Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

TOMB / cemetery unique in the WORLD

Culture in a region is always different from other cultures in the region. Similarly, the manner in each cemetery each region is different. Every region in this hemisphere has different traditions vary around the funeral of the dead. Here's the story of a unique cemetery around the world.

1. Terracotta Army
Perhaps the finding of the existence of the statue of China's military is still not finished digging. Stunning terracotta army that was buried and forgotten by history, and only rediscovered in 1974. The inventor is Yang Peiyan and some farmers are working land. These findings open the veil of mystery being torn Emperor Qin Shihuang's tomb which is the first emperor of China unify China plains. China's Terracotta Army measuring 8,000 troops, and the most unique, each sculpture is unique and made ​​one by one so that no facial image of the same statue. Forces were created to protect the emperor in the afterlife.

2. Tomb Benuaq "East Kalimantan"

Visited his tribe or tribal Dayak Dayak Benuaq Bentian interior of East Kalimantan. Graves will be easy to find the side yard or the side of the road towards the village Benuaq. Benuaq graves or Bentian not like a tribe in taah first lain.ketika die they will be buried in a box in the buffering by the pole or hanging on a rope. then after some years the grave was opened again and the bones of the dead and pray for input into a permanent colonnaded box. usually each family has their graves and most of it is located next to the family home, is not common dipekuburan like most in the city or other villages.  Almost every night the music sounded the caller spirits of people who were having a ceremony Beliatn dance and healing spells for the child or for praying for the dead  

3. Cemetery Newgrage

Cemetery that is located in the Irish state is one of the buildings or monuments of pre-history of the most impressive and magnificent in the world. Built around 3300 to 2900 BC, including the mysterious tomb is very large. The building area is round like a bunker has an area of 4046 square meters with a height of 12 meters. actual building containing an array of stones are very neat and there are a number of relics of carved stone megaliths. This indicates that the solid building does have a very old age, even older than the pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge.

 4. Tana Toraja

is a cultural heritage that owned by Indonesia, which is very popular to overseas. Tana Toraja funeral rites are considered to have the most complicated in the world. Pemakamani ceremony is called the Signs Solo. Signs Solo is a traditional funeral ceremony which requires that the deceased family made ​​a party as a mark of tribute to the deceased has gone. Which makes complicated, is that ritual signs Solo has a number of levels, depending on the social strata the deceased and his family.
The most interesting thing is that when the last stage ritual signs Solo where the bodies were taken to a cliff specifically for burial. Usually the body is accompanied by a statue of the late symbol of self representation is called by the name of Tau-tau. What is surprising is that the body is stored in the cliffs just put it and miraculously never smelled a foul odoremanating.

Steep Rock Londa "Land of Toraja"
cliff side tombs is one side of the grave was in the height of the hill has a cave in which the corpse crates are regulated and are grouped based on the family line. On the other hand on the balcony.

5. Stone Lemo - Tana Toraja 
Place of burial or funeral bodies shaped holes in the wall rock. This place is the result of human creations exceptional Toraja. How not, the abode which has existed since the 16th century was made by way of sculpting. At that time, of course with very simple equipment. Lemo is located in the village (valley) Lemo. About 12 kilometers south of Rantepao or six kilometers north Makale. 
Named Lemo because some models burrow circular stone and mottled fruit resembling an orange or lime. Stone graves also called liang paa. " 
There are 75 holes in the wall rock. Some of them have statues lined the so-called tau-tau. The statues are a symbol of social standing, status, and their role as the lifetime of the local nobility. 
objects are crowded with visitors since 1960. Besides watching the stone tomb, tourists can also buy various souvenirs or walking path around the object is witnessing a ripe fruit fruit pangi browned. The fruits were ready to be processed and consumed as food typical Toraja tribe called pantollo pamarrasan. 

6. Westminster Abbey


Westminster Abbey is a very famous gothic church in London. In the building of the church was not as grand as seheboh and old buildings to another. But what makes the building built by Benedictine priest in the 10th century who is buried there. Westminster Abbey is the burial place of the kings of England and other nobles.
On development, the tomb is the last place for people such as the great English Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, Alfred Tennyson, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Ernest Rutherford. 

7. Giza Necropolis


Nothing can equal the cemetery's most majestic, large, spacious, even the most mysterious in the world besides the Giza Necropolis. Egyptian king's burial complex consists of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Pyramid of Khafre, Menkaure Pyramids, Sphinx, as well as some other small pyramids that surround it.
funeral One of the wonders of this unique triangular shape is once properly measured by a number of experts, the pyramid it just has a margin of error of 58 millimeters!

 8. Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings in Egypt that became very famous when in 1922, an expert on Egyptian culture, Howard Carter discovered and opened the tomb of Tutankhamen. This is where broke the "curse" for those who opened the tomb.Then one by one of the inventors of the ancient tomb to die with the consequences.
Due to the "curse" that the Valley of the Kings became very well known in addition to the discovery that there can be remarkable, like the gold mask of King Tut.

9. Kambira baby graves - Tana Toraja 
In Kambira still in the Tana Toraja no grave babies, a large tree hollowed out, the bodies of the baby after the embalmed and wrapped, then put into it and the hole covered with woven fibers.

10. Catacombs of Paris
Kinda hard to describe what is the meaning of the catacomb, but could be interpreted as underground passageways, often have rooms depending what the room needs to be made. Catacomb of the most famous is located in the city of Paris, France. In the 1700s, the city of Paris suffering from some sort of disease caused by lack of proper mass burial in a common grave. The city eventually decided to move all the bones into a number of halls of Paris unused.
then, be its skull bones were placed there and arranged in such a way in the hallways. Remarkable is the underground passage that used to make up the bones it is up to a length of 300 km! To maintain the authenticity of a room full of bones, the city government only allows open access to the Catacomb bit of Paris.

 11. Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo

In the area of Palermo, Italy, there is a monastery, which is quite odd funeral. The priests built the basement that is destined for burial, and the funeral is unique and not bury the corpse into the ground, but by doing the embalming process as mummy mummies were then dressed with clothes and hung on the walls of the monastery! Uniquely, the mummy could change clothes like people who are still alive, even following the trend too!
such funeral was held from the 16th century until the 19th century. And are eligible for burial in a way it is only the people who are considered leading. Last year in the 1800's in which dead-last in the mummy, the mummy 8000 already inhabited in the abbey. 

12. Taj Mahal

Here it is a symbol of a great love. Apart from being a symbol of eternal love, the Taj Mahal also be regarded as the most beautiful tomb ever built, because in it resides the tomb of Emperor Shah Jahan and his queen that he loved so much, Mumtaz Mahal.
This building is a symbol of the greatness of the Mughal dynasty was renowned in India . During the imperial Mughal dynasty, India reached the golden age, and the Taj Mahal is one proof of his greatness. In addition to proving the Mughal dynasty of wealth (use marbel stone and all perniknya a very detailed showing the extent of the wealth of the dynasty), as well as the beauty of the architecture is very charming and very symmetrical. 

13. City of the Dead in Northern Ossetia, Russia

From a distance, the valley was filled by a number of buildings and structures similar to the stone house, not far different from the villages in general in Russia. However, when observed more closely, there are awkward with these buildings. If we peep into, then we realize that it is building a termumifikasi human body with a complete outfit. According to the newspaper, in the 18th century, the area Ossetia are experiencing outbreaks of the deadly disease. Well, the family members affected by the epidemic eventually quarantined by making a special building. The building was designed so that the sick can not go anywhere, given only a small hole to put food in your room. Of course what happens is slow death because there is no adequate relief for the pain ..

14. Trunyan - Bali
As the Balinese generally, Trunyan Villagers also known cremation, but just put in a forest area. Ane there for months. 
Why dead bodies lying in the bush just does not cause odor? And naturally, still occurs decomposition of the corpses?This is the main attraction of tourists to visit tourist sites. Well, supposedly why, in the forest there is a tree known named Taru incense that can release fragrance and is able to neutralize the smell of rotting corpses. Taru means the tree was meant fragrant incense. Taru incense tree, only grows in this area. Be Tarumenyan which came to be known as Trunyan believed to be the origin of the village name.

15. Tomb Kings Imogiri - Yogyakarta 
Built around the year 1632 by Sultan Agung, the greatest king of the Islamic Mataram, building tombs over Hindu-style building. The gate of the tomb made of red bricks without cement Bentar shaped temple. Entering the tomb of the kings of Mataram obviously not the same as entering the public cemetery. to enter the tomb of Sultan Agung, in addition to wear traditional Javanese, we must remove footwear, also had to go through three gates.
Even that can be directly pilgrimage to tomb of the king was limited to the immediate family of any king or other people who got special permission from the Sultan of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
Therefore, ordinary pilgrims who are not ready to wear traditional Javanese clothes, forced to only be able to see the first gate made ​​of teak wood carved and inscribed centuries-old Javanese script, with old-fashioned door latch and padlock.
Only the caretaker of the cemetery can be gate open. If after all the ordinary people could see the "content" behind the first gate, that was when the kingdom comes, the gates opened wide, and the public could look a bit before the gate was closed. Curiosity is also causing grave mystery Mataram kings maintained.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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