Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Strange discovery for Dealing with Global Warming

While limiting emissions is the best way to stop global warming, researchers around the world are trying to find more efficient ways to save our planet from destruction is not far ends if global carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase at the same rate. Awareness of the environment has certainly caused a lot of discovery, consumption of energy-saving technologies and alternative energy sources. Below are 7 of the most amazing discovery for Global Warming.


Global warming is not only the increase in global temperatures but also have taken the coastal areas. Flooding problems and a shortage of housing at the same time has led to the development of a unique houseboat.
Houses like this first coined by the company Dura Vermeer and installed in Maasbommel beach town in 2007. They consist of a hollow cube that gives them upthrust and allow them to float on water. Floating homes can hold up to five meter rise in sea level.

2. Artificial Glaciers
Developing countries such as India-based agriculture is entirely dependent on the rain and the river. The rivers in India, Peru, Chile, etc., and many countries depend glacier with glacier melting is a big problem for States Agriculture. To overcome this problem the concept of creating an artificial glacier has been given by Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Ladakh region of North India. This artificial glaciers provide water in the summer.
Glaciers are created by collecting water into a shallow pool was blocked by a rocky embankment. The water in the pond frozen by lowering the temperature of the ice sheets to form. When summer comes it melts and the water used to grow crops. Largest artificial glacier the size of a meter wide and 45 kilometers.

3. Heat and Drought Resistant Plants
It is not difficult for people to survive in the scorching heat but it is impossible for the plant to survive in such conditions.Researchers using selective plant breeding methods to adapt to the climatic conditions. Behavior and characteristics of drought tolerant species studied carefully and their features added to the crops by genetic engineering.
Researchers have experimented with turnips and corn, and plant samples iklik heat tolerance of 40 per cent better than conventional varieties. Similarly, tests conducted on wheat in Egypt that claimed to use one-eighth of the water used by conventional wheat.

4. Power Skyscraper
A unique building was designed by architect David Fisher in Dubai, in which each floor can rotate on a central axis independent of the other floors of the building. Building form is constantly changing with its floor rotation. The building is equipped with environmentally friendly wind turbines between each floor that generate large amounts of energy to power 10 similar sized buildings. After designing green buildings for Dubai, Fisher is designing a tower similar to London, New York and Moscow.

5. Terraced farming
Producing plants closer to customers and using efficient techniques to reduce water waste and other resources are used for agriculture. Dickson Despommier at Columbia University in New York City revealed that 80 percent of the land available for agriculture is already in use and to feed more people by 2050, we need to produce crops on farms in Skyscraper.
Solar power systems will be used to grow crops, and there will be provision for recycling water and waste in a natural way. The plant will be safe from floods and droughts, and the required amount of irrigation can be given.

6. AC-powered Sun
The increase in high temperatures in Australia have made a very hot summer and unbearable. Similarly there is a huge demand for air conditioning equipment in California. Mike Dennis, an engineer at the Australian National University have found an eco-friendly air conditioning concept that works on solar energy.
This design is highly efficient and provides maximum cooling effect when the sun is at its peak. It also provides hot water that can be used for other household purposes. Compressed air spray cooling with thermal energy out of the jets, and the heat lost in this process as the refrigerant evaporates.

7. Floating City

We have discussed the floating houses, similar to the concept of thinking to put a floating city was created. Cities like Sydney, New York, London, Jakarta (Maybe) to be invested huge amount on flood defense hopes to create cities like floating.
Innovative and ingenious concept has been given by the Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut and is believed to be a long term solution. Ocean city can accommodate up to 50,000 refugees and could generate electricity using a variety of renewable sources, including wind, wave and solar heat.

Regards, Dwi Hartoyo, SP


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