If we delve a little background of Matthew's Gospel, we see that as a Jew, Matthew has an interest to convince the reader that is the Jews that Christ is indeed the awaited Messiah in which he answered all the prophecies about the Messiah. That is why in writing the genealogy of Jesus, Matthew started from Abraham alone (not of Adam) which is the ancestor of Israel (Matt. 1:1).
Matthew is also one of the 12 disciples of Jesus. This is clearly different from Luke's gospel shows for people gentile (non-Jewish) to write the genealogy of Jesus to Adam as the first human being even to God. (Lk 3:38). Luke was a Greek physician of Jewish descent, and he himself is not one of the disciples. Therefore Matthew usually record events of Christ and connect with PL as proof that Christ is the answer and central OT. So what happens when Matthew records the events visit the Magi when Jesus was born. Maybe Matthew records this event and see it as a fulfillment of the expectations contained in Psalm 72:10-11: "May the kings of Tarshish and the islands bring offerings; presumably the kings of Sheba and Seba brought presents! Presumably all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him! " and also the prophecy in Isaiah 60:6: "The multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah. they all come from Sheba will bring gold and frankincense, and proclaiming the Lord famous deeds".
Matthew is also one of the 12 disciples of Jesus. This is clearly different from Luke's gospel shows for people gentile (non-Jewish) to write the genealogy of Jesus to Adam as the first human being even to God. (Lk 3:38). Luke was a Greek physician of Jewish descent, and he himself is not one of the disciples. Therefore Matthew usually record events of Christ and connect with PL as proof that Christ is the answer and central OT. So what happens when Matthew records the events visit the Magi when Jesus was born. Maybe Matthew records this event and see it as a fulfillment of the expectations contained in Psalm 72:10-11: "May the kings of Tarshish and the islands bring offerings; presumably the kings of Sheba and Seba brought presents! Presumably all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him! " and also the prophecy in Isaiah 60:6: "The multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah. they all come from Sheba will bring gold and frankincense, and proclaiming the Lord famous deeds".
Who were the Magi?
Who were the Magi? Not a lot of information from the Bible about them except the information that they came from the East (Matthew 2:1). Many commentators agree that "East" here refers to the eastern part of Judea, which refers to the region of Persia and Arabia (Gen. 25:6). Some consider the area of Mesopotamia and Babylonia.
word 'Magi' is a difficult word to understand in our current understanding. English Bibles call it a 'wise man' (wise man).This word in the Greek is 'magoi'. In a later development of this word often associated with the word 'magician' can mean witch. But the real meaning of the word is not as narrow sense of the present. JJ de Heer said: In the original word means priests in Persia, ... . (Gospel of Matthew Bible Commentaries, p. 22). Homer A. Kent, Jr. also testified: Magi (magoi) originally a priestly caste among the Persians and the Babylonians (cf. Dan 2:2, 48; 4:6-7; 5:7). This name later by the Greeks imposed on all sorcerers or shamans (Acts 8:9; 13:8). Matthew uses this word in the sense that it is better to refer to respectable figures of Eastern religions. (The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 25). In Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible "also noted that: These people are philosophers, priests or astrology experts. They live mainly in the region of Persia and Arabia. They are well-educated people in the east who are proficient in astronomy, religion and medicine.Thus we see that the Magi were the priests, learned men / respectable, and wealthy people in high places are very good at the things of religion, medicine and astrology.
Notice also William Barclay following information: The Wise are those who know the philosophy, medicine and natural sciences. They are also able to interpret dreams and predict things that will happen .... the Magi is a good and holy man, who is always trying to find the truth. (Daily Bible-Matthew, p. 40)
Who were the Magi? Not a lot of information from the Bible about them except the information that they came from the East (Matthew 2:1). Many commentators agree that "East" here refers to the eastern part of Judea, which refers to the region of Persia and Arabia (Gen. 25:6). Some consider the area of Mesopotamia and Babylonia.
word 'Magi' is a difficult word to understand in our current understanding. English Bibles call it a 'wise man' (wise man).This word in the Greek is 'magoi'. In a later development of this word often associated with the word 'magician' can mean witch. But the real meaning of the word is not as narrow sense of the present. JJ de Heer said: In the original word means priests in Persia, ... . (Gospel of Matthew Bible Commentaries, p. 22). Homer A. Kent, Jr. also testified: Magi (magoi) originally a priestly caste among the Persians and the Babylonians (cf. Dan 2:2, 48; 4:6-7; 5:7). This name later by the Greeks imposed on all sorcerers or shamans (Acts 8:9; 13:8). Matthew uses this word in the sense that it is better to refer to respectable figures of Eastern religions. (The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 25). In Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible "also noted that: These people are philosophers, priests or astrology experts. They live mainly in the region of Persia and Arabia. They are well-educated people in the east who are proficient in astronomy, religion and medicine.Thus we see that the Magi were the priests, learned men / respectable, and wealthy people in high places are very good at the things of religion, medicine and astrology.
Notice also William Barclay following information: The Wise are those who know the philosophy, medicine and natural sciences. They are also able to interpret dreams and predict things that will happen .... the Magi is a good and holy man, who is always trying to find the truth. (Daily Bible-Matthew, p. 40)
Furthermore Herodatus provide more details about the Magi is that: They originally came from a tribe Medi. According to Wikipedia.com stated that the language Medya Mede or Mada in Kurdish and Persian language was Proto-Iranian tribes who lived region of Tehran, Hamedan, Azarbaijan. In the 6th century BC, the media have managed to extend the empire of Arran in Azerbaijan to the Central Asia and Afghanistan. Media Nation is believed to be the founder of the Iranian nation and empire.
Medi Nation was part of the Persian Empire. Medi nation once tried to overthrow the power of Persia and Media replaced it with power. This effort failed. Since then the nation Magi never again have a desire or ambition to gain power and prestige. And then they chose to become a priest alone. In the midst of the Persian Magi is behaving exactly the same as the function of the Levites in the midst of Israel. They became teachers and counselors of the king of Persia. In Persia there is no sacrifice can be offered unless there are wise men who attended the ceremony. So the Magi regarded as a saint and the wise (ibid: 39). The Jews believe that they are priests in the kingdom of Sheba and Arabia who are descendants of Abraham and Keturah they teach in the name of God they have received from oral tradition Abraham (Gen. 25:6). It is likely they already have a relationship with the Jewish people in exile, or the prophecies of Daniel and influence, so that they have the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. (The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 25).
Name of the Magi and the numbers
about the number of wise men who saw Baby Jesus Bible does not explain, as well as the gender of the Magi is also no explanation. Similarly, the names of the Magi who worshiped the baby Jesus. But how many came seeking Jesus and worship Him? Many of us feel that they were 3 people and so according to tradition. based on the number of offerings presented the Gold - Frankincense and Myrrh. Although this assumption is not necessarily true. Eastern Tradition says there were 12 of the Magi, in the West some church fathers such as Origran and St. And St. Leo the Great. Maximur of turin agree there are three wise men. An old painting in Rome were found in the tomb of St. Peter - at the tomb of St.Marcelinus there are two tombs of the Magi while St. Domitila there are 4 of the Magi.
about the number of wise men who saw Baby Jesus Bible does not explain, as well as the gender of the Magi is also no explanation. Similarly, the names of the Magi who worshiped the baby Jesus. But how many came seeking Jesus and worship Him? Many of us feel that they were 3 people and so according to tradition. based on the number of offerings presented the Gold - Frankincense and Myrrh. Although this assumption is not necessarily true. Eastern Tradition says there were 12 of the Magi, in the West some church fathers such as Origran and St. And St. Leo the Great. Maximur of turin agree there are three wise men. An old painting in Rome were found in the tomb of St. Peter - at the tomb of St.Marcelinus there are two tombs of the Magi while St. Domitila there are 4 of the Magi.
There is also a suggestion that the wise men of Persia and an alleged Zoroastrian. Even these traditions to tell the name of the three Magi. 6th century tradition says that three wise men are Bithisarea, Melichior, and Gathaspa while the 14th century Armenian tradition says that the three Magi were 3 kings, each named Gasper (Saudi king), Melkhior (king of Persia) and Balthazar ( king of India). tradition Armenia mention 2 other people are names Kagba and Badadilma . Syria Tradiri mention is Larvandad - Hormisadas and Gusnasaf . European tradition in the 7th century mention that the Magi were three kings named Baltasar - Melkior and Kaspar . And there is also that describes three Magi are Asian - African people - and the Europeans. The information is based on article entitled "Collectanea et Excerrpta written by St. Bede (Died in 735 AD) wrote Melkior is a white-haired old man and the long beard he offered gold; characteristic Kaspar is a young man without a beard and rosy pink skin he offered incense ; characteristic Baltasar was black and bushy beard he offered Mur. Melkior died on January 1 at the age of 116 years; Baltasar died on January 6 at the age of 112 years; Kaspar died on January 11 at the age of 109 years. A church father named Origen died in the year 254 AD was the first to use the names of the Magi.
Nevertheless, we must realize that the Bible is not saying how many Magi's and their names. It is likely that the number is (3 people) associated with 3 offerings which they brought gold, myrrh and frankincense. However persoalanya is whether the number of offerings to determine the number of givers? Obviously not necessarily so. It could be that they numbered more than 3 people but bring 3 kinds of offerings.
Those wise men met the baby Jesus was not at home but in a house (Matthew 2: 11). In other words, the Magi met with Baby Jesus does not coincide with the shepherds. There is the assumption that the Magi to the infant Jesus met after the age of 40 days. According to Jewish tradition that Jesus' circumcision was named after the age of 6 days, after 40 days even pentahuran Mary the mother of Jesus, Baby Jesus was brought to Jerusalem to diserahken to God (Baptist) so that the possibility of Joseph and Mary have found a house to stay. We must understand that the time in which the Magi find Jesus, not just when Jesus was born (at home), but some time after Jesus was born so of course Mary and Joseph had moved from sometimes to a house. So the shepherds present when Jesus was born is why they met Jesus at times, but the Magi come some time later why they met Jesus at home. That means that the shepherds had never met with the Magi. (Note: If you make a Christmas drama, do not arrange a meeting of the shepherds and the Magi because it is wrong). So there is no contradiction in the Bible
Stars did they see?
Sightings Star of Bethlehem is also regarded as a fulfillment of the Old Testament as in Numbers 24: 17 "I see him, but not now: I looked at him, but not close; rising star out of Jacob , a scepter arises from Israel, and crushes temples temples of Moab, and destroy all the children of Seth. "
Sightings Star of Bethlehem is also regarded as a fulfillment of the Old Testament as in Numbers 24: 17 "I see him, but not now: I looked at him, but not close; rising star out of Jacob , a scepter arises from Israel, and crushes temples temples of Moab, and destroy all the children of Seth. "
So if the star seen by the Magi who brought them in finding Jesus? There have been many attempts to explain the Christmas star / Star of Bethlehem is scientifically. Astronomical observations ever recorded was
- In China, astronomers noted a comet briefly looked briefly lost for about 70 days in the year 5 BC.
- In 1603 AD, Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer using a telescope successfully observed a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation Pisces. And through careful calculation Johannes Keplermenemukan that conjunctions like this had also happened centuries earlier, around 7 or 6 BC. For years, this finding was not appreciated.
- In 1925 the ancient manuscripts found in a former school in Zippar famous astrology, Babylonians, who was noted the observation of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces for about 5 months in the year 7 BC.
Some assumptions and theories related to the existence of the Star of Bethlehem as follows
Theory of Comets, Meteors and Supernova
Meteor is a flash of light in the sky that occur when dust enters the Earth's atmosphere and burned. Generally, the size of a meteor is seen only sand and will be burned in the atmosphere. When the Christmas star is a meteor is seen by the Magi then it should appear in the east. Indeed, the appearance of meteors can be seen from any direction from the face of the Earth. short duration but usually only a few seconds, making it difficult dikesani as a "silent" in the City of Bethlehem by the Magi as the Bible. When linked with tradition, meteor sightings were never considered as a sign of the birth of future leaders.
Meteor is a flash of light in the sky that occur when dust enters the Earth's atmosphere and burned. Generally, the size of a meteor is seen only sand and will be burned in the atmosphere. When the Christmas star is a meteor is seen by the Magi then it should appear in the east. Indeed, the appearance of meteors can be seen from any direction from the face of the Earth. short duration but usually only a few seconds, making it difficult dikesani as a "silent" in the City of Bethlehem by the Magi as the Bible. When linked with tradition, meteor sightings were never considered as a sign of the birth of future leaders.
Nova and supernova
Nova, originally from Nova Stella, which means "new star", is a star that becomes very bright light suddenly. It is now known nova is a star exploded. Nova bright light could be 50,000 times brighter than the sun and can survive for months before finally fading back. Supernova events is much more powerful than a nova. The star that could explode billions of times brighter than before. Note astronomy shows, since the invention of the telescope in 1610 until now, undiscovered supernova in our galaxy, the Milky Way.
Nova, originally from Nova Stella, which means "new star", is a star that becomes very bright light suddenly. It is now known nova is a star exploded. Nova bright light could be 50,000 times brighter than the sun and can survive for months before finally fading back. Supernova events is much more powerful than a nova. The star that could explode billions of times brighter than before. Note astronomy shows, since the invention of the telescope in 1610 until now, undiscovered supernova in our galaxy, the Milky Way.
Recent supernova in the Milky Way was found in 1054 (recorded by Chinese astronomers and Japan), 1572 (observed by Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer), and 1604 (observed by Johannes Kepler). In the ancient Chinese astronomical records not found a supernova in about 5 BC, just a nova at around dated 10 March-27 April 5 BC in the constellation Capricornus (sea goat). Nova could be meant by the Magi as the star they had seen rising in the east. However, Nova, like the other stars, its position is relatively fixed and will not appear to move. In addition, the appearance of the nova in the night sky will make it a striking object and easily recognizable, so it should not only wise men were watching, but everyone must have seen it at the time. Kepler once said that the star was "Supernova". Supernovae are exploding planet and out of energy until finally dimmed. It happened on October 10, 1604 where as Kepler, observing Jupiter and Saturn relations contained in the constellation Sagittarius in the sky, suddenly emerged a star as bright as Jupiter, which appeared between Jupiter and Saturn. Kepler calculated that this event happens every almost 800 years. Means 2 previous incident occurred around 7 BC. He then wrote a book called De Stella Nova in Pede Serpentarti and linking this supernova with the birth of Christ as Laurence Suslyga calculation that Christ was born in 4 BC. In 1614 Kepler published his conclusion that the visible supernova is a supernova in 1604 was also seen in years 7 or 6 BC and was known as the Star of Bethlehem. Kepler believed that the supernova was deliberately placed the Lord to lead the wise men to meet Jesus. Against this opinion Herlianto said: It looks supernova also not suitable, because the supernova could explode and even look very bright and can last a few weeks, the data showed no star Scripture that shine so bright, except that the star seemed to directions. (Www.yabina.org)
Another theory states comet. Despite the maneuvers required in terms Christmas Star is filled with shooting stars, the various cultures comet unfortunately synonymous with bad luck or disaster. So, the comet is also not possible as the Star of Bethlehem. Another view of the star of Bethlehem is the most widely accepted is that it was a comet later called Halley's comet by the inventor Edmond Halley. About this Herlianto explanation: Comets are celestial bodies that orbit the sun through traffic on parabolic, and when it is approaching the earth it will look tail (comet) and it will seem to move in the opposite direction with a pointed tail so it looks a certain way. Commit when seen on earth can last for several weeks. Chances are, komitlah seen the Magi, especially when the presence of credible commitment as a sign of major events on Earth, such as the birth or death of a disaster or a great man. At the time of Julius Caezar seen dead carrying commit for a week. Possible star was a comet is great, because in Matthew 2:1-10, we see that the star is pointing in a direction, move and look for a few days. (Ibid). Herlianto continued: Comet that appeared at the end of 1758 until March 1759. Commit it starts recorded by Chinese astronomers in the year 239sM (Encarta), and last seen in 1986.Presence of several commits later named Halley's length range of 75 to 79 years. By taking the median of 77, calculated from 239sM year, most likely in the years around 8 BC commit Halley approach and look at the earth and being on Judea in the days of Jesus' birth. But there are also rejected allegations on the grounds that: Note the appearance of the comet does not match the birth of the Lord. For example, Halley's Comet appears in the year 11 BC, but the first Christmas occurred around 7 to 5 BC. Then if the star is seen that the Magi? We did not know for sure and that is not important. One thing for sure is that whatever the star, God has used it in such a way as to carry out His will. God has often used special celestial light to guide his people, as the glory which filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-38) and the temple (1 Kings 8:10) and the light is shining on the Apostle Paul (Acts of the Apostles 9:3). Signs indicating the presence of God as it is known as the Shekinah Glory, or the dwelling place of God. This is a special light visible manifestation of the glory of God. Some experts astronomers explanation above regarding the Star of Bethlehem is very diverse, but it all leads to one conclusion only. One thing we can conclude that the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem is one of God's grace to welcome the Savior of the world coming down to earth to save humanity is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Another theory states comet. Despite the maneuvers required in terms Christmas Star is filled with shooting stars, the various cultures comet unfortunately synonymous with bad luck or disaster. So, the comet is also not possible as the Star of Bethlehem. Another view of the star of Bethlehem is the most widely accepted is that it was a comet later called Halley's comet by the inventor Edmond Halley. About this Herlianto explanation: Comets are celestial bodies that orbit the sun through traffic on parabolic, and when it is approaching the earth it will look tail (comet) and it will seem to move in the opposite direction with a pointed tail so it looks a certain way. Commit when seen on earth can last for several weeks. Chances are, komitlah seen the Magi, especially when the presence of credible commitment as a sign of major events on Earth, such as the birth or death of a disaster or a great man. At the time of Julius Caezar seen dead carrying commit for a week. Possible star was a comet is great, because in Matthew 2:1-10, we see that the star is pointing in a direction, move and look for a few days. (Ibid). Herlianto continued: Comet that appeared at the end of 1758 until March 1759. Commit it starts recorded by Chinese astronomers in the year 239sM (Encarta), and last seen in 1986.Presence of several commits later named Halley's length range of 75 to 79 years. By taking the median of 77, calculated from 239sM year, most likely in the years around 8 BC commit Halley approach and look at the earth and being on Judea in the days of Jesus' birth. But there are also rejected allegations on the grounds that: Note the appearance of the comet does not match the birth of the Lord. For example, Halley's Comet appears in the year 11 BC, but the first Christmas occurred around 7 to 5 BC. Then if the star is seen that the Magi? We did not know for sure and that is not important. One thing for sure is that whatever the star, God has used it in such a way as to carry out His will. God has often used special celestial light to guide his people, as the glory which filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-38) and the temple (1 Kings 8:10) and the light is shining on the Apostle Paul (Acts of the Apostles 9:3). Signs indicating the presence of God as it is known as the Shekinah Glory, or the dwelling place of God. This is a special light visible manifestation of the glory of God. Some experts astronomers explanation above regarding the Star of Bethlehem is very diverse, but it all leads to one conclusion only. One thing we can conclude that the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem is one of God's grace to welcome the Savior of the world coming down to earth to save humanity is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Theory konjungi Jupiter-Saturn
's most powerful astronomical theory approach is event-Saturn conjunction of Jupiter. Throughout the year 7 BC, happened 3 times conjunctions involving Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces (Fish) starts with the first conjunction on May 29, followed by a second conjunction on October 1 and the third December 4. After that on February 6 BC, another conjunction between Mars, Jupiter and Saturn that happens every 805 years. In the first conjunction in 7 BC, Jupiter and Saturn be issued after midnight, so it will appear in the east before sunrise. In conjunction, the second, the second planet rises at sunset and will be visible all night. Interval of time in which conjunctions allow the Magi traveling from the East meet Herod, having seen his star in the east (Matthew 2:2).
's most powerful astronomical theory approach is event-Saturn conjunction of Jupiter. Throughout the year 7 BC, happened 3 times conjunctions involving Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces (Fish) starts with the first conjunction on May 29, followed by a second conjunction on October 1 and the third December 4. After that on February 6 BC, another conjunction between Mars, Jupiter and Saturn that happens every 805 years. In the first conjunction in 7 BC, Jupiter and Saturn be issued after midnight, so it will appear in the east before sunrise. In conjunction, the second, the second planet rises at sunset and will be visible all night. Interval of time in which conjunctions allow the Magi traveling from the East meet Herod, having seen his star in the east (Matthew 2:2).
It is undeniable that in the time of one's birth is often associated with certain signs in the sky. Well, at that time the conjunction of Jupiter (mag -2.5) and Saturn (mag 0.8) can be said to be a sign of the presence of the king's new ideal.Jupiter is known as the Planet of Kings (Planet of the Kings) while Saturn is known as the Protector of Jews (Protector of the Jews), gives an indication of the coming king who will protect the entire Jewish nation.
For the ancient astrologers, the constellation of Pisces (the fish) is known as the home of the Hebrews, Jupiter is the "ruler of the universe" (ruler of the universe) and Saturn is associated with the Palestinians. This gives the impression that the conjunction is a sign "King of Israel and a Ruler of the Universe about to be born in Israel" (Kings of Israel and ruler of the universe will be born in Israel). To remember and marked, Jupiter Saturn conjunction event is extremely rare, and only occurs in the time interval between 40-338 years. Surely this will be a spectacular event by people who study celestial objects and associate it with an event start. For the wise men who also recognize the history of the Jewish people and faith. This incident became a sign that the prophesied Messiah would be born and save the Jews.
"And behold, the star which they saw in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. (Matthew 2:9)
Having met Herod, the Magi to Bethlehem then headed about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) in the direction selatanYerusalem. In their observations, the star which they had seen in the East has moved ahead of them and stopped over Bethlehem. At the first meeting of Jupiter and Saturn is visible in the east after midnight, but during the second and third conjunctions (October and December of 7 BC) both would seem to be at zenith (highest point reached in the daily motion of celestial bodies) after sunset. This is why both the planet as if it stopped in the sky city of Bethlehem, the Magi signaled that the King was there, lying in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes (or shroud).
Archaeological and cultural evidence
in the original language, the word translated "in the East", en te anatole. That is, can be translated as well: "that appeared very bright". In its rising. Perhaps this reflects the terrible experience of the Magi because it is very very bright star. So is worth, that umpteen gazillion times the sun had emitted to mark the birth of "The Light of the World". Magi's search for meaning must astrologisnya.
in the original language, the word translated "in the East", en te anatole. That is, can be translated as well: "that appeared very bright". In its rising. Perhaps this reflects the terrible experience of the Magi because it is very very bright star. So is worth, that umpteen gazillion times the sun had emitted to mark the birth of "The Light of the World". Magi's search for meaning must astrologisnya.
If it is accepted that the star was a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 7 BC, then this fits the stone slab discovered in the ancient tower Zippar, on the banks of the Euphrates River. So where also well suited to the origin of the Magi said.The sound of the stone slab, in the language of ancient Babylon: mullu-BABA U KAIWANU ZIPPATI INA. Meaning: "Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation Pisces." Calculations also suitable date, December 7 BC. Archaeological evidence are also found in a papyrus from the year 42 AD, which also recorded two planet conjunctions. Now papyrus was kept in Berlin. Back to Zippar slab and its relationship with the Magi. Zippar slab was first discovered by a German scholar named P.Scanable in 1925. According Scanable, there are schools in the city Zippar Astrology famous in the days of ancient Babylon.
Lamellar Zippar KAIWANU called in the language of Babel, the term Aramnya: KAWBAH. So maybe the words of the Magi approach with translation Peshitta dialect: Geir Hazin Kawbah be Madintah. "We have seen his star rising in the East". In the process of exchange of sound, the ponetic corespondence, it commonly occurs in the study of cognate languages. Kaiwanu, becomes: Kawbah, in Aramaic. And parallel Arabic term, perhaps: Kawakib, Kawkabat. That is the same star or a star. Well, more interesting to try to trace the kalu us about is there a specific meaning in the "symbols of Babylonian Astrology". Turns out there. The stars, in Babylonian astrology sometimes identified with their neighboring nations, in addition to associated with other meanings. From the results of the study of ancient religious texts of Babylon, symbol of Pisces is the End Times, "the last days". Jupiter the biggest planet, the royal planet in Babylonian astrology, symbolizing the Ruler, the King or Ruler. While Saturn symbolizes Palestinian State. So, based on the Babylonian way of thinking, it can be interpreted astronomical phenomenon: "A king, the Lord has come in the last days, in Palestine".
Theory Conjunction Jupiter-Regulus
conjunction emerged at around the year 3 BC - 2 BC in the celebration of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. It was in September, when the Magi observe the sky, looked Jupiter began the process konjungsinya the star Regulus.
conjunction emerged at around the year 3 BC - 2 BC in the celebration of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. It was in September, when the Magi observe the sky, looked Jupiter began the process konjungsinya the star Regulus.
Regulus is derived from the Regal, the Babylonians called Regulus "Sharu", meaning king. The Romans called Rex, which also means king. And at the beginning of the Jewish year, "Planet of Kings" met with "Star of Kings". Interestingly, the time Jupiter moves opposite to the motion of stars. Motion is what we know as retrograde motion. Maybe Jupiter is retrograde motion that attract attention of the Magi, because after experiencing conjunction with the closest distance from Regulus, Jupiter entered the retrogradenya motion. But then, Jupiter changed his mind and came back and had moved closer to Regulus conjunction second. After the second meeting, Jupiter again reversed course and met for the third time with Regulus. Then there was a triple conjunction. Incidents like this are very rare, and after a few months the King Planet is seen dancing halo above Regulus. Like a coronation of the king.
"Then said one of the elders, to me:" Do not cry! Indeed, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed, that he can open the scroll and to open the seven seals. '"(Revelation 5:5)
Not only that. The meeting itself lasted Jupiter and Regulus in the constellation of Leo, the lion bearing and associated with the nation of Judah. Meanwhile, the Lion of Judah itself is symbolic of Jesus, the Messiah who will come from Judah. This natural phenomenon seemed to foreshadow the coming of the King of the Jews. This is what could be the reason of the Magi following the star to Bethlehem to see the light of Jesus. God uses everyday events commonly encountered of the Magi to bring them to Christ. Natural events associated with local beliefs conclusion will bring the birth of a king in their midst.

St. Irenaeus, who died in 202 in his "Adversus haereses" convey interpretations of the offerings brought by the Magi in the form of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh as follows: "The King, our Lord and Redeemer, who suffered, He also interpreted as a virtue, prayer and suffering.
Meaning offerings brought by the Magi is
- Gold symbolizes the baby Jesus will be King of the Court
- Frankincense symbolizes the baby Jesus would be a Priest
- Myrrh symbolizes the baby Jesus would Meti to redeem the sins of mankind
Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP
3. http://airhidup.info/wp/siapakah-orang-majus-bintang-apakah-yang-mereka-lihat/
4. http://www.christiananswers.net/indonesian/q-eden/edn-c018i.html
3. http://airhidup.info/wp/siapakah-orang-majus-bintang-apakah-yang-mereka-lihat/
4. http://www.christiananswers.net/indonesian/q-eden/edn-c018i.html
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