-toothed comb or brush hair is not sharp. Sisiri his hair gently. If not, one-one way baby hair even break and fall out. Make hair combing this event as a platform to show affection and to attach.
Healthy hair is closely related to the selection of the right comb. Unfavorable comb will easily cause hair damage or loss.Avoid buying a nylon comb because the risk of causing brittle hair. Although it looks stylish, combs made of metal can also damage the hair. Do not forget, clean the brush from the rest of the hair is caught. Wash with warm water until clean. For babies, always use a soft baby comb.

4. SCISSORS HAIRCut your hair regularly. In addition to keeping up appearances, short hair also allows parents keep hair. Cutting hair is also useful to the ends of the hair remains healthy, not branched, brittle, or dry. Even for babies, parents can shave the child within a certain time. In addition to baby's hair and scalp is easy to clean, the new hair will grow more dense and black.

hair healthy requires good nutrition. Lack of protein and vitamin intake can cause hair loss, dullness, redness, dandruff, and eventually fall out. Remember, vitamins and nutrients play a role in supporting the strength and health of the hair.Vitamin B complex, for example, if the intake is less can lead to dull hair, dandruff also flourishing. While vitamin C can maintain the strength of the hair roots. Remember the hair roots play a role in the overall health of hair. Through akarlah, all the nutrients are absorbed and distributed to the hair. Lack of iron is also the risk of hair loss. Sulfur was also instrumental in giving luster to the hair. The content of these nutrients can be found in fish, eggs, and others. While fat plays a role in maintaining hair strength, luster hair as well.
For babies, it is recommended to consume breast milk exclusively. This is because the nutrient-rich milk, can not be equaled by the formula or other nutrients.

Exercise is very good for health. However, these activities are also potentially damaging to hair. If the child's long hair, tie and clip up. Make sure the hair does not impede movement and sight of children. Use a headband or headband can also be a solution. In addition to stylish look, his hair was more awake. When using headscarves or bandana, choose one that quickly absorb sweat so it does not accumulate on the scalp. Remember, sweat dry deposition can damage hair follicles.

7. Stay out of the sun
heat of the sun can damage the hair. That's why, when traveling in the sun, try to wear a hat or umbrella. Keep hair protected from the sun.

When swimming, wear a hair cover after wetting the hair entirely. Done swimming shampoo to remove chlorine attached to the hair. If possible wear without rinse conditioner before you go swimming.

9. BE CAREFUL when drying
with a towel drying may cause damage to the hair. Brushing wet hair with a towel to make strands of hair tangled and easily entangled in the threads in the towel, so that interested and easily broken, damaged the cuticle, and hair split ends.So, just pat wet hair with a towel, and then sorted in the direction of hair growth. Indeed, this is rather time consuming, but worth it for the child's hair.

How the Right Hair Care
Hair is like a crown for women. Every woman would want to have beautiful hair. However, because the wrong treatment can actually cause damage to the hair. Various hair problems like dandruff, hair loss, hair stiff, tangled hair, split ends, as well as several other hair problems can be overcome by proper hair care.
Here are some tips on how to treat your hair right by our hair type:
1. Oily hair
Use a mild shampoo and conditioner. Do not comb your hair too often. Do not also hold the hair too often because it will make the hair so easily soiled. Types of combs that we use is a comb with teeth rare. Avoid using tight comb shaped brush or comb.

2. Dry and damaged hair
use a moisturizing conditioner. Avoid the coloring and perms. At the time of shampooing, scalp massage and rub gently

3. Combination hair (oily scalp but dry hair ends conditions)
Use shampoo only the scalp and hair conditioner only on the ends. To prevent hair tip branching, do the ends of your hair every 6 weeks. In addition, use a wide-toothed comb and avoid comb shaped brush.

4. Hair loss
avoid combing too hard and do not wash your hair too often

5. Hair with dandruff
use anti-dandruff shampoo as often as possible and immediately stop when dandruff began to decrease. Avoid scratching your scalp to prevent infection. Immediately consult a doctor if after the use of anti-dandruff shampoo in 2 weeks no change or even a scalp even painful, itchy, or inflamed
In addition to nurses according degan hair type as above, we also have to keep the nutritional intake of food we consume. Moreover if we feel we are less healthy hair, we can cut our hair short hair while doing maintenance until we recover.

Hair Loss Treatment Tips
Many people are expecting super fast results in the treatment of hair loss, but the minimum time it takes to do so is 3 months.
Another common problem is the selection of treatments that do not correspond to the problems experienced hair. Quite often people choose to pay dearly for the wrong treatment. There are many types of treatments available, but not all of them fit for us. We can consult one of the experts to get the proper care for our hair. Other issues that cause hair loss such as age, health, diet, and hair cosmetics.

Hormonal changes are one of the main factors that cause hair loss. Postpartum falling hair postpartum is common in women. The basic treatment is usually recommended by doctors is to use hair care medicine. Patients usually take herbal and medical treatment. As a companion supplement of vitamin B complex, mineral substances and fatty acids are also provided to the patients. Propecia is the main ingredient in medicines hair loss treatment.
Care consists of treatment using herbal masks, oils, serum, and so on. A number of herbal hair care products can be found in many supermarkets. Some of them have been shown to overcome the problem of hair loss. hair loss treatment contains two important things, the first strengthen the hair roots and prevent further hair loss, and the second to regenerate hair.

Hair loss experienced by men is usually caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which inhibits hair growth that ultimately leads to baldness. Women, by contrast, experienced a reduction in the amount of hair normally after they experience menopause. Methods of operation can be done to treat hair loss after the manner of drugs and herbs do not get the desired results. Some people memililih perform laser treatments and hair transplants to permanently get healthy and thick hair. The final solution is usually taken with hair cosmetics such as hair extensions, wigs, or wigs.
Here are some of the causes of hair loss due to poor habits are:
  1. do hot curling or flat iron
  2. the habit of tying your hair with tight
  3. too frequent washing of hair causes hair oil levels to be reduced and make the hair becomes brittle.
  4. frequency dry your hair with a hair dryer
  5. unsuitable comb or comb that has teeth that can damage the hair tightly
The cause of hair loss is caused by your body not healthy among others
  1. Anemia
  2. Certain drugs hard drugs, such as antidepressants, diuretics, and Rx pills have side effects hair loss.
  3. Hypoatauhyperthyroidism
  4. Lack of calories
  5. Stress
  6. descent
  7. age
  8. hormone
  9. Trichotillomania
  10. Mental disorder that makes a person to the hair itself so experienced severe hair loss
  11. Dermatophytosis fungus and dandruff
  12. Cigarette
From some reason the above factors, the age and heredity can not be avoided because it is human nature. With the development of technology, some of the factors above can be resolved quickly without damaging hair with the exception of the drug used was not suitable so it is more advisable to use a trusted hair care.
Here are tips on hair loss treatments and hair loss how to nourish:

Hair loss treatment
diet select Set nutritious food because it can regenerate skin cells, like skin cells hair. Some foods that are green vegetables (spinach and broccoli), lentils, beans, eggs, whole grain cereals whole grains, oysters, skim milk and yogurt are also in carrots.
  • Healthy Living
  • Freedom from stress
  • Avoid excessive sun
  • Often massage your head while shampooing
  • Use natural products
Hair Loss Treatment Tips
How to Nourish Hair Loss

Using stale tea
Flush tea with hot water, then to the tea water condensed during the 3 days. After 3 days of use you debelum water bath for 20 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Using aloe vera
aloe vera in the world of beauty has been widely used in particular for the treatment of hair in the form of cream bath.Use Aloe vera before showering. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Using lemon carrot
carrots Blender some water and then pour the water's a big carrot in your head and massage gently. Then wrap your head with a towel and let stand 30 minutes dive. Rinse thoroughly.
Tips on caring for hair loss we get from some online media. If your hair is still a problem, immediately contact your doctor to address your hair problem.

Hair How To Take Care For Adults and Children - children
How to treat hair that we inform the following is suitable for adult women and children - children. If you are one of the women who want healthy and shiny hair try to apply these tips to complete. If you can not read it to break up, examine and visualize any posts that we made. That way you can interpret any string of words and phrases that have been read row. Maybe a lot of places to read others who have given information about dandruff hair care tips. Hopefully this article can add insight reader as well as wondering how to treat your hair right.

How to Take Care Hair

1. Hair and scalp hygiene
Despite the difficult conditions even try to keep the hair clean so that the scalp can provide sufficient nutrients to the hair follicles. Not too often and not too long to let your hair dirty, try as much as possible at least 2 days wash your hair with a suitable sampho. Solid activity causes perspiration on the scalp so the pores - pore air can not absorb well. Besides clean hair can make up our minds to be more fresh and away from stress.
If you have children there is no harm in applying the above methods to wash my hair twice a week. Especially for children - children who rarely leave the house, move, or keringetan the level of hair hygiene is guaranteed. It needs a special sampho to wash hair your baby.

2. Selection of Shampoo
shampoo type can affect the health of hair and scalp that we have. The better the quality sampho it provides a level of cleanliness at the higher hair. As much as possible hilangkanlah oil, dander, dust and dirt from the hair regularly. Quality Shampoo is not necessarily expensive, so choose according to your skin type head. If it is appropriate to use certain Shapo not change again because the scalp will be more difficult to adjust to the ingredients in the shampoo.
Especially for how to care for baby hair use a shampoo that is not sore eyes or contains very little chemicals. Many specialty stores that sell supplies children's shampoo. In addition, choose a shampoo that does not cause allergies.Because there are certain shampoos that have a fairly high rate of allergies.

3. Type Comb
When your hair fall out easily use a comb with teeth loose or dull hair brush type. Even according to an expert on hair, comb is one culprit of hair damage. Advertising on television too often compare quality shampoo with a comb is used.It's like when combing hair Children - children use comb hair gently with a soft because if too rough will cause child hair loss.

4. Barber regularly
trimming your hair regularly but can be a style of hair that has turned out to be of sufficient size can help to reduce hair loss. Many say when cutting hair as a child on a regular basis can strengthen hair roots. Hair has a mass, if the roots are not strong will result in broken hair from the roots. When a child, when he was a toddler more often in the scalp shaved bald baby easier diberishkan and grow new hair stronger, more dense and lustrous black.

5. Treatment of the
nurse hair we can do not only from outside but also from inside. In fact, the main factor of hair loss can be caused due to the intake of nutrients consumed unbalanced. Just as plants need water and fertilizer, the hair also need fertilizer in the form of nutrients that we eat every day. Lack of vitamins and proteins potentially cause hair follicles become weak and helpless hold hair still stuck in the scalp. Nutrients we consume can support the strength and health of the hair. For example, if we lack the vitamin B complex will lead to dull hair and dandruff easily. Meanwhile, if the lack of vitamin C causes hair follicles to become brittle.
Similarly, when we rarely ate vegetables manifold nuts - nuts to risk of iron deficiency, in addition to anemia can also cause hair fall out easily. If you want shiny hair eat foods such as advertising, eggs, vegetables and fruit - fruit regularly.When the baby try to keep that exclusively breastfed.

6. How to Maintain Hair
If you like to exercise or use a hair tie should cover the head so that the hair does not oscillate udders and dust. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight menganai hair, this one would not have to explain all know when excessive heat can cause hair dry and dull. That's six powerful ways that we can rely on as a way of treating hair.

How to treat hair. Hair care tips. How to hair care. Hair care tips. How to beautify the hair. How to cope with hair loss and dry. How to treat your hair well. Hair Conditioner. How to treat your hair right. How to comb your hair right. How to keep hair. How to cope with split ends. How to care for oily hair. How to care for a good hair. Tips to keep hair.How to beautify hair. A good conditioner. How to cope with dry hair and split ends. Dry hair care and branching. How ngerawat hair. How to care for your hair properly. Video how to care for hair. Conditioner for dry hair. How to use conditioner. How to treat hair loss and dry. Overcoming stiff hair. Tips beautify hair. Hair care tips. Hair care recipes.How to maintain hair. How to overcome tangled hair. How to treat hair stiff. How to cope with stiff hair. Keeping hair.How to care for hair. Definition of hair. Understanding hair care. How to cope with split ends and dry. How to treat hair properly. Proper hair care. How to use conditioner. How to brush her hair. Good hair care. How to treat split ends. Hair stiff. End of the dry hair. How to treat split ends and fall. How to treat dry hair and split ends. Tips for hair care. Caring for hair. Beautify the hair. How to cope with dry hair and stiff. How to use the right conditioner. How to care for split ends and dry. Tips on hair care tips. How to use hair conditioner. How to treat dry hair. How to treat hair matted.Shampoo for split ends. How to shampoo hair. Stiff hair care. Dry hair conditioner. Proper hair care. How to cope with dry hair and loss. How to use conditioner. How to care for her hair. How to correct hair care. Caramerawat hair. How to treat dry hair and stiff. Conditioner hair loss. How to take care of hair. How to treat head of hair. How to treat your hair well. How to use the right conditioner. How to treat your hair the right. Good conditioner for dry hair. Hair care steps. Conditioner for hair loss. Overcoming oily scalp. Branched hair care. Overcoming hair dry and stiff. Proper hair care tips. How to treat hair. Taking care of hair. How to cope with hair loss and split ends. And greasy hair loss. Hair care video. How to clean hair. Caring for hair stiff. Cope with greasy hair and loss. Hair care dry and stiff. How to comb your hair properly. Overcoming the split ends and dry. How to cope with oily hair and loss. Tips merwat hair. Tips on caring for oily hair. Branching and dry hair care. Branched hair care tips. Hair care is good and true.


Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://id.she.yahoo.com/6-larangan-dalam-merawat-rambut.htm
2. http://id.she.yahoo.com/trik-menyisir-rambut-yang-tepat.html
3. http://id.she.yahoo.com/kiat-perawatan-rambut-saat-hamil.html
4. http://id.she.yahoo.com/6-hal-yang-perlu-diperhatikan-saat-membeli-alat-pelurus-rambut.html
5. http://tipsperawatan.com/tips-perawatan-rambut-rontok.html 9. http://www.goresep.com/cara-merawat-rambut/

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013


Kesusuhan and damage caused by a specific group of people with a particular characteristic is usually called by the mafia if you already have a good organization with an extensive network and Gangster if the group is composed of not too much and the region is narrower than the Mafia. Mafia / Gangster with security is interlinked with security measures.Mafia / Gangster is not confined to men alone but there is also a female mafia. Here are some of the mafia in the world.

1. Russian Mafia
Russian Mafia originated in the Soviet Union and now has influence all over the world. This is because their numbers between 100,000 to 500,000 members. Those involved in organized crimes in countries like Israel, Hungary, Spain, Canada, UK, USA, Russia, etc..

They have also immigrated to Israel, America and Germany by using Jewish and German identities. Their activities include drug and firearm trafficking, bombings, smuggling, pornography, internet fraud, etc.. One of their rules is to never co-operate with the authorities. If one member of your mouth open when caught, they would be killed.

2. Sicilian Mafia and American Cosa Nostra
Sicilian and American Cosa Nostra is a relatively new group. This group emerged in the mid-nineteenth century Italy.Apart from it being a young mafia, it has a remarkable ability to plan large crimes. They are involved in drug and arms trafficking. They have a small number of members ranging from 3500-4000. A member must undergo a ceremony of introduction in which he had to kill someone to prove his worth.

3. Colombian Drug Cartels
Colombian drug cartel formed to control and drug trafficking. They operate in many countries. They have many organizations that deal with political, military and legal aspects of the cartels. Cartel is important from Columbia Cartel Cali, Medellin Cartel and Norte del Valle Cartel .. They have also been involved in a lot of kidnappings and terrorism.

4. Chinese Triad Mafia
Chinese Triads consists of many criminal organizations which are based in Mainland China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, etc.. They are also very active in New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver and San Francisco.Their organized crime involves theft, contract killing, drug trafficking, extortion, and pembajakan.Mafia was established in the 18th century it was originally called Tian Di Hui. Triad has 50 to over 30,000 members. They are also involved in counterfeiting Chinese currency.

5. Japanese Yakuza mafia
Yakuza Japanese did not hesitate to use violence and threats to get what they want. The group was started there since the 17th century. Mafia group has a characteristic that is a full body tattoo. Until now it has 110,000 active members in this group that consists of 2,500 families. Their activities include sex trafficking girls from Europe and America, prostitution and human trafficking illegally.

6. Mexican Mafia
Mexican Mafia prison gang is the strongest in the United States. It began in the late 1950s to protect prisoners against other inmates and from the officers. The gang has also been involved in extortion and drug trafficking. They have about 30,000 members across the United States. They have 150 gang members in prison who have the authority to command murder and 2000 associates they are ready to run this command. They force gangs and dealers to pay a protection tax and those who refuse will be killed.

Gangsters Women Most Scary World
Maybe for Indonesian people would be odd if there is anywhere where a woman carrying a weapon. But in our post this time we will provide information that turns violent world can also be a game for women. Which must be underlined is their job as "Boss Gangster" or "Godmother". You will see this is not a joke highlights about the women who are leaders in the world of Gangster. Those who claim that the criminal world is the game is not entirely a true man after seeing their profile. Not that because they are women, they are not going to have a bigger role than you (men).

1.Judy Moran (jailed 2009-till now)
, however, does not mean that organizations such as the Family Moran gang can not change once in a while and turn Melbourne into Dodge City. Judy Moran, is a 66-year-old woman who led the biggest Gangsters in Melbourne. He was nicknamed "the family Matriarch".

2.Xie Caiping (jailed 2009-till now)
Nearly a year ago, the city of Chongqing China issued a crackdown on organized crime, a massive operation that caught nearly 1,500 suspects, all of whom are under the leadership of Mr. Xie Caiping. As a boss, Caiping running illegal casinos and is responsible for keeping the police from behind everyone.

3.Sandra Avila Beltran (jailed 2007-till now)
With a nickname like "Queen of the Pacific," It's hard to not imagine Sandra Beltran himself as a pirate. Long story short, Beltran was born and raised to be the "Godmother" of Mexico. His uncle is the Godfather Mexican drug smuggling. He got his nickname because he is facilitating the relationship between the Colombian Norte del Valle cartel and the Sinaloa cartel, and helped develop smuggling routes along the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Sandra's own jail while facing charges of organized crime, money laundering and conspiracy to traffic drugs.

4.Rosetta Cutolo (jailed 1993-till now)
She's a gangster because of a sense of caring and grieve when Italian police arrest brother. He then forwards the business they work brother. He became the most wanted list of suspects in Italy because he was included in the list of surnames Raffaele Cutolo, Nuova Camorra Organizzata (NCO), which is the most feared gangster in Italy. After police raided the headquarters of Italy in 1981, he spent 10 years as a fugitive until he surrendered.

5.Maria Licciardi (jailed 2001-till now)
From 1993 to 2001, Maria Licciardi Licciardi clan is the head, and a "Capo di Tutti Capi" gangsters from Naples.Under guided, Licciardi family became more organized, and more profitable in their efforts. Perhaps the most important contribution, is introducing prostitution in Camorra. And before that, there was some kind of code of ethics that prohibits mafia get money from porstitusi. This may seem contrary to the thinking of a woman as the one to break the barrier of prostitution. But as Mary Wollstonecraft once said, when you're the boss, will do something stupid like him.

6.Maria Leon (2010-till now jailed)
A woman 44 years old with 13 kids might not sound too dangerous. But unlike Maria Leon, he became the leader of the drug trafficking that controls the northeastern Los Angeles and Beirut. He set up his business at the time he was educating his children.

7.Griselda Blanco (status unknown until now)
when he turned 11, he kidnapped the son of a rich man who lived next door to where she lived denggan hope of getting a ransom. As the parent of a kidnapped states do not want to give the ransom money, he shot the boy.
Having moved to New York from Colombia in the era of the 70s and began his career in drug smuggling, Blanco moved to Miami to avoid indictment. It was there that he laid the foundations for Miami to be the capital of the United States do not cocaine. Blanco is believed to have masterminded over 200 murders during his career, including (most likely) third husband. In 1988, he was arrested by the DEA in California and spent 16 years in prison. When he was released in 2004, he was deported back to Colombia and has not been seen since.


Dwi Hartoyo, SP

1. http://jopiesihebadnih.blogspot.com/2011/04/7-gengster-wanita-paling-menakutkan-di.html 
2. http://jopiesihebadnih.blogspot.com/2011/02/daftar-mafia-paling-ditakuti-di-dunia.html