Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

TOWN Livable

 For the first time in a decade, the city of Vancouver, Canada, is now no longer in the top spot as the most viable place to live. Position Vancouver successfully overtaken by Melbourne, Australia and place as the most livable city among 140 cities in the world.
The findings were derived from the Global liveability survey Report from The Economist Intelligence Unit as quoted from page, Tuesday, December 27, 2011.
For information, the concept of a feasibility assessment made ​​EIU is seen from locations best and worst of the people's living conditions. The report is also expected to be used as a guide for the human resources department of a multinational company in terms of handling life on ekspatriatnya.
In addition, the EIU report is expected to become a benchmark on the feasibility of living cities in the world. In assessing, EIU use indicators of stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure. In the report described Vancouver and Melbourne meet the general conditions necessary to be the most viable cities liveable. Both are worthy of the top spot than any other city in the world.

In the European region, the feasibility of residence declined after the advent debt crisis. Specifically in the country of Greece, the epicenter of the crisis, EIU downgraded Athens by 2.5 percent. As a result, the position of Athens is now under the San Juan, Puerto Rico and Montevideo, Uruguay. Not just Europe, cities in the Gulf region is also experiencing the same thing. The demonstrations plus a civil war in Libya has reduced the value of the feasibility of living in cities in the Middle East and North Africa.
The civil war in Libya has led to the city of Tripoli for the first time fell below the top 10 ranking. Meanwhile, Harare, Zimbabwe, a country with the smallest value, only 38.2 percent

Jakarta only ranks 118 out of 140 cities surveyed. The top of the occupied city of Melbourne survey that managed to become livable city in the world for the second time. The second position is occupied by Austria, and cities in Canada are Vancouver and Toronto respectively in the third and fourth positions. City of Osaka and Tokyo in Japan was ranked 12th and 18th, Hong Kong is located at number 31, while Singapore was able to enter the top 50 and is ranked 52nd.
In cities like Abidjan, Tehran, Douala, Tripoli, Karachi, Algiers, Harare, Lagos, Port Moresby, and Dhaka is ranked low is one of the main reasons for the conflict in the region.
Jon Copestake, editor of the survey said, countries in Asia have a lot of the stages related to the feasibility of a dwelling.Hong Kong and Singapore have the feasibility of the high life because it has the infrastructure, health, and good stability.

Surveys conducted worth staying in 140 cities around the world to assess the best or the worst living conditions. Cities are judged on political and social stability, crime rates and access to quality health services. The survey also measures the diversity and standard of cultural and natural environment, education (schools and universities), and the standard of infrastructure, including public transport.
Each city is ranked relative to over 30 qualitative and quantitative factors across five broad categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure
Livable city is based on five criteria both qualitatively and quantitatively. Here are the results of the survey.
5 assessment criteria include
1. availability of basic needs (building livable and decent life, water supply, electricity, etc.)
2. availability of public facilities (parks, sidewalks, houses of worship, etc.)
3. availability of facilities supporting economic, social, political, and cultural
4. availability of space and a place to interact and develop 5. comfort, safety, physical beauty, and the progress and development of environmentally friendly technologies

1. Vancouver

2. Vienna

3. Melbourne

4. Toronto

5. Calgary

6. Helsinki

7. Sydney

8. Perth

9. Adelaide

10. Auckland

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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