Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Most Odd Creatures In 2012

The discovery is an unusual phenomenon and rarely known by humans, the findings provide knowledge to people about something. Not infrequently, sometimes a finding in nature a wonderful thing but it is a natural phenomenon. What are the most curious findings throughout the year 2012? From some information that has been summarized by, there are dozens of strange findings. However, some of whom belong to the most bizarre. Here's the description.

Animals have 750 feet
Species Illacme plenipes be one of the strangest species discovered in 2012. Only 3 cm body length, this animal has 750 legs. This creature supposedly living since 200 million years ago, when Africa was joined by California in mainland Pangaea. If the people of Java called animal millipede. Perhaps because the first count and difficulty immediately said amount segabai thousand feet picture that much. But what is remarkable is the inventor of Species Illacme plenipes sempatnya really could count the number of legs legs! salud deh ...

Amphibians shaped penis
Scientists found the creature shaped like a snake into the category of reptiles, but is a true amphibian. Morphology was similar to male genitalia aka penis. The species is named Atretochoana eiselti. The phenomenal is more in the form of morphology. Hopefully then later on you or I accidentally discovered a strange creature for example of amphibians shaped genitals or crickets or other ciliated. For that you please advise us care about the environment and "brusukan" (java) to the forests around you.

DNA-eating creaturesScientists have found that some of the creatures named bdelloidea DNA was derived from bacteria. According to the hypothesis of scientists, the creature takes DNA to survive without a reproductive mating. Actually, these findings are very interesting questions many questions that arise when we first read the information tentantang-eating creature DNA.You can imagine how dangerous if bdelloidea bacteria live and grow. There will be a DNA mutation or anything worse, considering living things is a collection of DNA and

Pouch semar rat-eating
species semar latest bag found in the Philippines. Nepenthes attenboroughii, the name of the species, a bag semar relatives in Borneo, Nepenthes rajah. Its amazing, this could take the bag semar rats, mice with the enzyme destroys the body's digestion. As we know that plants are plants carnivorous pockets semar animals eating animals such as insects, but if it can take the logic rat is still a nature, but what is clear is the size Kontong Semar is great so it could devour rats.

Mice without molars
This species was discovered by researchers Biology Research Center at Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Anang Setiawan Achmadi, in collaboration with other researchers. Mice without this wisdom inhabit Sulawesi. The presence of these species suggests that the evolutionary process is not always progress, but it can turn around. But what must be understood is that every evolution that occurs constantly adapts to environmental conditions that evolved creatures. For example, when a creature normally eat grass because their environment where sparse grass then over time the creature will eat food other than grass in the area. This kind of adaptation to environmental conditions. Related to mice without wisdom may be the area where the rat lived to make ends meet do not need a jaw, so as not or rarely used the graham function was changed.

Fish with "penis" four pronged
monster with a forked penis genitalia similar four was called Gambusia quadruncus. Scientists said forked penis is useful to help overcome obstacles when males transfer sperm to the female sex has a protective structure. Wow this enormous appetite of fish that he ... he ... just imagine if it occurs in humans!! welwh welwh are in trouble ya .....
Penguin body fucked
Sexuality penguin surprising scientists. These animals apparently likes fucking body. Scientists do not yet know whether this behavior is deliberate or due penguin females can not distinguish living and dead. What is clear, according to the views of scientists, like the position of the female die when reproducing. Previously, penguin known to have sexual coercion, and homosexual behavior. Not only penguin that there are people who are also doing such act. Intercourse with a corpse? hiii scary

Catfish-eating pigeon
In December 2012, scientists found strange behavior glanis Silurus species. Types of catfish from the river area was capable of eating pigeon French. Lele moved closer to the mainland, snap out most his body from the water, grabbed the dove and brought it into the water to eat. This behavior was found by the catfish and made the scientists shocked.My conclusion is that starving catfish so that when there are pigeons on the edge of the pool then immediately ambushed, were it located on the banks of the river is probably the lion lion will merasakah the same thing with the pigeon

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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