Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Calendar 'Doomsday' Maya 21 DECEMBER 2012

Causes of false predictions about the end of the count begins in the Mayan calendar ends on December 21. So the issue is growing about the end result no longer dating after that. Indeed, the Mayan calendar will have the most recent annual cycle after December 21. So only the end of the course, just as we saw in the AD calendar that always ends after December 31.
So, exactly how to read the calendar tribes living in Central America and South America? Maya tribes create their own mathematical system. They use a bunch of dots and dashes to identify numbers. One point is equal to one unit, then a single line with five units. Lastly there are shells that reflect zeros.

If the number is above 10, should be read down or vertical. Unlike the latin number that reads right or horizontal. For number 27, for example, in the writings of the Maya will see three black dots forming a triangle and a line. That is, a single line is worth five, then two dots on it is worth two. Finally, one point in the second row means tens of second, which means 20. Mayan mathematical system for the 10 to 19 using two lines and dots. So, for 12 there will be two lines and two points, 18 there will be three rows and three points. The use of different figures with the symbol for the Mayan calendar.
Cycle calendar tribes who often live in the plateau region is using Tzolk'in calendar system. A basic cycle of the Mayan calendar which operated for 260 days to one cycle. One theory that explains why there are 260 days related to the duration of the alleged birth. Another source said that the length of the day in the Mayan calendar cycle relates to the length of time to plant corn.
In the Mayan calendar, there are 20 days per month is symbolized by the image named glyps. For the month, there are 13 numbers with symbols called tones. Through Tzolk'in calendar, the Mayans believed there is a relationship between a person's date of birth and character. It's like astrology believed modern humans.
People also use the sacred Mayan Tzolk'in calendar to organize religious ceremonies. At the beginning of each month, a Mayan shaman will determine when the rituals and ceremonies began. He then chose the date is expected to be the most profitable and prosperous society.

3 Piece Calendar
Calendar Tzolk'in assessed is inaccurate because it does not adhere to the velocity of the solar system. So the Mayans did not only have one calendar, there Haab calendars and calendar circle. Haab calendar is similar to the Gregorian calendar used by humans today.

Illustration Tzolk'in calendar /

The Maya developed an almanac is based on the solar cycle, and is used for agricultural activities, economics, and accounting. Each month there are 20 days and each year there are 18 months, a total of 360 days.
Mayan astronomers realized that 360 days is not enough for the sun through one cycle. They debated whether to follow the cycle Haab calendar as accurate as possible or not. Therefore, the Mayan mathematicians disagree. They wanted something simple, such as the division months 20 days according to the mathematical system. Finally, an agreement was reached was 18 months with 20 days, along with five additional days without a name.
The Maya continued to clean up in the affairs of astronomy. Not satisfied with the Haab and Tzolk'in, the nation is developing calendar circle, a combination of the two previous calendar. In this calendar, 260 days in the Tzolk'in calendar and 360 days compared with five days without the name of the Haab calendar. As a result, a calendar circle with 18,890 unique names for 52 years.
At that time, a calendar calendar circle longest in Meso-America. Apparently not the last calendar circle. The development led to the almanac about long count calendar. Calendar is designed for a time during 5125, 36 years, a time period that refers to the great cycle. Long count calendar is divided into five units. One day (kin), 20 days (uinal), 360 days (tun), 7,200 days (cotton), and 144 thousand days (baktun).
British anthropologist, Sir Eric Thompson, tried to convert the Maya calendar to the Gregorian calendar, known as the Thompson Correlation. The scientists then gathered to determine a suitable date as the date of the beginning of the Mayan calendar cycle, ie 13 August 3114 BC.
In recent years, there is one interpretation of the long count calendar. On December 21, 2012, version of the Gregorian calendar read as in the long count calendar. This figure is considered as the end of the cycle. There is no Mayan inscriptions mentioning that doomsday occurs when the cycle ends.
Events related to space is the position of the sun. For the first time in 25,800 years, the sun will align with the galactic center, galaxy. This event, according to the astronomers, it will not affect the Earth. Clearly, the new cycle Mayan calendar is still running

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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